
  Chapter 1390 Betrayal

With the appearance of the ghost dragon, it belongs to the breath of Legendary undead creatures, instantly Filled the entire cave space.

Due to the limited range of the underground, it is impossible to provide a suitable fighting space for the ghost dragon like the ground, but in the face of Erich, whose strength has been greatly improved, Rhodes has to use all available power. .

Among all the undead creatures under Rhodes, the ghost dragon can be regarded as the highest-ranking existence except the ghost sea monster, and its strength is relatively strong.

Under the action of the dead domain, the ghost dragon's body undergoes great changes. The blue dragon scales cover its entire body, and what appears in front of Rhodes is a real Sacred Dragon.

Belonging to the strong pressure of Sacred Dragon, as its body recovers and reappears from the ghost dragon, any creature that dares to instruct the ghost dragon will be shocked by the pressure of Saint Dragon's Might.

If the timid person saw the appearance of the real Sacred Dragon, he would probably give up the desire to fight on the spot and instead flee in a panic.

However, even though he felt the aura of Sacred Dragon, Erich didn't even look at the ghost dragon.

"You want to use undead creatures against me? It's no use." Erich said solemnly.

Intense golden rays of light emerged from Erich. Under the rays of light, even the mighty ghost dragon couldn't even flap its wings, and in the end could only lie down. Prostrate to the ground and express acknowledge allegiance to the bright people in the field.

Rhodes didn't say anything, and suddenly the body flashed, appearing behind Erich, ready to attack Erich as before.

Relying on the special effect of teleportation, with the Divine Item in his hand, Rhodes does not know how many enemies he has dealt with. Rhodes has long been familiar with this battle method.

However, as soon as Rhodes appeared, Ehrlich disappeared, and the remaining space fluctuation was so subtle that Rhodes could hardly feel it, so he couldn't judge where he appeared.

Rhodes looked around all around, and finally saw the figure of Erich in the position where he was standing.

Under the blessing of the crown of the world, the power belonging to Erich has been raised to a level of unimaginable, and Erich has reached the hero Durken just in the accomplishment of teleportation. The level of the sorcerer, Rhodes has been unable to track their teleportation trajectory.

"I think we don't have to fight anymore," Erich said slowly.

Just as it was difficult for Rhodes to kill Erich of this level, Erich wanted to kill Rhodes with Divine Item, and it was not something he would be able to do in a while.

"I once died at the hands of a Divine Item holder, and I know how amazing a Divine Item can be, especially when the owner of the Divine Item is a hero. Rhodes, I I really don't want to be your enemy." Erich said slowly, "Our deal can still work if you want."

Rhodes was silent.

"You ignore my actions in Dia, and I won't tell those Lich the secrets of the Divine Item, and even Spring of Life can return it to you, what do you think?"

Ehrlich had put forward a condition that Rhodes could not refuse. He seemed to have anticipated all of Rhodes' reactions. In this case, accepting this condition was undoubtedly the best choice for Rhodes.

Rhodes was more concerned with something else than Ehrlich's condition.

"How much mana do you have left, and how many teleportation can you perform just now that you have just recovered?"

Erich was not flustered by Rhodes' words at all. Instead, he answered confidently: "More times than you can imagine."

Unable to feel Erich's timidity, Rhodes was in trouble for a while. Facing the Lich in front of him, all his methods could not be effective. .

"It seems that the battle over there has already been resolved." Aisha said slowly on the side of the battlefield, "Naagh, Modo, I hope the next time I see you, you will still be like this. Vitality."

After finishing speaking, Elsa body flashed and reappeared beside Erich, leaving the two Lichs, who looked at each other helplessly.

"I have one more question." In the middle of the battlefield, Rhodes slowly said, "If you can answer this question, I will agree to your terms."

In the original battle , Rhodes had a chance to solve the enemy in front of him, but was interrupted by Rowlin, and now, Rhodes can only accept Erich's conditions.

"What's the problem?" Erich asked slowly. For some reason, the power of revelation made him feel uneasy.

"Why doesn't the 'Crown of the World' work in my hands, but you can use it directly?" Rhodes asked slowly.

"In the crown, there is my exclusive imprint, not just you. In the hands of any other creature, the crown cannot play its original function. If you can restore the treasure on the crown, you may be able to use it. Its abilities, but in a disabled state, it can't do that," Erich said slowly.

"I was wondering how to repair the last broken gem." Rhodes slowly said, "Some people say that the last gem needs to suppress all other gems, and some people say, The last gem is simply juxtaposed with other gems, how to choose."

Erich sighed: "This is more than one question, but if you are really confused, I can also answer you. I am confused.”

“All the gems on the crown exist side by side, not divided into high and low, the only thing to pay attention to is to ensure that the functions of the gems are different.” Erich is confident said.

"Is that so..." Rhodes glanced at the purple-haired girl behind him. In Rhodes' impression, Inota and Rowlin had been arguing about this issue, didn't expect she was right. of.

Following Rhodes' line of sight, Erlich also looked at Inota's position, with an extremely surprised look in his eyes: "She's impossible to show such a form... She's clearly still alive, and her body is also There is no breath related to death..."

Before Erich's voice fell, a sharp blade suddenly penetrated his chest from behind, and a white hand slammed the crown above his head. Pulled off, the sudden change shocked even Rhodes.

Erich stared blankly at the wound on his chest. The blood was dripping downward. After losing the power of the crown of the world, the sudden decline in strength made it difficult for his body to adapt.

Looking back at the person behind him, Erlich was shocked to find that the one who suddenly attacked him while he was not prepared was Aisha with a smile on his face.

I don't understand what happened on Erich's side, but Rhodes naturally wouldn't let such an opportunity pass, so she stepped forward and stunned Erich with the blade.

(end of this chapter)

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