
  Chapter 1349 Returns

The battle ends in an unexpected way for Rhodes, with the giant dragon gone , the field returned to calm, only the corpse belonging to the elf was still burning.

Soon, when Inota used the spell to recover a little and was able to move, Rhodes used the last mana to open the gate of time and space, ready to join Rowlin and the others who had evacuated first.

Passing through the Transmission Gate in dark green, Rhodes came to another town in Verning and saw Rowlin and the others who were waiting anxiously outside the teleportation monument.

"Very good." Seeing Rhodes' appearance, Rowlin's heart that had been hanging all the time finally let go, and he no longer had to worry about Rhodes, "I knew you would return safely."

Looking at Rowlin in front of her, the existence of bloodline perception allows Rhodes to perceive her own worries in her heart. During the period of Rowlin's early evacuation, her tense emotions could not be relaxed at all times, and she was ready to feel the bloodline. Perceiving the abnormality, he cast space spell to help Rhodes.

Fortunately, the breath belonging to Rhodes has been very stable, and the breath has not weakened due to the heavy damage. Rowlin also waited in front of the teleportation monument according to Rhodes' name.

Behind Rowlin, Elon, who is the City Lord, is now anxious: "Lord Rhodes, how is the battle in Sao City? Are the enemies on their way?"

Not only Elon, but other people around him, including Rowlin, also have such doubts. The only one who will not doubt the outcome of the battle is the Skeleton Prophet next to Rowlin.

"The battle is over, and the prophesied man has won, I have no doubts of that," Messija said slowly.

Hearing the prophet's hoarse words, Rhodes knew that it wasn't Rhodes' strength that Mexica believed in, but the prophecies she made.

"You came just right." Rhodes said solemnly: "Your prophecy, like a demagogue, almost cost me a lot."

"But the prophecy Fulfilled, didn't it?" Messika let out a hoarse laugh.

"Rhodes, it's not a problem for the Prophet when you agree." In the back, with the help of Yusia, Inota's figure slowly walked out of the gate of time and space.

Yusia still maintains her human form, but her strength is not weaker than that of a real giant dragon, which can firmly support Inota's injured body.

"big brother, who is she?" Noticing the blue clothed woman beside Inota, Rowlin was a little puzzled.

"She is a giant dragon soaring in the sky, a real giant dragon. Even if she appears in human form, I will never admit her imposing manner. Only a real giant dragon will There is such an imposing manner," Messika said.

Rhodes didn't answer Rowlin's question, but looked at Usiah: "Do you speak for yourself, or shall I introduce you?"

Yusia whitened Rhodes At a glance, he immediately asked Inota, "What do these humans have to do with you?"

Following Yusia's words, Inota looked at Rowlin and the others, and then said with a smile: "They are my friends."

"Friends, I understand." Saying that, Yusia looked at Rowlin and the others: "Listen to the little humans, I It is the azure Sacred Dragon from the snowy land. Yusia Chanzel is my name. I have no intention of staying here for a long time. I will leave when Inota recovers from her injuries.”

“Chanzel "..." Mexijia exclaimed: "It is said that the Dragon Kingdom in the Snow Region is called this name. The kings of the Dragon Kingdom in all dynasties will use it as their surname. The origin of this surname can even be traced back to ancient demons. On the body."

After hearing the Prophet say this, everyone turned their attention to Yusia, even Rhodes did the same. Thinking about it carefully, even Rhodes was the first time he heard about the Frozen Hell. The Lord mentioned His last name.

Yusia didn't explain anything, swept all the creatures in the field indifferently, her eyes only stayed on Rhodes for a moment, and then issued coldly snorted.

"Lord Yusia..." Inota's call came from her ear, Yusia moved closer, and her eyes were extremely concerned.

"You haven't told me why you are here and why you arrived with our enemy." Inota asked with some doubts, she couldn't think of it, Yusia Reason for being here.

"Remember the giant dragon held in the depths of the ice prison?" Yusia asked.

Seeing Inota nodded, Yusia continued: "The giant dragon is called Mattila, he symbolizes ominous and destruction, originally a bloodline incomplete lesser dragon species, but with unimaginable dragons. Strength. Mattila has great resentment for other giant dragons, and once brutally slaughtered countless giant dragons, she is called the sinful giant dragon."

Said, Yusia sighed: " Hundreds of years ago, a certain ice prison lord successfully imprisoned Mattila in the deepest part of the ice prison, and united with human mage to make his consciousness fall into a deep sleep, until the night when the human heroes attacked, he took the opportunity to Escape from the ice prison."

Hearing Yusia say this, Inota undoubtedly remembered something. She had seen the evil giant dragon in Yusia's mouth in the depths of the ice prison. It was she and Sacred Dragon McDowell that Tila released.

"I'm sorry..." Inota whispered, "If it wasn't for me and McDowell, Mattila wouldn't have been released."

"This It's none of your business, you don't have to feel guilty." Yusia comforted: "The ice prison can't trap the awakened Mattila, just as the Sacred Dragon's orders to other giant dragons can't take effect on Mattila, he In his body, there is the bloodline of the Sacred Dragon."

"The bloodline of the Sacred Dragon?" Inota was a little puzzled: "I remember that the bloodline of the Sacred Dragon should not exist in the bodies of other giant dragons."

"That refers to normal circumstances." Yusia's face sank, and she explained: "It is said that the former Mattila colluded with human mage and learned the secret technique of swallowing bloodline, even The real Sacred Dragon also died in his hands, and the bloodline of the Sacred Dragon was captured by him, which gave him the power to compete with the Sacred Dragon."

"Matila's bloodline" Fleeing, for all giant dragons, is a catastrophe, I have to tell other giant dragons information about him before he hurts other giant dragons, which is why I choose to go to the green crown in person."

"I planned to stay in the green crown for a while, and then I would try to find a way to go to the dragon country hidden deep in the ground. I happened to hear about the giant dragon in the green crown, and planned to unite to prepare to deal with one. The evil person who holds two Divine Items, so I came to see, didn't expect it to be you."

"Inota, you are definitely not the holder of the Divine Item, Nor is it an evil person. In the description, the holder of the Divine Item is an evil undead mage, that is to say, it is you who holds two Divine Items." Saying that, Yusia looked at , on Rhodes.

(end of this chapter)

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