
  Chapter 60 Attacked

Rhodes stood still, looking back, vampire was fighting the ghost.

vampire attacked for a while, but the ghost quickly floated at low altitude to dodge, and the attack that couldn't be avoided was blocked with bone arms.

The appearance of the upper body of the ghost is similar to that of the skeleton soldier. It is a body made of human bones, but there is nothing under the body. The hem of the cloth robe is empty, and the lower part of the whole body There is no actual form. Because of this, the ghost has the ability to fly, but it can only float at a position not high from the ground, and cannot fly at high altitudes.

Ghosts are a progression of Second Rank creature ghosts. The advanced creatures will not only have more basic attributes than the pre-advanced basic creatures, but also master some special skills.

Neither the vampire nor the ghosts were affected by the dim light around them when they fought at full force.

The Shade didn't take the initiative to attack except after attacking Rhodes at first. In the face of vampire's attack, the ghost is more dodging.

vampire stretched out a claw, and the ghost flew backwards for a distance directly to the rear, dodging the attack of vampire. Vampire went straight to the ghost again, trying to grab the ghost's body from behind, but the ghost directly raised his hand and slapped Vampire's arm aside.

Since the speed attribute is not much different, vampire's attack can't get too Great Accomplishment effect in a short time. It is also a third rank creature, even if the overall strength of vampire is stronger than that of the ghost, there is no way to kill it quickly.

Even though sometimes the ghost didn't dodge the vampire's attack and was hit by the vampire, the hit part immediately turned dark, and then it seemed like nothing happened, but could take this opportunity to counter the vampire .

In the previous battle with the blue race mage, the sharp claw of vampire broke many times, even if the physical injuries can be recovered, the sharp claw as an offensive weapon cannot recover in a short time, only Can wait for the ebbing of time for it to recover on its own.

Although it surpassed the ghost in the overall basic attribute, but due to the loss of the sharp claw on which to fight, the strength of vampire has dropped a lot compared to before.

In the battle with the ghost, the vampire's successive attacks did not achieve any effect. Vampire started to get a little impatient, and wanted to choose the way of bat transformation, and let the bat rush directly to the ghost. Since the ghost does not have any range attack skills, the damage that can be caused basically depends on the swung arms, and it is difficult to deal with the bats generated by the vampire bat.

However, just when vampire wanted to bat, Rhodes stopped vampire and let vampire keep the number of bats, instead of letting vampire use bats immediately.

Rhodes observed the stance of the ghost, and the ghost did not think about fighting with vampire. Even if vampire is now using bat transformation, the ghost does not need to deal with these bats, and only needs to quickly flee to the surrounding.

In the previous battle, although Rhodes took out the blade from the space ring, he did not help vampire to attack the ghosts together, but kept on guard all around.

Due to the dark clouds, the surrounding light was very dim, and Rhodes could hardly see the scenery all around. These black clouds in the sky limited Rhodes' perception. Originally, it could cover a large area of ​​perception, but now it can only cover the vicinity of the hotel.

Even so, due to Rhodes' Soul Evocation Technique, he is extremely sensitive to the energy of death, and still perceives that there are many undead creatures around.

These undead creatures slowly gathered around while vampire and the ghost were fighting, but instead of attacking, they surrounded Rhodes and vampire as if they were waiting for an opportunity.

Unaware of the location of the manipulators behind these undead creatures, Rhodes also did not move, but focused on finding the undead mage that might be lurking around.

At this time, Rhodes' perception, the number of undead creatures around is increasing. As if knowing that the undead creatures around were ready, the ghost let out a scream after dodging an attack from the vampire.

Suddenly, these undead creatures that Rhodes sensed moved, and they rushed towards Rhodes at the same time.

Rhodes swung out a sword, slashing at the nearest undead creature, forcing it back. Due to the proximity of the undead creatures, Rhodes could see the appearance of these enemies through the surrounding rays of light.

