
  Chapter 168 Centaur Leader II

At this point, Rhodes suddenly realized that since the centaur leader was Because the life energy contained in the Elf Fountain has restored its consciousness, then its own death energy should also play a role.

For the centaur leader, since he can be affected by the life energy in the Elf Fountain, he should also be able to be affected by his own death energy.

Rhodes knew that although the centaur leader had the status of a hero, it was still an undead creature in essence, and was also disturbed by the energy of death.

As soon as Rhodes realized this, Rhodes took action.

Facing the centaur leader in front, Rhodes raised his hand, and suddenly, a powerful death energy condensed beside the centaur leader.

Perhaps due to the influence of this death energy, the centaur leader, who was originally a little slow, showed a very painful expression at this time.

Under the influence of death energy, the wounds on the centaur leader began to recover, but its own will was unable to dominate, suppressing the effect of spiritual imprint.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the centaur undead around tried to attack the centaur leader, but were killed by the centaur leader with an axe.

At this time, it seems that he is aware of the decline in his state, and the centaur leader also knows that the spiritual imprint that until now suppresses his will will soon be restored.

The centaur leader knew that once the spiritual imprint resumed, he would be controlled by Rhodes again. After experiencing this time of being out of control, there will obviously not be such an opportunity in the future, and Rhodes will definitely be on guard against himself.

Thinking of this, the centaur leader completely abandoned the surrounding undead creatures, and instead looked towards Rhodes who was controlling the spiritual imprint.

At this time, Rhodes seemed to realize something when he saw the hideous mask on the face of the centaur leader, and wanted to look away, but found that his eyes were completely attracted by the mask in front of him.

In Rhodes' line of sight, the surrounding environment suddenly dimmed, and the little firelight that originally existed around was completely gone. Even the torch held in his hand will no longer release rays of light at this time.

For a moment, the light seemed to disappear completely, but as Rhodes took a closer look at his surroundings, he was able to see the darkness around him. Rhodes knew that he had been influenced by the centaur leader's mask.

And the original centaur leader, in Rhodes' eyes, has completely changed at this time.

At this time, the centaur leader's skin was cracked up and down, showing a kind of black red. The inside of the body seemed to have flames flowing, and the appearance was no longer the appearance of ordinary creatures, but became Infernal creatures familiar to Rhodes.

Though knowing that all this is just an anomaly caused by the centaur leader's mask, Rhodes is still somewhat affected.

In this case, Rhodes was just about to take control of the undead creatures around him, but the centaur leader already had an action.

At the moment when the surrounding undead lost control of the centaur, the centaur leader crossed the surrounding undead creatures and rushed in the direction of moved towards Rhodes.

In the rear, vampire tried to attack the centaur leader in front of him, but the speed was also affected by the current, so he couldn't get close to the centaur leader quickly.

In his ears, the sound of water still kept ringing, and in Rhodes' sight, the centaur leader was already close to him.

At this point, Rhodes tried to call the spiritual imprint in the centaur leader's mind, and he got some responses. Rhodes saw that during this process, the flame inside the centaur leader's body seemed to dim. a lot.

Rhodes knew that the time before the centaur leader fully recovered was not far away, and he only needed to survive the next few attacks of the centaur leader before it could return to normal Death Knight.

At this moment, with Rhodes' thoughts move, an iron sword appeared in his hand. Watching the power of the centaur leader at this time, Rhodes was ready to parry.

Although the centaur leader had a lot of abnormalities at this time, Rhodes did not feel any fear because he knew the effect of the mask very well, just waiting for the attack of the centaur leader.

As the centaur leader rushed to Rhodes' side, Rhodes moved in an instant, dodging quickly to the side, avoiding the rushing centaur leader.

After avoiding this time's attack, the surrounding scenery immediately returned to normal. In Rhodes' sight, the centaur leader appeared in full shape.

After Rhodes dodged to the side, the centaur leader immediately stopped charging, turned around, and slashed at Rhodes in front of him.

At this time, the centaur leader's figure was obviously unstable. For the centaur leader, instead of doing any damage to Rhodes, this time's charge accelerated the spiritual imprint's recovery.

For Rhodes, this state of the centaur leader is obviously what he wants to see, so he no longer counterattacks the centaur leader in front of him, but waits for what the centaur leader has in mind. spiritual imprint , to recover over time.

The centaur leader continued to attack Rhodes. Although it was on the land at this time, the strength and speed of the centaur leader's attack at this time were greatly weakened. Rhodes could easily avoid the attack of the centaur leader by relying on his movement method.

According to the control in the spiritual imprint, the undead creature cannot attack the undead mage that controls it. In this state, whenever the centaur leader wants to attack Rhodes, he must interact with the spiritual imprint. struggle.

Because of the blessing of an expert sword technique, in Rhodes' view, the centaur leader at this time was covered in weak spots. Didn't do that, but waited for the centaur leader to recover.

Faced with the attack of the centaur leader at this time, Rhodes did not fight back. On the contrary, he only swung his sword to block the centaur leader's weapon when he couldn't dodge it.

Even so, the weapon in Rhodes' hand still has multiple gaps, and it seems that it only takes a few more collisions to break the weapon in Rhodes' hand.

Although Rhodes was fighting the centaur leader, Rhodes was obviously not focused on the battle because he didn't plan to kill the centaur leader in front of him, but on other things.

Rhodes knew that the centaur leader would be out of control, and aside from the impact of the Spirit Fountain on the centaur leader, his spiritual imprint did not take root in the centaur leader's mind. Also one of the reasons.

(end of this chapter)

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