
  Chapter 199 The Final Battle of the Court Mage II

For the damage that can be caused by the movement method, the It is very clear in my heart.

In this case, Rhodes was able to stand up from the ground, which was beyond the expectations of the court mage. From the court mage's view, Rhodes is now clearly seriously wounded, and will be able to kill him only after his next attack.

However, what the palace mage didn't know was that Rhodes at this time, after allocating 2 physique attribute points, had recovered most of his health and the wounds on his body had completely healed, just because his body The blood on the clothes is still there, and it looks very bad.

And that's exactly what Rhodes wanted. Since the court mage has an incomplete understanding of Rhodes, in this case, the hidden situation of Rhodes may become a magic weapon for victory.

Rhodes looked at the location of the palace mage. Due to the expiration of spell's duration, Rhodes' vision has been restored, but Rhodes' face did not show any joy, on the contrary, it showed a poor look. , which also fell into the eyes of the court mage.

Facing the palace mage below, Bone Dragon has been looking for opportunities. Although the power of Bone Dragon is strong, when the palace mage does not fight with Bone Dragon recklessly, but only uses teleportation to spread the distance. , the strength of Bone Dragon seems to be a decoration.

Because of this, under the control of Rhodes, Bone Dragon did not make a rash move, but was always looking for the location of the palace mage, and wanted to take the opportunity to seriously damage the palace mage below.

At this moment, after changing the position, the palace mage raised his hand again, and instantly, a large number of ice arrows were moved towards the direction of Rhodes and shot out.

The court mage knows that this is the best time to kill Rhodes.

In the eyes of the court mage, Rhodes, who was seriously injured, was completely unable to avoid his spell. In this case, the palace mage still spent a lot of mana and displayed a lot of ice arrows, only to be able to kill Rhodes during the casting process at this time.

Faced with a large number of ice arrows shot from the front, in the eyes of the court mage, Rhodes seemed to be out of physical strength, without any dodge, but a large shield appeared in front of his body.

Rhodes aimed the shield in the direction of the palace mage, and at the same time used both hands to firmly prop the shield on the ground, hiding himself behind the shield.

Because the shield is relatively large as a whole, for a time, the court mage couldn't even see Rhodes behind the shield. Under the shield, Rhodes' figure was completely hidden.

From the court mage's point of view, Rhodes' stated purpose is very clear, apparently intending to use his shield to resist Frostbolt. And this proved in the previous battle that it would not play a big role.

If the shield does not have any special materials attached, it will be completely unable to resist the attack of Frostbolt. It only takes a Frostbolt to directly penetrate the shield and hit Rhodes in the rear.

In this case, facing the multiple ice arrows in front, if Rhodes simply wants to use his shield to resist, he will be directly killed by the ice arrows. The court mage knew that Rhodes must have other means, according to what he knew after his fight with Rhodes.

As expected, with the emergence of the idea of ​​palace mage, right in front of Rhodes, the vampire, which had been subjected to an ice arrow on the front, immediately turned into a bat, and a large number of bats suddenly appeared around.

After the bat appeared, it did not attack the palace mage in front, but directly faced the ice arrow shot in front.

Under the reckless attack of the bat, the ice arrows that originally shot at Rhodes were completely blocked by the bat at this time.

For a time, a large number of ice flowers and black fog erupted in front of the shield held by Rhodes, but no ice arrows could pass through the barrier formed by bats and attack Rhodes behind.

Seeing this situation, the palace mage also realized that Rhodes' idea was to bear his mana through vampire's bat transformed into a bat.

In this case, the palace mage did not feel remorse that its spell did not work, but responded quickly.

At this time, the palace mage raised his hand, and just when he wanted to display the undead killer that could kill all bats, the Bone Dragon above had already reached it.

Feeling the heavy power of the Bone Dragon falling from the sky, the palace mage immediately changed its moves and instantly appeared in another position.

At this point, the Bone Dragon fell to the ground with a loud bang. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for any creature to evade the blow of Bone Dragon, but when facing the palace mage that can cast teleportation, although the attack power of Bone Dragon is powerful, it cannot get close at all.

This is also a situation Rhodes has been worried about, so it's up to Bone Dragon to find the best shot.

What Rhodes didn't expect was that, in the face of this situation, the court mage was still able to change his moves in time to immediately avoid Bone Dragon's attack.

Because the palace mage interrupted the casting of the undead killer, the bat transformed by vampire did not suffer any other damage except for the ice arrow.

Although the bat has transformed into a bat, vampire still realizes that the undead killer can do more damage to himself than any other spell.

Therefore, under the current situation, vampire wanted to immediately end the bat-like state and return to the original body. But at Rhodes' cue, vampire opted not to do so.

At this point, the bat, which had been resisting spell in front of Rhodes, quickly flew around and began to circle in front of Rhodes.

A large number of bats surround the shield where Rhodes is, as if forming a black whirlwind. Even if it is transferred to the palace mage by teleportation, it is still impossible to see the scene in the whirlwind.

Faced with the situation beside Rhodes, the court mage remained calm.

I saw the palace mage raised his hand directly, and suddenly, multiple huge Fireballs, moved towards the position in front of Rhodes, shot straight out.

The palace mage knows that among the undead creatures controlled by Rhodes, the only ones that can pose the greatest threat to themselves are the Bone Dragon and the centaur, but under the action of teleportation, these two Undead creatures are unable to approach themselves.

For Rhodes and vampire, the court mage is not too worried. In the court mage's view, it can be solved by casting a suitable spell.

At this time, facing Rhodes surrounded by bats, the palace mage did not plan to clean up the bats first, but directly cast Fireball.

In the palace mage's thinking, since Rhodes wants to rely on vampire bats to resist his spells, then the palace mage would like to see what these bats do when facing Renju Fireball withstand.

(end of this chapter)

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