
  Chapter 2306 Beneath the Ruins    With the sound of loosening soil, and the faint light of fire, along the cave The wall of the passage that people drilled through, shone into the dark underground passage.

"Master, we are here..."

In the dark passage, the only thing that can be seen are two chilling scarlet rays of light, the dividing point where the fire shines, just stopped at The location of the scarlet rays of light illuminated the cave creatures who were hunched over with slender limbs.

With the cave creature's report, the man in the dark also showed his true face, which was Rhodes wearing a large cloak.


Walking slowly through the tunnel dug by the cavemen, the closer to the location of the incident, the more Rhodes felt that something was wrong.

He felt a familiar force, which remained in the space in front of him. He felt very familiar with that force. It was an extremely rich death energy, only Legendary Grade and above. Only Soul Evocation Technique can release such death energy.

This extremely rich death energy is also an important reason for alarming those angels. Even if there is no Strength of Domain residue, the death energy alone is enough to explain the problem.

There is also a subtle fluctuation in the energy of death, which may not be detected by ordinary creatures, but if the creatures at the top of Legendary come here, they will find unusual fluctuations from the fluctuations. The place, only the real realm, will leave that kind of fluctuation.

With the help of the caveman, although it took a lot of time, he bypassed angel's guards and came to the ruins mentioned in the Thief Guild intelligence.

The nearby walls were filled with torches. Looking around, Rhodes found a lot of sacrificial utensils. What attracted his attention the most was an altar not far away. The altar has long been destroyed. Years of weathering made it impossible for the collapsed Divine Idol to see his face. On the nearby ground, there were scattered withered bones of high corruption. If you look closely, you can see neat fractures on them.

The source of the death energy that caught Rhodes' attention was left on the dead bones.

"Wake up..."

Rhodes raised his hand and tried to use Strength of Domain to awaken the dead bones, but it didn't work, instead it made the dead energy left on the dead bones even more. .

After putting his hand down, Rhodes also understood where the death energy remaining on the dead bones came from. It was a trace of Death Domain's failure to wake up.

Someone, like Rhodes, tried to awaken those withered bones, but also ended in failure. The traces belonging to the Death Domain, along with the extremely rich death energy, remained here together. That person might be Rhodes himself, or it might not be.

"putting it that way, that news is true..."

Rhodes' eyes swept all around quickly, but found a lot of traces left by other creatures, those The Erathia people have already searched thoroughly for this, and anything of value has been taken away by them in advance.

After finding nothing nearby, Rhodes re-looked towards the dead bones on the ground.

In Rhodes' impression, Death Domain is one of the few times when Death Domain fails, once on the remains of the hero Tanan, the ability to ban the magic ball, isolated the appearance of death energy; There are a few special things in the destroyed creatures that have the ability to directly destroy the soul, such as the fire in the depths of hell, Divine Idol, the blade of doom, etc. The creatures in the hands cannot be reborn by any means, including Death Domain.

A normal corpse can't resist Death Domain's resurrection at all, and I don't know what the corpse in front of me has experienced before death.

shook the head, and just as Rhodes was about to examine the dead bones further, there was a sudden sound of footsteps in the distance.

This discovery made Rhodes face changed. After confirming that there are traces of Death Domain in this ruins, Rhodes is naturally not satisfied with this. He wants to find out how these traces are left.

Seeing someone approaching, Rhodes stretched out his hand, and a soft spherical creature appeared in his palm, with an eyeball bigger than his head. After being held by Rhodes, the pupil of the eyeball turned slightly, and finally stopped on Rhodes.

"Look at those who come."

Throwing the magic eye up, it seems to have no weight, it just floats in the air, and the whole body is even a little bit hidden. In the void, Rhodes quickly retreated into the tunnel dug by the cavemen.

"Is that right here? Where did the undead mage leave traces?"

As the footsteps spread, a steady female voice also reached Rhodes' ears.

"It's her..." Through the magic eye left, Rhodes saw the appearance of the visitor. She had six golden wings on her back and a tear mole at the corner of her eye, which was exactly what had happened before. Holy Inquisition angel who briefly fought Rhodes.

"As you said, Your Excellency Andorra." Beside her, angel with only two wings said respectfully, "I heard that hundreds of years ago, it was you who was responsible for eliminating the heretic, and Their names are completely erased."

"I have the mission of God, and I will never allow heretic to survive." She raised her chin and said with a bit of pride, "I just don't know, that undead. Mage, what are you doing in the ruins of the Yangming Temple? Does he think he can find the lost Supreme Treasure?"

In the passage, Rhodes seemed to realize something and couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Yangming Temple, Rhodes had heard this name not long ago. According to the spiritual element person who absorbed the memories of the Shadow Sect cultists in the Shadow Sect ruins, the order of heaven was lost there.

Even in the Thief Guild, there is no record of the Yangming Temple. It seems that it was just lost somewhere in the long river of history. Up to now, it is completely unknown.

Rhodes didn't expect much to get the new Divine Item, but after learning the news of the new Divine Item, he always needs to investigate, even if he can't get it, he can't let it fall in the hands of the enemy. Even if the worst result occurs and the Divine Item is taken by the enemy, he must find a way to deal with it as soon as possible.

What made Rhodes didn't expect was that he actually learned the location of the Yangming Temple in the process of investigating the traces of the realm, and erased the name of the Yangming Temple and wiped out all the creatures here. It is the holy judge angel in front of you.

"Your Excellency Andorra, I heard that you once fought against that evil undead mage and felt the realm on his body. Are the traces left here really left by him?"


When mentioning the undead mage, angel shows a rare expression of resentment. His destruction of Holy City and the treasure house in the cloud made all angels hate him to the core. If there is an opportunity, the angel in front of him will never Mind beheading him.

(end of this chapter)

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