
  Chapter 64 Talks

“Elliot, I may call you that.”

After finishing his observation of Rhodes, the mayor said slowly.

Rhodes didn't say a word, just looked at the mayor nodded, waiting for his next words.

"As you have seen earlier, I am at war with the enemy. speaking of which, I would also like to thank you for cutting off the enemy's retreat for me, so that the enemy's undead creatures lost a lot here. ."

As if explaining the previous situation, the mayor said, but there was no expression on his face, he just said these words, and he couldn't hear the gratitude contained in the words at all.

At this time, Rhodes also spoke up and slowly asked the mayor, "If the mayor really thanked me, why did he let the skeleton warriors under him test me?"

Even after the battle was over, the dark clouds surrounding the mansion still did not dissipate. After hearing Rhodes' question, the mayor at the entrance of the mansion replied:

"You also understand that this is a test, I just want to know your strength in this way. The test I personally led, of course It's much more reliable than simple observation."

After saying this, the mayor paused and continued: "Although it's a bit offensive, it should be me who really talks about the loss, right? Even if the original Resisting those ghosts, my skeleton warriors have not lost a few, but in order to test you, my skeleton warriors have lost a lot."

The mayor's voice turned cold, and Rhodes heard the words in his words. 's anger.

If it's just a test, then Rhodes' use of spell to kill these skeleton warriors quickly will undoubtedly make the mayor very angry.

However, Rhodes did not say anything. Since the mayor intends to test, he must be prepared to lose something. Compared with the lost skeleton warriors, the mayor has more strength information. value.

Rhodes asked the mayor:

"The question of loss should be very clear to you, so you don't need to mention it. You haven't answered me yet, tempter. What is the purpose, just to simply understand my strength? Or, what are you preparing for?"

After listening to Rhodes' words, the mayor realized that the person in front of him could not easily fool the past. , so he said:

"Aren't you curious, why are there undead creatures coming to the town to attack my mansion? If you didn't show up here in time, maybe they would have taken my mansion. Break through."

Hearing this, Rhodes knew that the mayor was planning to give him some information to explain why the mansion was attacked. Including the previous temptation may be for these words.

"Then ask the mayor to talk about it."

Rhodes did not directly attack the skeleton warriors in front of him. Kill these skeleton warriors, and there are more powerful undead creatures in the mansion.

Therefore, Rhodes followed the mayor's words and planned to hear what the mayor had to say.

"The undead mage who attacked this town earlier was a senior apprentice in the Undead Spell Academy. This senior apprentice should have come to perform the trial mission."

"I studied in the Spell Academy of the Undead, and it was not until I was older that I chose to hand in some gold coins to the Academy and came to this town to become the mayor of this town."

"Apart from the need to hand in gold coins every year, I don't have much effect on Academy, and the number of these gold coins doesn't matter to Academy at all. If I have any role, I can only help Academy train apprentices. "

"After the apprentice took over the task from the Academy, he came to destroy the town, and I was responsible for dealing with it. As you saw earlier, the undead creatures who came to attack were created by Controlled by such an apprentice.”

“I have dealt with such apprentices many times before. After these apprentices accepted the trial mission, they all wanted to destroy this town, their The strength is not much different from mine."

"But I don't know why, the undead mage apprentice who is here is far more powerful than me. If you didn't take action in time before, help me repel these Undead creatures, relying on my skeleton warriors alone, may not last long."

Not as before, in the narration of these words, the mayor brought a heavy tone, perhaps wanting to make Rhodes believes, or maybe it's just talking.

Rhodes was silent after hearing the mayor's words.

Through the mayor's remarks, coupled with previous speculation, Rhodes has realized something.

"You have also seen that the undead creatures controlled by this undead mage before, plus these black clouds in the sky, are definitely stronger than me, the skeleton warriors. Skeleton warrior, I have no way to deal with it."

"Because of this, I did not let you go at first, but wanted to use your help to deal with this undead mage and protect this Small town."