Most of these enemies around are dressed like the ghosts, but they are not as strong as the ghosts, and should be Second Rank undead creatures, ghosts. Also, there are some normal walking corpses that don't have third rank creatures like the previous ghosts.

Seeing that the surrounding enemies are all surrounded, and the trace of the undead mage has not been found, Rhodes will no longer keep his hands.

Rhodes gave an order to vampire through spiritual imprint, and then raised his hand, an ice ring with Rhodes as the center, spread rapidly toward the surrounding, and all the undead creatures around were affected by the ice ring. damage, and due to the impact of the ice ring, these undead creatures were knocked back.

The vampire on the side, after receiving the order from the spiritual imprint, saw Rhodes release the ice ring, so he chose to transform into a bat, and his entire body turned into a black mist.

At the moment when vampire's bat transformation was completed, an ice ring rushed past. Vampire had just entered the bat transformation state, and the bat had not yet appeared, so it was not affected by this spell, and the ice ring directly penetrated. Black mist formed by vampire bats. And the ghost behind was hit by the ice ring because there was no defense.

Since vampire is far away from Rhodes, the ice ring hits the ghost, but it just hits it a bit and doesn't cause much damage to it.

In the black fog, the bat rushed out at the ghost, and the ghost quickly adjusted the body that was hit by the ice ring, dodged directly to the side, and did not give the bat a chance to get close to him.

At this time, the undead creatures around Rhodes were too close to bear the damage of the ice magic ring, although the ice magic ring alone could not hit them. killed, but also caused a lot of damage to them.

Taking advantage of the moment when the ice magic ring was just released and the surrounding undead creatures were shocked and unstable, Rhodes rushed up with his sword and began to quickly attack these undead creatures.

Rhodes did not choose to cast the magic again, in order to save mana for special situations. According to Rhodes' idea, if you want to kill these undead creatures around you with the ice magic ring alone, you need to release at least three or four times. Rhodes is obviously not willing to spend his mana to kill ordinary undead creatures.

The nearest ghost beside Rhodes was thrown back by the impact of the ice magic ring. Due to the fact that it can float, although there is some damage on the body, the ghost adjusts its state in an instant, and just wants to find the enemy in front of him, but only sees a blade slashing towards him.

The ghost hurriedly dodged, trying to fall backwards to avoid the attack. However, due to the previous impact, the ghost was unable to move immediately, and the blade caught up with the ghost who was trying to dodge, accurately cutting off its exposed cervical vertebra.

In an instant, the entire body of the ghost lost its strength, could no longer float, and fell from the air to the ground. All that was left on the ground was the cloth robe and the dead bones it wrapped.

After killing this ghost, Rhodes didn't stop, immediately turned to the next nearest undead creature on the side, and swung a sword at it.

The undead creature that Rhodes is about to attack is just a normal walking corpse. Even in perfect condition, Rhodes didn't need much effort to kill, not to mention that the walker received a spell.

Rhodes decapitated the walking corpse with a single sword, then locked on to the next target again.

At this point, the impact effect of the ice magic ring has subsided, and the surrounding undead creatures have recovered and began to rush towards Rhodes.

Rhodes was not afraid at all, and before the undead creatures around him rushed to his side, Rhodes took the lead in rushing towards the undead creature closest to him.

As the battle progressed, Rhodes discovered that the dim light around him had no effect on his sword technique. Even if the surrounding ghosts wanted to take advantage of the dark environment to carry out a sneak attack, Rhodes could react in time, but instead took advantage of the opportunity of their surprise attack to hit them hard with a sword.

After rising to the expert level, Rhodes' sword technique has not been improved, but the improvement of the basic attribute has made the original sword technique more powerful.

When the basic attribute is not high, Rhodes' expert sword technique can help him deal with powerful enemies of the attribute, and when Rhodes' basic attribute is no longer a weakness, the true strength of the expert sword technique can be revealed. Rhodes doesn't need to think about how to draw a sword, he just needs to follow his instincts, and he can easily deal with these undead creatures in front of him.

