
  Chapter 128 Release Mission

Rhodes came outside the tent and saw the first thing in front of the tent. ghost.

The ghost that led Rhodes to the camp still stopped here, but it did not have any restrictions on the undead mage in front of him.

Rhodes knows that this ghost is related to the senior undead mage who is in charge of the entire camp. As long as he does not make abnormal actions, such as escaping here with gold coin and treasure, the ghost will not treat himself. what impact.

Therefore, Rhodes looked away and looked towards the undead mage who was waiting at the door.

In Rhodes' line of sight, the undead mage stood loosely at a distance from each other. Many undead mage are accompanied by some undead creatures. In Rhodes' sight, there are even walking corpses made of fighting dwarves.

At this time, seeing Rhodes coming outside the camp, the undead mage, who was on guard against each other, turned his attention to Rhodes at the same time.

Rhodes didn't say any unnecessary nonsense, and said directly to them: "Tell them your strength, and I will give you a suitable task."

Hear this sentence , the surrounding undead mage suddenly sighed in relief. The Dark Raven messenger who was responsible for releasing tasks in the past was extremely extreme.

Originally, these undead mage were still guessing how the person who succeeded the Dark Raven messenger would issue the quest. After hearing this sentence from Rhodes, they had an answer in their hearts.

The undead mage, surrounded by several dwarf walking corpses, took the lead and said to Rhodes: "I am the official undead mage, please send me a suitable task."

At this time, the official undead mage continued: "I hope you won't go too far like the previous Dark Raven messenger. If you didn't start early, I couldn't stand a few more missions."

Rhodes turned his attention to the undead mage, who was also the strongest in Rhodes' perception.

Perhaps observing Rhodes' battle method in previous battles, the undead mage was not very polite to the new Rhodes.

Rhodes did not doubt the strength of the undead mage, and said to the undead mage: "I have other arrangements for your mission, and you need to wait until the end."

At this time , an undead mage came to Rhodes and said with a low body: "Senior apprentice, if you can, please give me a simple task."

Speaking, the apprentice took out A bag of gold coins to Rhodes.

Rhodes took over and put the gold coin into the space ring. According to his request, he provided a simple task of investigating intelligence. This task does not even require him to fight, but the reward is naturally higher than normal. Fewer tasks.

Seeing this situation, the surrounding undead mage no longer waited, and came to Rhodes to whisper their strength, and Rhodes, according to their corresponding strength, will be obtained from the crystal ball. The tasks in one after another are assigned.

What Rhodes did was to tell them the general situation of the task. As for the details and rewards of the task, Rhodes needed to communicate with the consciousness in the crystal ball through the badge again, in order to communicate it to the rest of the undead. mage's badge.

With the release of the Rhodes quest, the surrounding undead mage left immediately after receiving the quest, and the number was significantly reduced. In the end, only the official undead mage left before, with an older looking mage. One-eyed undead mage.

Rhodes has given out a quest to the one-eyed undead mage. However, the one-eyed undead mage did not leave, but said to Rhodes with a smile: "Lord Courier, can you change me to an easier task? I remember that after you issue the task, you can make certain changes, right? ”

In the eyes of the one-eyed undead mage, no matter whether the undead mage gave extra gold coin Rhodes or not, they looked quite satisfied after receiving the task. Therefore, the one-eyed undead mage in front of him thinks that Rhodes has not understood the rules here.

For the sake of his strength, the one-eyed undead mage made his request directly to Rhodes, without any intention of spending gold coins.

Looking at the one-eyed undead mage in front of him, Rhodes recalled that the mission he had originally given him should be to investigate the existence of several marked common villages in Eri. If the villages still exist, then destroy it.

For the one-eyed undead mage, this task is not very difficult on the surface, but since the territory of Eri has been prepared for war at this time, the ordinary person in the village has already fled to a large nearby town, and then Combined with the enemies you may encounter along the way, the difficulty of this mission does not match the reward.

Rhodes said: "I do have a simple task here, but it doesn't seem to be suitable for you, and the reward for the task is not much."

The one-eyed undead mage said repeatedly: "It's okay. , as long as it's a simple task."

After listening to his request, Rhodes nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll change your task."

" In the northeast, there are quite a few dwarf villages, there seems to be some changes there, you need to go to one of the villages, collect information, see what happened there, and record the situation.”

"Compared to your original mission, this mission is obviously much simpler."

After finishing speaking, Rhodes ignored the one-eyed undead mage in front of him, and instead looked towards the one he left behind. The official undead mage.

Seeing that Rhodes didn't take care of himself anymore, the one-eyed undead mage could only leave.

Because of waiting for a long time, the official undead mage was obviously a little impatient. Looking at Rhodes, the official undead mage said: "You'd better tell me what is special about the task left to me."

Rhodes said: "According to your strength, I believe that you are not willing to do some exploration tasks that apprentices do. Such tasks, whether they are rewards or things that can be obtained in the task, are impossible for you to do. Satisfaction."

"I'm keeping you because I'm going to release you a special mission. You won't be prompted by Academy badges during this mission, but this mission rewards ten Abundant."

"After completing it, you can get three treasures as a reward, and after taking this quest, you can immediately receive a treasure, I believe you will definitely accept this quest."

Listening to Rhodes' words, the official undead mage in front of him was obviously attracted by the rewarded treasure, and motioned Rhodes to continue the mission requirements.

"In the territory of Eri, a group of centaurs belonging to Dia has appeared, and they are relying on the raid to slaughter the rest of the races in the territory of Eri."

"You All you have to do is follow the trail of these undead centaurs, try to meet their commanders, and explore their purpose."

(end of this chapter)

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