
  Chapter 19 Surround Four

As the leader of the wolf pack, Wolf King's physical fitness is better than average The wolf is stronger. The promotion of the rank makes the Wolf King different from ordinary wolves, able to cast spells and have the leadership of leading the wolf pack.

In addition to these, the higher rank also brings the wisdom of Wolf King different from other wild beasts.

In the face of a powerful enemy, the Wolf King, who should have been at the forefront of the wolf pack and with the best physical fitness, is hard to say how much courage remains after turning on his wisdom. Instead, he has a deep sense of death. deep fear.

Perhaps because of this characteristic, Wolf King is so sensitive to danger. When finding the prey, Wolf King can rush to the front, but when it comes to the real death battle, Wolf King chooses to command the wolves under his command to charge and release magic behind him.

I don't want to get hurt, I don't want to charge into battle, I just want to rely on leadership and magic to fight. Rhodes sighs with Wolf King's approach. This is human nature!

Because of this, the wolf pack ultimately failed. If Wolf King relied on its physical fitness to lead his men to the front of the passage, coupled with its magic, Rhodes would not be able to defeat the wolves so easily.

At this time, Wolf King, who was dodging the attack of the walking corpses, was just a stray dog ​​in Rhodes' eyes, even if he was still huge.

Wolf King was intent on running away, ignoring the attack of the walking corpses at all, and just rushed towards the gap between the walking corpses. But since the walking corpses were all surrounded, Wolf King couldn't get past the numerous walking corpses for a while.

Rhodes saw an opportunity and used spiritual imprint to control a walking corpse, grabbing one of the Wolf King's legs. Wolf King couldn't dodge in time, and a leg behind his body was caught.

The Wolf King turned his head directly, bit down on the rotting arm of the walking corpse, and then twisted his body violently, tearing off a large piece of flesh and blood.

Only half of the skin of the walking corpse's arm is still attached, and the exposed bones can even be seen from the side.

Even so, the walking corpse still didn't let go, but took advantage of this opportunity to grab the wolf's leg with the other hand. The characteristics of the undead creatures are brought to the extreme.

The fact that the Walking Dead is able to grab Wolf King's legs like this is the result of Rhodes' manipulation. If Rhodes didn't do anything with the walking dead, the walking dead would just instinctively attack the Wolf King with its claws instead of grabbing the Wolf King like this.

In the case of Wolf King blindly dodging, it is difficult for the walking dead to deal enough damage to the Wolf King, but it is different to grab.

This is often the case. Undead creatures rely on instinct to fight, even if they have a tenacious physique, they will not use it. Undead creatures need to be under the control of the undead mage to play their best role.

Wolf King was caught by a walking corpse by accident, and the bite back didn't work. Before the Wolf King could move on, the walking corpses gathered around him.

Under Rhodes' control, the walking corpses grabbed at Wolf King, trying to catch Wolf King.

With one leg caught, the Wolf King has limited mobility and can only be grabbed by the walking corpses around him if he can't dodge. In the struggle, Wolf King lost his balance and fell to the ground.

After falling to the ground, the walking corpses held down Wolf King's body with their hands. Due to the large number of walking dead, no matter how much the Wolf King struggled, he couldn't get rid of it. Under the combined force of the walking corpses, Wolf King could only be pressed to the ground.

If the walking corpses were replaced by a group of people, even with Rhodes' command, they would not be able to cooperate so well, and they would not be able to overcome the fear brought about by the instinct of the creatures, and they would directly push down the Wolf King with their hands like this. on the ground.

Only undead mage can use such tactics when controlling undead creatures.

Wolf King still wanted to struggle, but some walking corpses grabbed Wolf King's legs, and some walking corpses held down Wolf King stubbornly. Wolf King's struggle was in vain.

Suddenly, Wolf King felt that the pressure on his body was a little lighter. Wolf King was about to roll hard, but only saw a cold light coming from above, and then he felt a pain in his body, and then nothing happened. Can't feel it anymore...

