
  Chapter 758 System I

This feature of Lich makes them, when casting spells, It will greatly change the shape of the spell itself, which, even the more powerful Legendary Lich, has no way to change it.

The attack magic cast by Lich will have strong death energy. In terms of characteristics, these spells cast by Lich may not be as good as those really cast by high-level mage, but In terms of strength, it still exceeds the limit that ordinary undead mage can achieve.

Because of this, Rhodes will naturally not underestimate the spell displayed by a Lich. In some cases, this spell eroded with death energy is more powerful than ordinary spells. can cause more damage.

In this case, Rhodes was extremely wary of the spell that Stephen was guiding. Even with the existence of the Legendary Grade Soul Evocation Technique, Rhodes did not dare to accept it head-on. This technique was performed by Lich, A spell with strong death energy.

The death energy of all around has long been affected by this spell and has begun to fluctuate violently. At this time, Rhodes can already feel the spell that is about to take shape from the surrounding mana fluctuations.

It stands to reason that in order to ensure his own safety, Rhodes should immediately use the forbidden magic ball fragment in his hand, so as not to bring great harm to himself after the spell is fully formed. threat.

However, it seemed that he realized something. Even though he had already held the Forbidden Ball Fragment in his hand, Rhodes had no intention of using it, but just waited for Stephen to finish the spell.

Before this, Rhodes noticed the abnormality through the mana fluctuations caused by Stephen's guiding this spell.

Through his own perception and previous spellcasting experience, Rhodes judged that the spell guided by Stephen did not seem to be a spell of injury type, but another kind of existence.

However, when Stephen cast this spell, the death energy fluctuations caused by it disturbed Rhodes' judgment from the very beginning.

From Rhodes' point of view, the death energy that Stephen mobilized when guiding this special spell, even a fifth-order senior undead mage, can't reach this level with all his strength. .

Under this circumstance, feeling the emergence of this death energy, and when this spell was about to take shape, Rhodes immediately expected that Stephen had unleashed a powerful damage spell.

At this time, after recalling Lich's spell when he cast spells, Rhodes realized that the spell cast by Stephen was not limited to damage. Among the spells, it has more probability.

Before this spell was fully formed, its properties had long been destroyed by the energy of death, and Rhodes could only judge its type from past experience.

When Rhodes realized this, his speculation about this spell naturally became comprehensive, and was no longer limited to one type of spell.

In Rhodes' opinion, this spell should be regarded as a Space Type spell after all the death energy-related parts are removed.

Combining the previous spellcasting experience, Rhodes did not take too long to determine the real name of this spell, which is the gate of time and space in the fourth rank spell.

Recalling his previous self, unable to perceive any threat from the spell that was about to take shape, Rhodes also realized the real reason for this situation.

Rhodes at that time was just the reason for this situation, thinking that Lich Stephen had a very strong spellcasting ability, but after judging the true form of this spell, Rhodes realized that, Error in original idea.

Because the spell's effect is very fixed, even if it is the gate of time and space cast by Lich, it will still not have any damage-like factors. Rhodes naturally cannot detect any kind of damage from the gate of time and space. Threat meaning.

At this time, after recognizing Lich's spell, Rhodes could not understand Stephen's true thoughts, but he could also perceive some unusual things.

From Rhodes' point of view, Stephen displayed this extremely special form of the gate of time and space without any warning, and more, perhaps to test himself.

Rhodes realizes that his behavior after he came to the Tomb of Death has caught the attention of Lich Stephen.

Rhodes knew that, compared with the response he made, the panic he showed when he saw Stephen was in line with the general undead mage's performance, even from the very beginning, himself. This behavior of looking for Stephen also seems unreasonable.

For Lich, whose strength has already reached another level, the undead mage has no right to speak in front of them.

The information circulating in Dia, which made all senior undead mage uneasy, also involved some extremely active Lich, who has been hunting down the deeds of undead mage with extremely high potential throughout the territory.

In this case, as an undead mage, actively looking for traces of Lich, and even wanting to make a deal with him, naturally seems extremely abnormal, there will be no undead mage at all, and such a choose.

And in Rhodes' view, for Lich Stephen, this not only happened, but even happened twice in a short period of time.

When Tello first entered the Tomb of Death, Stephen could feel the will in him and the determination to seek this method, which taught the secret technique, but still let Tello Paid a full price.

Rhodes realized that Stephen might be able to understand this situation for the first time, but at this time, Stephen seemed to have some doubts about the purpose of his arrival, let alone on himself, There is also the existence of Forbidden Magic Ball fragments.

The Forbidden Magic Ball Fragment, this special object that preserves the original effect of the Divine Item, undoubtedly gave Rhodes a lot of confidence. Even if Lich Stephen intends to shoot himself, he can deal with it.

In Rhodes' eyes, Lich Stephen's most powerful thing is undoubtedly the undead creatures she has accumulated over countless years. Compared with that, her spellcasting ability is nothing.

However, once the forbidden magic barrier is opened, Stephen will still be severely restricted. Rhodes has a lot of confidence and will solve the undead creature under Stephen's hand before it arrives.

(end of this chapter)

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