
  Chapter 1394 Apocalypse Crystal

Dark and gloomy underground, intense golden rays of light illuminate every An inch corner brings a new look to all the imprisoned creatures around.

Rhodes and his party are escorting the captured Erich and sending him to the deepest part of the dungeon.

"Unexpectedly...you did it. He was once the king of Dia, the oldest Lich in the world, and he was brought back by you like this."

When When Rhodes and his party returned to the city, when they came to the periphery of the dungeon, they found that Messika had been waiting here for a long time.

Seeing that Messika seemed to have something to say, Rhodes asked her to join the team and escorted Erich to the depths of the dungeon.

"I didn't do anything." Rhodes explained helplessly in the face of Messika's congratulations.

Under the influence of the domain of the dead, Messika also regained her human form, looking like an old woman with a bloated body, Rhodes could not perceive any death from her body. The energy, even the amethyst embedded in the skull, has disappeared.

"No...you are too modest to be able to capture the most powerful Lich, I believe you must have thought of a lot of means." Messika continued.

"I remember you suggested that I kill him and put him in a dungeon, is there any danger?" Rhodes solemnly asked.

"Capturing him is undoubtedly the best choice, at least until now, I haven't seen any hidden dangers." Messika explained in a hoarse voice, "To be honest, I didn't expect it at first. Now, you were able to capture this Lich alive, so I strongly recommend that you kill him."

Rhodes nods, and understands this information.

While conversing with Messika, Rhodes noticed that at the rear of the group, Enota and Rowlin, who had recovered their full human form, were talking in a low voice, laughing from time to time.

Only after the crisis is completely lifted can they fully appreciate the effects of the dead domain and feel the human body restored to perfection.

Recalling Erich's last words, Rhodes couldn't help but glance at Enota. It stands to reason that Enota is not a real undead creature, but just borrowed the shape of an undead creature. It should not be affected by the Domain of the Dead, but didn't expect such a change, even Erich was surprised.

Not seeing any abnormality from Inota's body, Rhodes scratched his head, still a little puzzled. At this moment, a burst of words came from Rhodes' ear.

"Your defensive measures here are not very good. Waiting for Erich to recover a little, I am afraid that you can easily escape from the prison."

It is the same who said this remark. Elsa, who came along, and it was with her help that Rhodes successfully captured Erich.

"This is only the outermost part of the dungeon, you haven't seen the inside." Rhodes said solemnly, "In the deepest part of the dungeon, it is shrouded in ceremony, and no creature can cast spell. , I believe Erich will be satisfied."

"The ceremony? It's not a ceremony that can be arranged casually. I remember that only the mage of Bracada can master this unique ceremony. Ceremony, you have to be careful, if the ceremony fails and Erich escapes, we will not end well." Elsa came to Rhodes and said softly.

"There will be no problem with the ceremony, I trust the person who arranged the ceremony." With that, Rhodes glanced back at Rowlin behind him.

The ceremony that shrouded the depths of the dungeon was arranged by Rowlin.

"That's the best. Erlich has the oldest secret technique and a secret about the whole Dia. Many Lich have noticed his recovery. You'd better strengthen your defense here." Ai Sarah continued.

Rhodes nods

, no more words.

Compared to killing Erich directly, it would be countless times more troublesome to imprison him, and to always be on guard against possible accidents.

Rhodes turned around and looked at Erich, who was still in a coma. Except for his longer hair, he looked no different from the former North.

Continuing to travel a distance, Rhodes took Erich, who was restrained by shackles and shackles, to the deepest cell.

Put Erich on the straw mat in the depths of the cell, and the strong touch also made this Lich wake up.

"Aisha..." As soon as he woke up, Erich looked around all around. Even though his body was restricted by the shackles and no spell could be released, he remained calm and looked around coldly. "You traitor."

"Shh." Elsa raised a finger in front of her mouth and whispered, "But at least, I didn't betray myself."

Erich coldly snorted, then looked towards the center of the line behind him, Rhodes in black robe was also looking at him.

At this moment, Erlich seemed to have discovered something, and looked at Messika behind Rhodes with a somewhat surprised gaze.

"You have an aura that I am familiar with." Erich brows frowned, said with some doubts.

"What do you mean?" Rhodes asked proactively, noticing the abnormality in Erich.

However, Ehrlich was just coldly snorted, ignoring Rhodes' words.

"I'm here to convey his meaning to you." Mexiga said proactively, and at the same time, her forehead began to emit purple rays of light.

