
  Chapter 30, Thief Guild II

After arriving at Thief Guild, Rhodes had intended to quickly ask his own questions , obtained some key information, but after seeing the posture of Thief Guild, Rhodes changed his plan.

Rhodes moved the parchment from the middle of the table in front of him, wrote "Conditions in Krulord" on it, and then pushed the parchment towards the old man opposite.

The old man picked up the quill in front of him and quickly wrote on the parchment, then slowly pushed the paper towards Rhodes with both hands.

Rhodes takes it, looking up at the parchment, which reads "Heroes Return, 3".

Rhodes understands that the first half of the parchment is his answer to this question, and the number written in the back is the total gold coin that Rhodes needs to pay.

Thief Guild guarantees that the information sold is correct, but only provides a little information at a time. If you want to know more and more detailed information, you need to spend a lot of gold coins to ask many times.

Rhodes believes in the credibility of the Thief Guild and will not readily sell unsubstantiated intelligence. Looking at the answer written by the old man, Rhodes fell into thought.

The purpose of Rhodes asking this question is to confirm the game period he is in through this question.

According to Rhodes' memory, when he first entered the game in his previous life, the game's first expansion piece [War God of Ruin] tells about the Barbarian leader Tanan of Krulord, who got the Divine Item after getting the Divine Item. After banning the magic ball, the battle against the Bracada mage.

After reading this passage written by the old man, Rhodes had certain ideas about the period he was in, but he was afraid to confirm it completely.

Rhodes picked up a pen, wrote "hero's name" on a piece of paper, and handed the parchment to the old man.

The old man took over the parchment and wrote "Tanan, 5" on it.

Just the name of a hero is worth 2gold coin, which is the value that intelligence can bring. Rhodes knows that this is not too expensive. If you want to know the approximate combat capability of a hero, you need to pay more gold coins.

Seeing this name, Rhodes has also completely determined the period he is in, which is just the beginning of the game, the early stage of the first expansion.

Previously, when he got Elliot's pendant, Rhodes had this hunch that he might have returned to the very beginning of the game, that is, the stage when all players had just entered the game, but Rhodes was not sure. .

At this time, after inquiring, although only fragmented information was obtained, Rhodes was completely certain based on his previous game experience that he had indeed come to the early stage of the first expansion.

In this stage, the hero Tanan has just completed his adventure on the continent, with all his treasures, he returned to his hometown of Kru Lord, and began to integrate all Kru Lord Barbarian tribe, gathering strength against the mage of Brakada.

This is the meaning of "The Return of the Hero" written by the old man.

Quickly thinking about the other content of the first expansion in his mind, Rhodes then wrote "Freelance Chamber of Commerce in this city, born hero" on the parchment.

Rhodes asked this question in order to gain some information on his own soul quest. According to the records on the map, it was at the Freelance Chamber of Commerce in this city that the previous Elliot sold Rowlin.

The old man took over the parchment, his eyes narrowed slightly, and then he wrote "transferred, 10" on the paper.

Generally speaking, what the Freelance Chamber of Commerce wants to do can't be hidden from the Thief Guild in the same city. The Thief Guild's sale of the Freelance Chamber of Commerce's intelligence also led to the later Two Great Influences' war.

The old man deliberately only wrote a few short words. If Rhodes wants to know the situation, he will continue to ask, which will cost Rhodes more gold coins.

Rhodes didn't care about the old man's tricks either, but wrote down the "transfer destination" on a piece of paper.

After taking the parchment, the old man did not write the answer to the question directly on the paper, but glanced at Rhodes.

Rhodes understands the meaning of the old man. It is nothing more than that this news is more secretive than the previous news, and it is also more valuable. I am afraid that Rhodes will not be able to take out so many gold coins after knowing it.

Rhodes nodded to the old man. After the old man got Rhodes' instructions, he quickly wrote down the message and handed the parchment back to Rhodes.

Rhodes looked down and read "City of Sorrows, 60".

Just a place name requires 50gold coins, far more than all previous news. Just a place name, of course, is not worth such a high price, but under the Rhodes problem, it has a high value. This is the benefit of intelligence combined.

Perhaps because of the location, compared to Krulod, which is almost at the other end of the continent, the information of the Freelance Chamber of Commerce in a city is obviously more expensive. If it wasn't for Rhodes from With thousands of gold coins in Elliot's space ring, even paying for this message is a problem.

Rhodes never thought about not paying the bill after asking the news and forcibly leaving with martial power. Those who did this in the previous life were all wanted by the Thief Guild.

The high bounty, coupled with the detailed information provided by the Thief Guild, many high-level assassins will choose to take on such tasks.

At this moment, the message in my memory flashed by. Rhodes seemed to have thought of something, drew a symbol on the parchment, then wrote "meaning, location" on the paper, and then pushed the parchment to the old man opposite.

This symbol comes from Elliot's badge in the space ring, and Rhodes also saw this symbol on Elliot's magic book.

Taking over the parchment returned by the old man, Rhodes saw the answers to his two questions above, "Dark Raven, Spell Academy, 62" and "Dia, City of Sorrows, 65".

As if to tell Rhodes the value of each answer, the old man marked the gold coin to be paid after each answer. But Rhodes' attention is clearly not on this, but on that place name, City of Sorrows.

Looking at the place name that appeared twice, but with completely different prices, Rhodes fell into deep thought.

What happened in the first expansion, the identity of the undead mage, the City of Sorrows, the soul task...

The old man opposite also saw this kind of thinking of Rhodes, Without any urging, he put his hands back in front of him, waiting for Rhodes' next question.

It didn't take long for Rhodes to stop thinking about it, put his hand into his arms, and took out the 100gold coin that had been distributed in a bag from the space ring, and quickly distributed it in front of the old man. Take out 65gold coins and put them on the table.

Next, Rhodes took the parchment into his pocket and walked out according to the practice of inquiring in the quiet room.

Outside the door, the previous attendant was still waiting here, ready to lead Rhodes back to the Thief Guild's hall.

The old man remained in the quiet room, stretched out his hand to sweep it, the gold coin was disappeared immediately, and then he took out a new parchment from a hidden compartment under the table, waiting for the next guest to come to inquire.

(end of this chapter)

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