"You earned the racing achievement [Undead Manipulator]."

"[Undead Manipulator] : Control the undead creature and kill a normal creature. The base bonus is +1 to control spirit."


"Brilliant victory! In this battle, you have a total of Got 210 EXP!”


Rhodes retracted his sword, and since Wolf King was dead, he let the walking corpses around him retract his hand holding Wolf King.

Rhodes looked towards the system log, and in this battle with the wolves, he gained a total of 210 EXP.

Among the 210 EXP points, only 60 points come from Wolf King. The EXP provided by ordinary wolves is 15 points, just like the walking dead.

Rhodes remembered that when he killed the apprentice Elliot, he got a full 400 EXP. Killing this pack of wolves will only get half as much EXP as killing Elliot.

This can't help but make Rhodes sigh, or the EXP that can be gained by killing heroes. Compared with creatures of the same rank, the EXP provided by a hero is about 5 times. The stronger the hero, the more EXP provided.

This is also to encourage players to challenge powerful heroes.

Among the creatures of the same order, the sorcerer can provide the most EXP, the two are combined, which is why the hero Elliot can provide 400 EXP.

"Consumes EXP 200, remaining EXP 145. Profession level is raised to Level 2 Swordsman Level 3..."

"Get 1 free attribute point, get 1 skill point..."

Upgrading the character level, due to the current lack of mana, Rhodes will allocate 1 free attribute point to Knowledge.

Rhodes also saw an achievement prompt while viewing the system log.

Rhodes looked towards his character attribute. There is one more attribute after the original five attributes, which is called Manipulation Spirit, and there is only 1 point at this time.

Manipulating the spirit is an exclusive attribute of the undead mage, which can be obtained through meditation or through a series of undead mage achievements.

With meditation alone, it is difficult to gain control of the mind unless you meditate deeply. Ordinary players rely more on obtaining undead mage achievements to improve their control spirit.

Rhodes currently controls 10 zombies, each with a spiritual imprint of 0.15. Even if some walking corpses have their legs bitten off or are seriously injured, the spirit attribute they occupy has not decreased.

After gaining 1 point of control spirit, the 1 point of spirit attribute occupied will be returned.


After killing the wolves, Rhodes did not stop there, but controlled the walking corpses around them to move the corpses of the wolves to the hall where the corpses were previously displayed. , with the walking dead without Soul Fire activated.

Rhodes examines the wolf carcass on the ground. Most of the wolf corpses had no small wounds, which were cut by their own swords, and a few were directly beheaded.

The decapitated wolf corpse cannot be transformed into an undead creature due to the lack of a part that generates Soul Fire.

Among the wolf corpses all over the ground, Wolf King had the least wounds and only one fatal wound. Rhodes deliberately didn't let it do too much damage, but pierced the heart with a sword.

Rhodes tried it out, changed the title to [Undead Mage], got Soul Evocation Technique level +1, and used Soul Evocation Technique on a wolf corpse on the ground. The system hint you get is that it takes 30 mana to instantly turn it into an undead creature. Rhodes' mana is clearly not enough.

Looking at the wolf carcasses all over the floor, Rhodes let them stay here to transform. With the death energy provided by the tomb, Rhodes can save the mana to reshape their bodies.

Rhodes now just have to wait for the tombs to finish transforming them.

In the tomb, there is a smell of blood-reeking qi. The original death energy also seemed to be stimulated and became more and more intense. Death energy nourishes the wolf carcasses on display, and Rhodes doesn't know if it's good or bad...

Rhodes walks out of the tomb. After such a battle, it was still late at night outside.

Due to the smell of blood in the tomb, and some other reasons, Rhodes chose not to meditate in the tomb, but went back to the place where he meditated at first and sat cross-legged.

The moon is still calm. If it weren't for the half-devoured walking corpses, no one would know that a group of wolves had come here.

(end of this chapter)

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