A strong purple light burst out from Messika's forehead, her skin was slowly deformed, and even the effect of the field of the dead could not stop the changes brought by this burst of purple light to Messika. Quick, at the top of Messika's head, the purple crystal appeared again.

"I knew that the crystal of revelation was upon you." Erich said solemnly.

Following Erich's line of sight, Rhodes also noticed the amethyst on top of Messika's head, which sparkled every time the prophet made a revelation.

Seeing that Erich was clearly hiding something, Rhodes threatened: "It seems that you are not aware of your situation. Do you want to be kept here peacefully, or to undergo several rounds of torture every day, and then Stimulating wounds with a spell? Once the king of Dia, make your choice."

Erich fell silent, and after a while, said solemnly: "Remember the 'crown of the world' ?" Rhodep nods, while brows frowned, wondering why Erlich brought up this treasure.

As early as after returning to the city of Sau, Rhodes handed over the crown of the world to the members of the potions guild in the city, asking them to find ways to enhance the efficacy of Spring of Life so as not to waste these precious things.

"The apocalypse crystal above her head is one of the gems originally set in the crown of the world." Erich said solemnly.

Following Erich's words, bursts of exclamations came from Rowlin and Inota, who had seen the power of the crown of the world, they naturally understood what this meant.

Hearing Erich say such shocking news, Rhodes immediately didn't believe it.

"Impossible. The purple crystal on the top of her head is obviously a bit larger than the hole in the crown, and it is impossible inlaid on it anyway, maybe it's just a gem with the same effect, just like a space gem. ."

Rhodes retorted, several green space gems appeared in his hand, and gestured to Erich.

Erlich shook the head: "Revelation crystals are not the kind of things you have in your hands. There is only one such crystal in the entire world. I once fought with Erathia's Subsidiary Country, and then I took it. Here comes the Apocalypse Crystal."

Speaking, Erich stood up, and the shackles under him made a crisp sound: "I have collected all the precious gems in the world, and this is how I made my own. The crown of the world. Jasper, emerald, aquamarine, amethyst, these gems, I can't admit I'm wrong."

Hearing Erlich say this, Rhodes was also a little puzzled for a while, and turned his eyes to Messika next to him.

"Is what he said true? Also, what is the effect of the Apocalypse Crystal?" Rhodes asked proactively.

Prior to this, Rhodes had asked Messika similar questions, but they did not get a clear answer until Erich appeared and pointed out the origin of the amethyst on Messika's head. Sika had to answer this question.

"It helps me to better predict things in the future." Mercika said slowly, looking at Rhodes.

"The effect of the revelation crystal is far more than that." Erich retorted, "It can give the user the ability of revelation, even an ordinary person can have the power to see the future. ."

"I remember that you seem to have the power of revelation too." Looking at Erich in front of him, Rhodes raised his eyebrows and said.

"...Yes." Erich sighed, "The revelation crystal will change the user under unnoticeable influence. Even if the power of the crystal is no longer used, the user can still have the ability of revelation."

Hearing what Erich said, Rhodes looked towards the top of Messika's head. He didn't expect the purple crystal to contain such a powerful force.

"No wonder...you've been bewitched by her to deal with me. We didn't have to, Rhodes. She's afraid that I'll find her and take back the apocalypse crystal above her head." Erich looked at Messika angrily.

"I saw your end." Erich glared at me, and Messika didn't have the slightest fear, "You will be imprisoned here until you die."

Rhodes looked at everything in the field, and had his own thoughts in his heart. After a while, he waved his hand and said, "Erich, you occupy the body of one of my subordinates, he has something special, so you temporarily It's safe, just stay in the dungeon."

After getting the information he wanted from the prophet to ensure that Erich would not escape, Rhodes turned around and prepared to lead the others away from here. go with.

"I may be safe, but not for you."

Erich's words made Rhodes stop walking away, from the tone of his voice. Look, this doesn't seem like a threat, it's more of a warning.

"You have been used by her. She has provoked an unmanageable existence. She needs to rely on your power. She will involve you in disaster, and you will pay for it."

Hearing Erich say this, Messika's complexion suddenly changed, and she shouted in her hoarse tone: "You are talking nonsense, these all are what you have fabricated out of thin air, and it is not a message of revelation at all, Rhodes, don't believe what he says."

Rhodes frowned, glanced at Messika, and then motioned Erich to continue.

"I can see...there is only one way to overcome this disaster, bring me the Apocalypse Crystal and the Crown of the World, and I will show you."

(End of this chapter )

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