"Before, maybe I didn't make it clear that I misunderstood something, but I definitely don't have any bad intentions."

"And try to test your strength. , also because I want to understand your strength, so as to determine the next countermeasures."

"Through the previous battle, I also have a partial understanding of your strength, I am sure that if you If you are willing to help me, I will definitely be able to deal with the undead mage, and the town will not have to be destroyed by him."

"Of course, since there are certain risks in this kind of thing, I will not be in vain. Let you take the risk and kill this undead mage, and I will give you a treasure as a reward."

"So, Elliot, what do you mean? Would you like to help me deal with this Undead mage?"

After saying these words, the mayor looked towards Rhodes, did not continue to say anything, but waited for Rhodes' answer.

At this point, the mayor explained the entire process of development to Rhodes, including why the map was not given to Rhodes before, and why the undead mage came to attack, and most importantly, he Want Rhodes to help him deal with this undead mage.

Rhodes has no idea about what the mayor said would use treasure as a reward. This is just a temporary promise from the mayor. After Rhodes kills the undead mage, the mayor will be completely You can deny it, or find a way to kill Rhodes.

If Rhodes really believed the mayor's words, he wouldn't be able to blame anyone for being deceived in the end.

After thinking for a while, Rhodes asked the mayor in order to confirm his previous thoughts:

"You can leave on your own, according to your current strength, even if you join. War can also gain a lot of benefits, why must you stay in the town and wait for others to deal with you?"

After hearing Rhodes' words, the mayor replied:

"Leave ? No, no. If I were the same age as you, I would have left here without you reminding me. But I don't want to leave right now, and I've become bearish on things like rights, and I just want to stay here , and study some spells with peace of mind."

Rhodes obviously couldn't believe what the mayor said, that ambition, this thing, will not fade with time, on the contrary, it will become stronger. After improving, correspondingly, you will also think about greater rights.

Therefore, the reason for not wanting to leave here, apart from the age that the mayor said, can only be that there is something here that makes him not want to leave, and there is a greater benefit than leaving.

Recognizing this, Rhodes asked the mayor:

"How many years have passed since you left the Undead Spell Academy? What do you think?"

Since the mayor asked Rhodes, Rhodes was not afraid that he would not answer his own question, even if it was a simple and meaningless answer, so Rhodes asked the mayor about the undead. Spell Academy's point of view is actually to understand the mayor of this person.

The mayor replied: "The days of living in the Academy are like yesterday, and I can recall all the scenes at that time."

"Because of my innate talent, I can't Jia, had to choose a way to leave the Academy and come here. I can't tell you exactly how many years have passed, but I'm sure it's been a long time."

"As for saying What do you think of the Academy? I like the environment of Undead Spell Academy. Compared with the orthodox spell Academy, the environment inside Undead Spell Academy is more cruel. If you are not careful, you will be eliminated, and I survive."

"The orthodox mage Academy was originally prepared for those nobles. Like me, I have no background, and my own innate talent is not enough. Even if you want to become stronger with time accumulation, Academy will not. It will be allowed."

"Although there are some special reasons, the only place where everyone, regardless of aptitude, can be qualified to learn spell, is the undead spell Academy."

After listening to the mayor's words, Rhodes understands something.

The mayor's words were full of admiration for the undead spell Academy. Even though he has left the Academy for a long time, he still misses the previous Academy life.

Rhodes realizes that if his innate talent is not enough, he needs to make up for it through the accumulation of time, the mayor can grow into a strong undead mage within the Academy, and because of this, Rhodes A deep vigilance arose.

These apprentices who admire the undead mage Academy also recognize the weak are prey to the strong system in the Academy, and this respect is reflected in their attitude towards the ordinary person.

Rhodes asked the mayor how long he had been here, because he wanted to use this question to judge the degree of the mayor's accumulation of strength.

Rhodes does not believe that the mayor who has accumulated strength here for so long will only control the undead creatures in front of these skeleton warriors, and the breath that Rhodes felt in the mayor's mansion is very likely. is another powerful undead creature, though Rhodes can't be sure of its kind.

