
  Chapter 1313 Hinders

Sensing the anomaly, Rhodes turned away before he could think about it. , looked behind him, waved the blade in his hand at the same time, turned back and stabbed out.

By teleportation, a mage appeared behind Rhodes.

This mage looks very young, with a slightly green face. When looking towards Rhodes, he even looks a little scared, but in his eyes, there is a will that ordinary people can't understand. Awareness of death.

The moment he noticed the mage's appearance, Rhodes realized something was wrong, but he couldn't hold back the piercing blade.

The Titan arrow in Rhodes' hand pierced into the mage's chest in an instant, penetrating from behind him, however, the sword that pierced from his back did not stain any Blood, and some are just the constant cold air.

The mage, who was seriously wounded, did not die immediately. Losing all his strength, he was unable to cast spell, and could only lift his hand and firmly grasp Rhodes' robe.

In this case, Rhodes was unable to teleport, let alone the Titan's Arrow's blade, which was still stuck on mage's body, and Rhodes was naturally impossible to give up his weapon.

While Rhodes tried to activate the lightning attached to the Divine Item and shattered the mage's body in one fell swoop, the mage's body changed first.

With the wild vibration of the Water Element magic element, the mage's body exploded from the inside, just like the explosion of the broken ice wall before this, the difference is that the last time it exploded. The carrier is a lifeless ice wall, but the carrier that exploded this time was the mage killed by Rhodes.

Mage used the body as a carrier to achieve this spell, which was effective. Rhodes, who was unprepared, was in the center of the explosion and could not dodge at all.

After the explosion, Rhodes' figure appeared not far away. At this time, Rhodes looked very bad. The robe on his body was broken, revealing a bone-like body, which was originally hard. His skeleton was also full of cracks at this time, especially the ribs on both sides, which were even more fragmented.

Although Rhodes performed teleportation the moment he pulled out the Titan's arrow, he was still affected by the explosion and suffered a lot of damage.

Fortunately, Rhodes at this time was using a body that was not afraid of any damage.

The energy of death gathers around Rhodes, recovering the injuries on his body, with the blessing of Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, with the body endowed by the endless night ceremony, Rhodes at this time is not afraid of any degree damage.

Even so, Rhodes has a high opinion of the battle method chosen by mage.

When the mage chose to give up his life and attacked Rhodes in this way, Rhodes couldn't react at all. According to common sense, only those magic assassins would appear behind him by teleportation. instead of a real mage.

Fortunately, Rhodes was not seriously injured at this time, only the damage to his health. With the repair of death energy, it will not be long before he can recover as before. The end of this battle will not be the same. Changed because of that mage's actions.

Another familiar wave of spatial mana came from behind Rhodes. Rhodes naturally wouldn't be fooled twice by the same trick.

Rhodes' figure was instantly disappeared after sensing the presence of this teleportation aura. The next moment, Rhodes crossed the middle barrier and appeared in the group of mage behind.

It was also a teleportation. After realizing the means of these mages, Rhodes did not wait any longer and went directly to the center of the group of mages.

The cloud of death exuding an ominous aura spread rapidly from Rhodes' body, drowning the surrounding mage in an instant. Rhodes, who appeared suddenly, did not give these mage any reaction time, and released his own most powerful mage. Deadly wide range spell.

The dark cloud filled the outside of the cave in an instant and continued to spread to the inside, submerging the mage all around. When Rhodes did not count the consumption of mana, the cloud of death released was enough. Shocked all undead mage.

In Rhodes' perception, with the shroud of black clouds, the mana fluctuations all around gradually subsided, and there is no longer any breath belonging to the mage. What rises is an extremely rich death energy.

The special rules of the Water Element plane did not suppress the Death Cloud cast by Rhodes too much. Compared with the main plane, the effect of the dark clouds released by Rhodes is not much different.

Except for Rhodes, the clouds of death released by those undead kings do not have this effect. Under the unique rules of the Water Element plane, the clouds of death released by the undead kings are not even better. The cloud of death cast by ordinary corpse witches in the upper plane has a big gap.

Rhodes naturally noticed this. The intensity of the death cloud is determined by the Soul Evocation Technique level of the releaser. The death cloud released by Rhodes is transformed from the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, which is a level that those corpse witches cannot reach anyway. .

Rhodes discovered this when he first came to the plane of Water Element.

Rhodes realized that the cloud of death he cast was not suppressed by the Plane Rule, perhaps it was related to his Soul Evocation Technique level, the special skills of the Divine Grade, even the Plane Rule, could not limit.

Divine Grade's special skills were originally not something that Rhodes, a creature of the First Rank, could master. Even in previous games, Rhodes had never heard of a player who could master it. Rhodes still needs to slowly discover how effective the special skills of the level are.

Relying on the effect of the special skills of Divine Grade, Rhodes can resist the suppression of the plane to a certain extent, which Rhodes will remember deeply.

In the Water Element plane, it belongs to the special skill of Divine Grade, which can ensure that the power of the death cloud is not reduced. Once the Water Element plane is replaced with other environments, this unique effect can still be If it works, it will undoubtedly help Rhodes a lot.

In addition to the suppression of the plane, many suppression effects for ordinary special skills also cannot take effect on the special skills of Divine Grade.

Just as Rhodes was feeling the change of death energy, and by the way, when the transformation of undead creatures was carried out, the mage that was originally blocking the front of the cave had already died, and only Rhodes was left outside the entire cave. , and a large number of crimson-eyed corpse kings.

In the perception, the breath belonging to Kane still exists in the cave, in the prison used to imprison the sorcerer. Upon seeing this, Rhodes no longer waited, and quickly moved towards the cave.

(end of this chapter)

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