
  Chapter 25 vampire 5

Watching vampire use bats in front of himself, in order to avoid being hit by a large number of bats Attack, Rhodes rolls directly backwards.

Once the roll was complete, Rhodes got up quickly, ready to take on the bat that was pummeling him.

However, what Rhodes did not expect was that none of the bats created by vampire this time using the bat transformation, jumped towards him, but towards all around, the corpses of the undead creatures that had fallen to the ground. .

The bats pounced on the corpses and began to devour the flesh and blood from the corpses. Even the corpse Wolf King did not dodge this time. He was covered with bats that were rushing towards it, and could only fall to the ground.

Seeing this happening, Rhodes realized what vampire wanted to do.

Rhodes remembers that the vampire's biological ability is to restore health by draining blood. For the vampire in front of me, it is possible to recover health by eating flesh and blood.

In previous battles, the ground was littered with dead undead creatures, which undoubtedly gave vampire an excellent opportunity.

At a glance, the corpses of the undead creatures around were covered with flesh-eating bats.

Rhodes dashes to the corpse where the bats are with his sword and picks them off with his sword one after another. But the bat didn't care, just devouring the corpses of the undead creatures.

Even if it turned into a black mist, the bat did not stop swallowing.

At this point, Rhodes didn't care about anything else, but just stabbed the bat on the corpse to death at a very fast speed, hoping to reduce the vampire's recovery effect.

Finally, under Rhodes' successive swords, a certain number of bats were stabbed to death. Immediately, all the bats left the corpse that was being swallowed at the same time, and gathered towards a place not far away.

As the bat left, Rhodes followed.

Based on what he had learned about vampire in previous lives, Rhodes understood that vampire had many limitations when using bats. This limitation will have subtle differences due to individual differences. Since the vampire in front of me can use multiple bats, there must be limitations in other aspects.

The reason why Rhodes followed and left the bat is precisely because, through previous observations of vampire's bat transformation skills, Rhodes discovered a weak spot in vampire.

Previously, just as the bats were congregating, Rhodes noticed a detail about the immobility of a period of time when the bats reverted to vampire.

This is also why, whenever the vampire bat formation ends, it will deliberately spread a little distance instead of gathering directly in front of Rhodes.

A vampire is about to emerge as the bats congregate in one place, and a cloud of black mist emerges. And Rhodes, chasing the bat, came to the black fog and was staring into the black fog.

Vampire just appeared, and before there was any movement, Rhodes stabbed with a sword, and the blade pierced its throat directly.

Taking advantage of its immobility, Rhodes struck vampire.

At this time, due to the fact that it devoured a lot of flesh and blood, and the body's wounds can be restored by its bat transformation, vampire's head, which was originally penetrated by the magic divide arrow, has been restored.

Although the appearance has recovered, the life force of the vampire itself has been greatly lost, and it has become extremely weak with itself. Coupled with another stab in the throat by Rhodes, vampire was hit hard all at once.

Rhodes didn't intend to give vampire any chance, and raised his hand directly to vampire's head, ready to release the magic divide arrow again.

Seeing Rhodes raising his hand, vampire instantly realized what Rhodes wanted to do.

Vampire responded immediately. Just as Rhodes was about to cast the spell, vampire rushed forward, and at the same time swung a claw towards Rhodes, not caring that the throat was penetrated by the blade, the entire blade stabbed backward from vampire's throat, and the sword was covered with black red blood.

Seeing vampire approaching him even with his throat pierced, Rhodes reacted instantly, immediately letting go of the sword in his hand, and at the same time dodging backwards, avoiding vampire's surprise attack.

In order to avoid the vampire's raid, Rhodes did not unleash the magic divide arrow. Unlike the previous state, if Rhodes insists on releasing the magic divide arrow, the vampire will first cut Rhodes' neck.

After dodging the raid, Rhodes had no other weapons in his hands.

Previously, Rhodes placed all the items in the space ring on the open space outside the tomb, not far from here, in order to carry wooden blocks to block the passage to the tomb. At this point, Rhodes also has no weapons in his space ring.

Vampire's entire throat is pierced with blades. With the blade stuck in the vampire's neck, a single pull in any direction can decapitate the vampire.

Watching vampire stop in place, holding the hilt with both hands, trying to pull the blade out of his neck, Rhodes did not choose to take the weapon, but stood there, facing the vampire. raised his hand.

Realizing that the enemy might release the spell again, the vampire moved quickly, not standing still waiting for Rhodes' magic divide arrow to arrive, but two claws fixed the blade at the throat and moved quickly to the left and right .

The vampire cannot draw a sword while moving. It was dodging left and right at this time, and once it pulled out the blade while moving, it would undoubtedly be equivalent to decapitating itself and would die directly.

Rhodes was not in a hurry, just raised his hand and did not release spell, but just kept locking on vampire, watching vampire dodge there.

Rhodes knows that at this moment, it is more powerful to not release the magic divine arrow than to release the magical divine arrow.

Vampire was obviously seriously injured and did not use the bat transformation skill, which only means that the number of uses of its bat transformation skill has been used up. Once the bat transformation skill is used again, most of the injury at the throat can be recovered, and the effect of the arrangement in the channel is finally reflected.

vampire doesn't know that Rhodes can release the magic divide arrow several times, but Rhodes himself understands that he only has the mana value of the magic divide arrow released once, and he can't release it easily.

Therefore, Rhodes raising his hands like this at this time will undoubtedly put a lot of pressure on vampire. Vampire didn't dare to stop to draw out the sword stuck in his neck, so he could only keep dodging.

vampire also understands that the enemy in front of him will not release spell so easily, but will take the opportunity to attack himself when he stops to draw the blade.

Vampire tried to back away, but Rhodes immediately followed, still ready to release spell. Whenever you see which way the vampire is moving, Rhodes will immediately move with the vampire.

At this point, vampire has nothing to do. The initiative is in Rhodes' hands. As long as Rhodes doesn't cast the magic divide arrow, vampire will always worry and dare not stop and draw the sword.

Once the vampire stops and draws the sword, without the bat skill to avoid damage, as long as the vampire is hit by the magic divide arrow again, the vampire knows that it is impossible to survive.

The blood of black red flows down from the throat of vampire, even if vampire wants to fix the blade a little when dodging, but the sword itself has weight, when vampire dodges, it is difficult to fix the blade Continue to expand the wound at its throat.

The ground where vampire dodged has been dyed red. At this time, vampire has been severely injured and has extremely low health.

In the process of vampire dodging, suddenly, a black shadow sprang out from the side and bit on vampire's feet, it was the corpse Wolf King.

The corpse Wolf King was seriously injured during the vampire's bat transformation, but a life force stronger than other undead creatures kept it alive.

Because the corpse Wolf King's health was extremely low, he couldn't take a single damage from the vampire, so Rhodes let it lurking aside and didn't shoot until the most critical moment.

At this point, under Rhodes' control, the corpse Wolf King bit the vampire's leg.

After being attacked, vampire naturally couldn't continue to dodge, holding the blade at the throat with one hand, fixing it, and swinging the other hand down quickly,

even deep Severely wounded, the vampire still showed its power, killing the corpse Wolf King with just one blow.

Although he killed the corpse Wolf King, vampire knew that when he attacked the undead creature under his feet to reveal the weak spot, the enemy who had been looking for an opportunity would cast spell, and he could no longer avoid it.

However, the spell that vampire envisioned did not come. For a while, vampire did not draw out the blade at the throat, but quickly raised his head and looked towards the enemy in front of him.

Rhodes stared blankly at the vampire while performing a spiritual imprint.

(end of this chapter)

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