Apart from this, Rhodes still had some unanswered questions in his heart, including how the mayor knew that the undead mage in the Academy had received a trial mission, and how the mayor had dealt with this kind of thing by himself several times before. The undead mage who came to destroy the village.

The answer to this question determines the strength of the mayor himself, but Rhodes understands that if he just asks the mayor bluntly, the mayor will definitely not answer him, or he can only use other methods to do it himself. make a judgment.

Rhodes said, "I remember you saying that a Business Group was coming to this town recently."

"Yes, a friend of mine at the Freelance Chamber of Commerce as the head of a small Business Group, not long ago, he was going to the City of Sorrows, I asked him to deliver some supplies to me by the way."

"It stands to reason that in recent days, Business The Group will come to the town, and with the power of the Business Group, I can deal with the undead mage. But to be on the safe side, I still need to ask you to help me deal with the undead mage before the Business Group does not come. ."

"In order to reassure you, I can give you the map you need first."

Said, the mayor took out a scroll from his pocket and handed it to In the hands of the skeleton warrior on the side, the skeleton warrior is about to step forward and hand the scroll to Rhodes.

Besides, vampire immediately took a few steps forward, took the scroll from the skeleton warrior, then came to Rhodes and handed the scroll to Rhodes.

Rhodes opened the scroll in his hand, because the surrounding light was dim, even if there were a lot of fire on the surrounding ground, it could only illuminate the nearby ground, completely unable to let Rhodes see the map in his hand.

Rhodes kept the map in his pocket and did not speak.

Whether you answer the mayor's request or not, this map Rhodes will not be returned. Although I don't know the authenticity of the map, I just need to confirm it a little.

Rhodes asked the mayor: "Then, what is the mayor going to do with this undead mage, during the attack at this time, most of his undead creatures have been lost, maybe he Now he has chosen to leave."

The mayor replied: "No, this time he just came to test, he did not bring all the undead creatures, and he also separated some undead creatures. Search the townspeople and retreat as soon as they sense danger."

"If he sends all the undead, these skeleton warriors alone, I can't resist. So I need your help, Only then can he be killed."

After listening to the mayor's words, Rhodes asked: "So, after successfully killing this undead mage, the valuable items on him, as well as himself How should the corpses be distributed?"

Just listening to Rhodes' words made one think that Rhodes really agreed to the mayor's request.

"I only want his magic book, apart from this, and the rest of his items, including this treasure that can create dark clouds, are yours. What do you say?"

Rhodes nods.

Both Rhodes and the mayor, after testing each other's strengths, did not doubt whether they could successfully kill the undead mage apprentice, and directly gave the distribution method of spills of war. .

"Tonight, this undead mage will obviously not attack again. But his next attack will not be delayed for too long. I also need to go back before the war starts..."

"He has already developed a defense against you. When he next attacks, you don't have to shoot for the time being. I will let all the skeleton warriors drag him. Hold on, when the battle is deadlocked, you can take the opportunity to kill him..."

Hearing this, Rhodes directly interrupted the mayor's words and said: "No, if you want to do this, it's better I will resist the undead creatures with you."

The mayor's words may sound like the most correct way, let the skeleton warriors rely on the battle formation to resist the undead creatures, and then Rhodes find a way to kill the undead creatures. An undead mage, but this method is actually extremely unfavorable for Rhodes.

In the previous battle, the undead mage had only released two spells, and Rhodes did not know his true spellcasting ability.

Because he didn't know the spellcasting ability of the undead mage, Rhodes couldn't take advantage of the terrain, and the success rate of doing so was extremely low.

Even if Rhodes succeeds in killing the undead mage, the mayor in the mansion can take the opportunity to control the surrounding undead creatures and deal with Rhodes in turn. Therefore, Rhodes will not choose to do so.

The mayor also understood what Rhodes meant, so he didn't say more, but motioned Rhodes to express his thoughts.

(end of this chapter)

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