
  Chapter 773 Soul Evocation Tower II

In Rhodes' impression, in the entire Dia, there are only Very few undead cities will choose to build the Soul Evocation tower.

For the undead mage, the Soul Evocation Tower is of great significance. The undead mage within the range of the Soul Evocation Tower will receive additional bonuses during the process of transforming undead creatures, drastically shortening the transformation time. Apart from this, the undead mage can also treat the undead far beyond its own rank. biological transformation.

And when the undead mage enters the Soul Evocation tower in person, it will make his Soul Evocation Technique generate some new insights, and some undead mage with extremely high innate talent can even be improved by this. Own Soul Evocation Technique grade.

However, there are also certain restrictions on the upgrade of the Soul Evocation Technique level by the undead mage. Before completing the endless night ceremony, even with the help of the insight brought by the Soul Evocation tower, the undead mage can't overcome this limitation and upgrade the level of Soul Evocation Technique to Epic Grade.

Before becoming a Lich, the existence of the Soul Evocation Tower can only bring certain insights about Soul Evocation Technique to these undead mage, making it easier for them to master it after successful promotion. This cannot be achieved in advance.

And those undead mage whose Soul Evocation Technique level is less than Grandmaster Level, do not have so many restrictions. The existence of the Soul Evocation tower can undoubtedly play a great role in enhancing their strength.

It can be said that the existence of the Soul Evocation Tower has extremely profound significance for all the undead mage within its shrouded range. Except for a few towns with very special environments, all the undead cities with Soul Evocation towers have become places where a large number of undead mage gather.

In addition to the improvement of the undead mage, the existence of the Soul Evocation tower will also gather the surrounding death energy all the time. The transformation occurs on its own, and according to the core of the Soul Evocation tower, the transformed undead creatures will have different special attributes.

Because of the various functions of the Soul Evocation Tower, it is not easy to build it, and only those extremely powerful undead cities will choose to build the Soul Evocation Tower. What Rhodes didn't expect was that he would see the existence of the Soul Evocation tower in the city of the dead.

Rhodes has always felt an anomaly ever since he passed through the portal of time and space and came to the city of the dead. This unusual perception was always in Rhodes' mind, and no matter how he dealt with it, it lingered.

In Rhodes' perception, this abnormality was not the strong threat he felt when he contacted Lich Stephen earlier, but was like those special Divine items in the process of collecting Divine Item parts. Item widget, the outgoing attraction is average.

As he advanced with Tello, Rhodes also confirmed the approximate location of the abnormal feeling through his own observation.

To Rhodes' great surprise, the location from which this unusual feeling came from was exactly where the Soul Evocation Tower was located in the City of Death.

In Rhodes' perception, at this moment, in the area above the Soul Evocation tower, there seems to be something special that is calling for his arrival.

Following the most special perception that appeared in his heart, Rhodes' gaze turned to the Soul Evocation Tower again.

The surface of the Soul Evocation tower still faintly flashes with dark red rays of light, and vaguely, it seems that the special lines on it can be observed. Rhodes's line of sight, along the tower of Soul Evocation tower has been upward, until under the shroud of the Dark Sky Curtain, the vision becomes blurred, can not see anything.

Through his own perception, Rhodes clearly realizes that the abnormal feeling in his heart is not an imaginary, but a real call.

From perception, Rhodes realized that in the area above the Soul Evocation tower, the things that called to him might be extremely important.

Although I am aware of the existence of this kind of call, but according to the existing information of Rhodes, I have no way of knowing what kind of thing produces this special call, and why does it call? Own.

In Rhodes' view, this special thing may have a great relationship with the Soul Evocation tower in the city of the dead, and perhaps it is a special thing in the Soul Evocation tower that emits This call.

Rhodes' knowledge of the Soul Evocation Tower is limited to only knowing the general function of the Soul Evocation Tower, and that it will cost a lot of resources to build it.

Compared with other things, in the territory of Dia, except Lich, there are few undead lords willing to take the initiative to build the Soul Evocation tower.

It was also in this situation that Rhodes could not get any useful information from the surface of the Soul Evocation tower that existed in the city of the dead for a while.

In Rhodes' impression, when he collected the Divine Item parts of the Titan Arrow, the call he felt was far stronger than the current state.

At the same time, in the process of looking at the Soul Evocation Tower, Rhodes' perception, in addition to deepening this special call to a certain extent, can also feel some vague signs. Unusual breath.

All the breaths in the entire city of death, whether it is the existence of death energy or other things, seem to circulate around this Soul Evocation tower. The more he looked at the Soul Evocation tower, the more Rhodes could feel the anomaly there.

Although I have realized that the abnormality in my perception comes from the Soul Evocation Tower in the City of Death, Rhodes' state at this time has not changed, and still follows the special Luo, moved towards the interior of the city of the dead.

In this case, even Tello, who was beside him, could not know the state of Rhodes at this time, and Rhodes naturally would not disclose this situation to Tello.

Rhodes knows that the investigation and handling of this special call arising from perception cannot be rushed, especially in the current situation, in the city of the dead, and the existence of Sandro, Rhodes. More caution is required.

Once Rhodes' behavior caused an anomaly in the city of the dead, it might make Sandro realize this in advance, so as to take precautions and affect Rhodes' plans for the future.

In Rhodes' view, no matter what anomalies exist in this Soul Evocation tower, they are not as important as the Divine Item.

According to Rhodes's vision, he has great confidence to seize two complete Divine Items from Sandro's hands by relying on the existence of the Forbidden Sphere Fragment. In this case, Rhodes is currently behavior, naturally should not cause too much movement.

(end of this chapter)

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