Low-level special skills can only deal with crises for a period of time. No matter it is any kind of special skill, as long as it reaches the expert level, it will have this unique use and will not be eliminated with the improvement of strength. A large part of what determines the strength of high-level professionals comes from the number of expert-level special skills.

Rhodes quickly cleaned up the undead creatures around. When there were only a few undead creatures around, vampire also joined in to help Rhodes kill these undead creatures around.

Rhodes fights with vampire, these low-level undead creatures have no room for resistance and can only be eliminated one by one.

It didn't take long for the surrounding undead creatures to be cleaned up, leaving only the wreckage on the ground.

When all the undead creatures around were wiped out, Rhodes also began to question vampire.

Rhodes remembers that at first vampire was fighting the vampire, and according to Rhodes' estimation, even if the vampire fought the vampire at full strength, in a short time, the two of them would be impossible to win.

Rhodes remembers that the characteristic of the ghost is that it can recover its own health with the ebbing of time. This characteristic of the ghost is extremely effective against creatures whose attributes are not as good as it. But in the face of Rhodes who are far stronger than them and can kill them with one blow, this feature does not seem to have much effect, Rhodes can directly kill the ghost.

As a ghost advanced ghost, this feature of recovering injuries has been further strengthened. Although it cannot restore a broken limb, relying on this feature, in addition to damage to body parts, the ghost is affected by The damage can be recovered, so it is extremely difficult to deal with.

From what happened to the vampire in the spiritual imprint, Rhodes learned that the Wraith did not choose to fight the vampire, but retreated directly into the darkness. And vampire also seemed to feel something. Instead of chasing the retreating ghost, he chose to return to Rhodes and deal with the surrounding undead creatures with Rhodes.

During the battle, Rhodes deliberately saved mana in order to deal with the undead mage that might be lurking around. According to Rhodes' idea, if the surrounding undead mage did not shoot at him, he would probably choose to attack the vampire and would not let himself kill the undead creatures he controlled.

Rhodes' target, at first, was placed on the hidden undead mage. He wanted to wait until he was exposed, and then try to kill him. If he has been hiding in the dark, Rhodes is also very good. There is no way to find him.

What Rhodes didn't expect was that even if all these undead creatures died, the hidden undead mage did not appear.

Rhodes recalled the first time he encountered the ghost. He was meditating inside the hotel, but he was attacked by the ghost when he came to the street outside. After the vampire fought the ghosts for a while, the rest of the undead gathered here.

Rhodes realizes that these undead creatures should have nothing to do with the mayor. It is extremely easy for the mayor to find out his movements in the town. If the mayor intends to sneak attack him at night, the moment he walks out of the hotel, he will be surrounded by the mayor's undead. Creatures, not like this, wait until they find themselves, and the undead creatures around them start to gather.

Looking at the remains of these undead creatures on the ground, Rhodes was a little uncertain about his previous judgment.

Among the undead creatures that were previously killed, there were not many walking corpses, but more ghosts of Second Rank. After killing this group of undead creatures, Rhodes got a total of 440 EXP points.

Although the battle strength of this group of undead creatures is not very good, the experience provided has not been reduced in any way. At the same time, it also shows that Rhodes' strength has improved to a certain extent. It may still be difficult to defeat third rank creatures head-on, but there is absolutely no problem with ordinary Second Rank creatures.

Seeing that EXP has reached the level of promotion, Rhodes opens the attribute panel.

"Consumes EXP 600, and the remaining EXP is 130. The occupation level is raised to 2 Swordsman Level 7..."

"Get 1 free attribute point, get 1 skill point..."

Thinking of the next battle, Rhodes did not allocate these points obtained through upgrades, but waited until the critical moment to use them.

Leading the vampire, Rhodes chose to go to the mayor's mansion again to find out.

(end of this chapter)

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