
  Chapter 1865 Death Domain
  Of course, it does not seem to be an absolute thing that the domain cannot be closed.

Rhodes recalled that Noth, who inherited the Ehrlich Dead Realm, was able to freely turn the realm on and off.

Perhaps it was because the former person had an extraordinary research on Strength of Domain, or because of the characteristics of his domain capabilities. Rhodes did not know why North could do this, but this Rhodes at the time, but could not close his domain.

After obtaining Death Domain, this ability will not be controlled by Rhodes and will always take effect, even if Rhodes wants to turn it off, it can't be turned off, which is similar to Sally's Shadow Domain.

Rhodes is still in the groping stage for the usage of Strength of Domain. The various effects of Death Domain require him to try slowly before coming to a conclusion.

After a little try of this power, Rhodes also understood what kind of effect this domain ability derived from Soul Evocation Technique has.

All creatures beside Rhodes who have been shrouded in Death Domain will be forced to transform into special undead creatures after death, and they can be controlled without consuming spiritual imprint. And those dead creatures, not to mention, once covered by the Death Domain, will become undead creatures and serve Rhodes, Rhodes does not even need to consume any mana.

Different from ordinary undead creatures, the undead creatures born in the Death Domain will retain all the abilities of the original body, even the power in the bloodline.

Generally speaking, only Death Knight is qualified to be transformed into such an undead creature, retaining all the memories and powers of his life, but Rhodes with Death Domain can apply this to all dead on the biological.

Rhodes, who is familiar with the characteristics of undead creatures, understands how the Death Domain's ability is a great improvement to undead creatures.

Generally speaking, undead creatures without sanity can only perform common tasks, some complex tasks, and only Death Knight with wisdom can perform them perfectly. The existence of the Death Domain is to endow all the undead creatures transformed by Rhodes with a lot of wisdom, and more importantly, they still retain their once powerful abilities.

After checking the power of Death Domain, Rhodes also realized the power of this ability, and sighed slightly in his heart. It is indeed the Strength of Domain that appeared after the Legendary Grade Soul Evocation Technique was raised to the apex.

After feeling the deep barrier between the Legendary Grade and the Divine Grade special skills, Rhodes has not considered continuing to upgrade the Soul Evocation Technique. very interested.

The existence of the Death Domain brings a brand new battle method to Rhodes in hell, and also allows Rhodes to see the hope of returning to the surface world smoothly.

Because they have just acquired Death Domain, Rhodes' use of Death Domain is only at the most primary level, that is, passively expanding the domain to complete the transformation of undead creatures.

As for how to further improve Strength of Domain and make Death Domain more powerful, Rhodes is at a loss and has no clue.

Only studying the Soul Evocation Technique has been unable to bring any progress to Strength of Domain, which Rhodes is very sure of.

During the countless years in Dark Space, Rhodes' study of Soul Evocation Technique has reached the climax. Except that this special skill cannot be promoted to Divine Grade, there is no room for improvement.

Rhodes, who was examining Strength of Domain, was suddenly interrupted by a strong breath in front of him.

He turned his attention away from the Strength of Domain and turned towards the direction of the breath, only to see Agran's figure appearing not far below the giant hand.

At the moment, Aglan doesn't seem to be in good condition. His complexion is sallow, his teeth are clenched, and there is still a little anxiety in his eyes, and he doesn't know what happened.

Seeing Rhodes looking at him, Agland gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I admit that your plan worked! You won this bet."

hearing this, Rhodes glanced at him with some doubts, not understanding why the Archfiend would make such a change, and even voluntarily admit defeat to himself.

Agran saw Rhodes' eyes, snorted and said: "If you hadn't played these tricks and kept putting your hands on my head to put pressure on me, I definitely wouldn't have just advanced here."


Aglan couldn't remember how many times he saw the giant hand above his head keep coming to the position of twenty paces, and then back to thirty paces again.

If it's just one or two times, it's okay, Agland may think that the giant is in an unknown fantasy world, doing something that he doesn't know, but the giant hand goes back and forth several times. Ten times, it also made Aglan think more.

Agran believes that this action of the giant must be provocative to himself, as if he has been shouting to himself: "Look, the illusion of thirty to twenty steps is not difficult at all. Stay with me, why are you still at the twenty-fifth pace?"

Every time he thinks of this, Agran has a deep hatred in his heart, and the giant's voice seems to be clearly heard in his ears. The pace that made Agland move forward slowly also became hurried.

The intense pressure felt in his heart caused Aglan to take a heavy hit at the twenty-five pace.

The creatures who enter the painful illusion, the more they are afraid of something, the more they will appear in front of them. And Agland saw the existence of the giant in his own fantasy, and was bitten by the giant, eating it all bit by bit.

If it were replaced by other demons, Agrand might still be able to persevere, but replacing the creature that tortured him with that hateful giant, Agrand couldn't stand it anymore, and finally quit the path of pain.

Twenty-five steps is the final result given by Aglan, and Rhodes' 20 steps are undoubtedly closer to the door of pain. After a sigh, Aglan can only accept this. As a result, he lost the bet.

Archfiend's pride keeps Agrand from committing denial. Although in the heart he despised the giant's act of putting pressure on himself in the illusion, Agland did not deny it, and if he lost, he lost.

At this moment, seeing that the giant ended the illusion, Agran immediately came to his side and voluntarily conceded defeat.

"I will only take you to the Door of Betrayal. If the space picture you sent is not the Door of Betrayal, I will not cast Fire Hide." Aglan pointed to Rhodes and expressed his heart idea.

Rhodes. No, not

. In his bet with Aglan, he said it was to let Aglan send himself to the door of treason, somewhere else.

"Since you've won this bet, then quickly pass me the location of the door of treason, we'll start now, what are you waiting for?" Agland stopped Rhodes said loudly on the giant hand outstretched.

(end of this chapter)

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