
  Chapter 1325 Sylvia II

“What is that?”

Looking at the monster appearing below the deck, a pirate who witnessed the death of his companion screamed.

Drilling out from below the deck is a monster that these pirates have never seen before. It has a bloated and fat purple body, and the flesh and organs are mixed together, and it is impossible to see how it works. Unimaginable How can such a body exist, it reveals the size of the deck, even larger than several ogre combined.

The twisted and tough tentacles stretched out from the monster's body, and there were sharp and sharp bone spurs on the side. The pale mist shrouded the entire body of the monster, making it look unreal.

Even though pirates who have sailed through countless Sea Territory, experienced and knowledgeable, have never seen a monster like this, a monster in such a shape has already surpassed the cognition of ordinary creatures, and it is impossible to form it naturally.

As soon as the monster appeared, it looked towards the surrounding pirates and launched a fierce attack. The pirates counterattacked, and they couldn't even destroy the monster's skin.

Faced with the gathered pirates, the monster even spit out a cloud of pale mist. All the pirates who were touched by the mist fell into deep weakness, unable to exert any strength. He could only watch his skin lose its activity, as if it were decades old.

The monster that suddenly appeared below the deck caused heavy losses to the original pirates in an instant. Ordinary pirates, relying only on the weapons in their hands, were simply unable to resist such monsters.

Bright lightning, piercing the pale cloud and mist, hit the monster's body, and a blood mist burst out on the purple red body.

The one who unleashed this lightning bolt was Kurterry on the side. Known as "Thunder's Fury", the moment he realized something was wrong, he used his best spell.

The lightning struck the monster's body, but the monster did not fall down as Kotteri expected. It waved its tentacles and rolled the bodies of the dead pirates around.

In an instant, the monster's body became huge again, and the injury left by the lightning was restored to its original state, and no trace of injury could be seen.

The scene in front of them shocked many pirates. They clung to the weapons in their hands and didn't know how to defeat this monster.

"What did you do?" Seeing the appearance of monster, causing heavy losses to his subordinates, Sylvia immediately asked Kane.

"I didn't do anything, wasn't I being held by you?" Kane also noticed the monster appearing in front of him, then his face sank, and he answered without fear.

"Damn." Sylvia cursed angrily and threw Kane on the ground with his backhand.

Kane's body had a close contact with the still intact deck. Just as he was about to get up from the deck, his head was firmly pressed by something cold and hard.

"I'll ask you one last time." Stepping on Kane and cutting his cheek with a machete, Sylvia asked in a cold voice: "Golden crown with revelation effect, you put Where is it?"

"You want this treasure so much?" Blood ran down his face, his face deformed by the squeezing of the delicate leather boots, but Kane still issued sneer.

"To be honest, I'm not interested in this kind of treasure exclusive to the sorcerer, but since there is someone who wants this treasure by name, I can only find a way to get it."

"If that's the case, then go get it yourself and see if the top of the monster's head on the deck is the treasure you want?"

Sylvia was stunned for a moment, then moved towards Looking in the direction of the monster.

With a flash of lightning, the monster's bloated flesh-and-blood body was blasted away, revealing the various structures beneath it.

Existing in the deepest part of the monster's body is a crown that exudes golden rays of light, which is also the crown of Oracle that Sylvia will obtain on this trip.

Not only Sylvia discovered the existence of the Oracle Crown, but Kotre, who blasted away the monster's body, also discovered the location of this treasure, and then loudly said:

"I already let you once, 'Water Walker', who can get this treasure depends on his own means!"

Sylvia gritted her teeth, although she wanted to join the battle immediately, but He still looked at Kane under his feet first: "What's going on? You created that monster?"

The smell of the waves came from the boots, Kane said disdainfully: "This I really don't know, it seems that everyone who wears the crown of Oracle will become a monster uncontrollably, my ship mage, that's how to die, otherwise you will never want to board my ship."

After receiving such an answer, Sylvia kicked Kane away, and Kane's body slid a distance on the deck until it hit the mast and then stopped.

"Take him to the 'Giant Shark'." Sylvia instructed his subordinates, then looked at Kane, who was lying on the ground: "I still have some questions to ask. Ask you, but not now."

Kane coughed weakly, blood spilling from his mouth.

Under Sylvia's signal, several pirates quickly stepped forward, set up Kane, and then sent them to her ship.

Being held by these pirates, Kane instinctively started to struggle, but it seemed to no avail. He was already very weak, and it was difficult to get rid of the constraints of these pirates.

With Kane gone, the machete reappeared in Sylvia's hands.

Not far away, the monster was fighting with the remaining pirates. What made Sylvia unusual was that the monster's size was still expanding, and almost the entire body was filled with hard bone spurs.

Although the size of the monster is extremely large, in the eyes of the Legendary pirate Cotteri, it still can't make any waves, and the lightning strikes constantly on the monster's body. the upper hand.

Just then, Sylvia's eyes shrank, she seems to have found something.

From the appearance of the monster until now, after so many battles, the position of the monster has not changed at all. The second half of the monster's body is always at the opening of the crack in the deck.

Sylvia had been oblivious to this during the interrogation of Kane until now, when she personally joined the fight, that she discovered the problem.

A bad premonition was born in Sylvia's heart. If the monster's body exposed outside the deck can change rapidly, then its body inside the deck obviously has the same ability.

A strong tremor came from under Sylvia's feet, and before she could react, the whole ship was torn apart by an inexplicable force from the middle, revealing the Originally hidden under the deck, the huge purple red body was almost equal to the whole ship.

(end of this chapter)

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