
  Chapter 1317 Zarion I

Carefully looked at the attributes panel, the various attributes belonging to Zarion Rhodes couldn't help but feel a bit stumped after the item attribute.

Without the normal creatures of the hero template, the attribute is naturally incomparable to the former Rhodes.

However, in this world, heroes can be regarded as being in ten-thousand does not have one. The creatures of the overwhelming majority do not have the growth potential of heroes. They just spend their time as ordinary creatures. In their lifetime, their attributes are naturally much weaker than heroes of the same rank. This is more obvious when the rank is higher.

In addition to the extra awakening of hero specialties, Rhodes from the very beginning has the same growth potential as real heroes, which is also the convenience brought by the system.

According to Rhodes' estimate, with this body's trifling health of 40 points, I'm afraid that it can't even take a light blow from its own body, not to mention the Titan's Arrow whose basic damage is as high as 240 points. , Zarion's health, and even only a fraction of the Titan's arrow damage.

In this fantasy world, Rhodes can only use the body of ordinary Second Rank creatures. Although Rhodes won't complain too much, he still feels a little bit of trouble. This body is more difficult than him. The imagination is even weaker. I am afraid that Rhodes will not be able to deal with a slightly stronger enemy.

Rhodes at this time just wants to find Kane as soon as possible and wake up his consciousness so that he can leave this body.

In the system log, except for the information related to the attribute, there is no hint about the task, which is also different from the last time in the illusion.

Rhodes didn't know what he had to do to wake Kane up. He came to the fantasy world and had no clue for a while. He didn't know where Kane was on the ship, and maybe even simply wasn't on the ship.

Just as Rhodes was checking his basic attributes, the burly crew member had also walked out of the cabin and came to Rhodes with a dinner plate in his hand.

"These should meet the requirements of that mage, take them."

hearing this, Rhodes took the covered dinner plate from his hands, With the body still intact, Rhodes could smell the scents that belonged to food.

Still silent, Rhodes nodded

, took the plate, and walked along the deck towards the stern.

Although he didn't get any memories belonging to Zarion, Rhodes could vaguely sense the concentration of magical elements nearby.

Rhodes found that the location with the most magical elements on the entire boat was near the stern of the boat. With this, Rhodes found the location of the mage on the boat.

The perception of magical elements is a compulsory course for all sorcerers. Although this body is extremely low-level, it still possesses this basic ability.

Walking along the deck, Rhodes checked the information in the attribute panel again, this time, Rhodes was keenly aware of the anomaly.

What kind of mage, after mastering the intermediate mysterious operation, still fails to master even the wisdom of the primary level?

For orthodox mage, the main effect of mysterious technique is reflected in spell ceremony, and passively increase mana recovery. That's what should be mastered.

Only those mages who also practice black magic, or real magicians, will put the learning of mysterious magic first, and the overwhelming majority of magic needs mysterious magic as the basis for their ability. cast.

These circumstances undoubtedly made Rhodes discover some anomalies. The mage on the boat was probably not as simple as Rhodes thought.

Without finding any trace of Kane, the only thing Rhodes can do is to keep himself from revealing any anomalies, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

In the process of moving forward, Rhodes simply searched his body and found a self-protection dagger that is not sharp. For the mage apprentice, this is undoubtedly a weapon that can be used in an emergency. .

Apart from this, Rhodes also found a shell, which should be regarded as a special item according to the system's instructions.

Soon, Rhodes came to a separate cabin, which is also the place with the most magical elements in the whole ship.

Not in a hurry to get into the cabin, Rhodes began to experiment with himself, and it was about Soul Evocation Technique.

Rhodes, who has mastered the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, has a unique understanding of this special skill that is exclusive to the undead mage.

Rhodes' comprehension of Soul Evocation Technique can be said to surpass all creatures in the main plane, even those Lich who have been studying Soul Evocation Technique all the year round, no one can master Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique.

Because of this, recalling the various knowledge in Soul Evocation Technique, Rhodes tried to reproduce this special skill only belonging to the undead mage on the body belonging to Zarion. The existence of special skills will bring great help to Rhodes.

Recalling the knowledge belonging to the undead mage was not as smooth as Rhodes thought. His mind seemed to be covered with a layer of fog.

It's not just the Soul Evocation Technique, any spell mastered by Rhodes can't be reproduced on this body belonging to Zarion, which is also the most basic rule in fantasy.

However, Rhodes has no intention of giving up. The Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique he once mastered has gone beyond the general rules. Even the rules from the Water Element plane cannot limit the special skills of this level, which gives Rhodes a sense of confidence.

Continuing to think about the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, soon, bursts of mutations began to appear near Rhodes' current body.

Intense energy of death poured out of Rhodes uncontrollably, but soon Rhodes suppressed the spread of death energy.

Looking at the attribute panel, there is a Soul Evocation Technique in the special skills column that Zarion has mastered.

It's just that the Soul Evocation Technique that appears in the attribute panel at this time is only at the primary level and cannot play a big role. It can only be considered better than nothing, and has little impact on the overall strength of Rhodes.

After obtaining the primary level Soul Evocation Technique, Rhodes only felt that his consciousness was blurred for a while, and his ability to control his body weakened a lot, and he almost couldn't continue to stay awake in the environment. This is not good news.

Let Zaryen in the illusion master the Soul Evocation Technique at the most primary level, which is also the limit Rhodes can do with the help of the Divine Grade Summoning Technique. Soul Evocation Technique, I am afraid that Rhodes will be forced to withdraw from the illusion as soon as Rhodes is mastered by Zarion.

After discovering this, Rhodes did not try any further, and under the suppression of the rules of the fantasy world, he could only act according to the rules.

(end of this chapter)

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