
  Chapter 1303 Island II

After discovering the movement flaws of the ghostly sea monster, Rhodes took a moment to fell into silence.

Even if he masters the gate of different dimensions, Rhodes can hardly use the ghost sea monster to help him defeat the enemy in the main plane. The speed of the ghost sea monster is undoubtedly its biggest flaw on land. , with a slightly higher speed attribute, you can escape directly when you see a ghost sea monster.

As for the ocean in the main plane, the ghost sea monster may be able to play a role, but unfortunately Rhodes did not focus on the ocean in the main plane, the ocean in the Water Element plane is what Rhodes likes s position.

Perhaps only some creatures that are equally huge and difficult to move are worthy of the Nether Sea Monster, but Rhodes could not imagine such an existence for a while.

The speed of the ghost sea monster is relatively slow. Compared with its own huge size, the ghost sea monster will not be much slower than ordinary low-level creatures.

Under the constant progress, the ghost sea monster landed on the island, and Rhodes also saw the creatures living there. It was a creature that Rhodes was familiar with, a human being not much different from the main plane.

These human beings wear simple and simple robes, not like the mage of the main plane, they like to hang various pendants all over their bodies, at most they just tattoo some mysticism on the surface of the robes The patterns, according to Rhodes' mastery of mysticism, represent water in the four elements of magic.

In the face of the incoming ghost sea monster, these mage responded immediately, and the ice arrows condensed in their hands, and shot towards the ghost sea monster rapidly.

In the Water Element plane, Water Element magic has also become the first choice for these mages. Except for Water Element magic, any other kind of spell will be suppressed to a certain extent here, and cannot cause the original The effect of mage with inexperience in casting spells cannot release other types of magic at all.

For the powerful sorcerer, this limitation undoubtedly puts them at a disadvantage. The spell types that mage can cast are always the more the better. When they are on the Water Element plane, these mage It is even difficult to practice other kinds of spells, and over time, they will naturally not be able to overcome the mage in the main plane.

Being in the Water Element plane, the advantage is that under the blessing of the Plane Rule, these mages are more handy for the Water Element magic, even if it is just an ice arrow shot by a mage apprentice, it also appears Extremely sharp.

Unfortunately, in the face of the ghostly sea monsters whose bodies can resist magic, the spells they displayed failed to produce the desired effect.

The ice arrow hit the skin of the ghost sea monster, in addition to bursting out a burst of ice flowers, it brought bursts of cold accidents, and even failed to cause any damage to the huge sea monster in front of him.

This move by mage undoubtedly angered the ghost sea monster on the move. It frantically waved its tentacles, trying to sweep everything around, and a few mage who couldn't dodge, just like that. Rolled up by the tentacles, the flesh and blood were mixed with the skeleton, and the body was smashed into pieces.

Looking at what was happening in front of him, Rhodes didn't mean to take action, he was still waiting for the Lord to appear. Rhodes believes that on this island, there must be a Legendary mage, or an existence of the same level.

On the other hand, Vera looked at the corpse thrown away by the ghost sea monster with some regret. The skeleton was destroyed into such a corpse. According to Vera's Soul Evocation Technique at this time, there was no way to deal with it. to convert.

"Stop, wicked creature! Go back to the deep sea that belongs to you! You will not be offended here!"

While the ghostly sea monsters continued to move forward, and cleaned up When the surrounding mage was in the way, Rhodes heard such a voice.

The angry rebuke mixed in with the mage's cries was naturally extremely harsh, and Rhodes immediately noticed the sound.

Rhodes moved towards the direction where the voice came from with interest, and saw a woman in a blue robe, blocking the path of the ghost sea monster, the strong imposing emanating from her body. In terms of manners, she is the Legendary mage stationed here.

Behind her, there were three high-level mages with the same strong imposing manner. I think this is the greatest strength that can be exerted here.

The words spoken by the Legendary mage are the common language used in the main plane, which is consistent with the mage in Bracada, there is no language barrier between communication, Rhodes can It is easy to understand the meaning of her words.

To Rhodes' surprise, after hearing her voice, the ghost sea monster stopped attacking for a while, and at the same time had a tendency to turn and retreat, Rhodes hurriedly used spiritual imprint to control the ghost sea monster's movement. Every move.

Looking at the Legendary mage standing in front of the ghost sea monster, Rhodes' eyes became solemn, and she didn't know what method she used to command the ghost sea monster, which had already become an undead creature, if it weren't for the spiritual imprint. The control is stronger, and the ghost sea monster will even leave.

"We are not from the deep sea." Seeing the Lord appearing, Rhodes said loudly, "We came from the main plane."

"The main plane?" Rhodes on the body of the ghost sea monster, Legendary mage showed an unbelievable look in his eyes.

"nonsense, where is my Death Knight? Did you imprison him? I can sense he's still alive." Rhodes solemnly asked.

In Rhodes' perception, the spiritual imprint belonging to Death Knight Kane did not dissipate, but at the same time it was not active, losing all the characteristics of previous spiritual imprints.

In this state, Rhodes can't get the information on Kane's side from Kane's spiritual imprint, and also imperceptible to Kane's specific location, only know that he is on this island somewhere.

Even at this time, Rhodes had never experienced such a situation. He didn't know what happened to Kane, but this special spiritual imprint state attracted Rhodes' attention.

Rhodes realized that at this time, Kane's consciousness was likely to fall into silence, just like Vita before, and he didn't know what methods those mages used.

Seeing Rhodes say this, Legendary mage also understands his purpose: "So you are with that man. You have turned your back on the will of the gods, fallen sorcerer, no matter where you come from, you deserve to be punished. ."

Rhodes coldly snorted, the words of this female Legendary mage, sounded like the usual tone of those in the magic guild, thinking that she would be extremely speculative with those in the magic guild .

"It seems that you don't want to tell me his whereabouts. It doesn't matter, I believe that there will always be someone willing to tell me on the island."

Speaking, Rhodes put his waist down. The blade was taken out, and the electric light began to spread on the surface of the blade: "When I solve you, I will personally interrogate those mage."

(end of this chapter)

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