
  Chapter 791 Charm II

According to Rhodes' information, not only the inaugural undead mage, but also in the In the eyes of creatures from other camps, their charisma attribute is reduced, and basically everything related to undead mage will cause this situation to appear.

Whether it is the undead creature controlled by the undead mage, or the Lich transformed by the undead mage, in the eyes of other creatures, the charm attribute is the lowest existence, and there is almost nothing more than this initial charm. The existence of low things, these creatures related to the undead mage, were naturally greatly disgusted by other forces.

It can be said that all things related to undead mage are not accepted by creatures of other forces due to this.

Among all the undead creatures, the existence of vampire is undoubtedly regarded as an anomaly, not only because they are transformed into undead creatures, but still retain the existence of self-consciousness, and more importantly, It is what they have mastered, for their own evolutionary ability.

The vampire that has completed the morphological evolution, when it is under the appearance of human beings, the overall charm attribute will not be reduced due to the influence of undead creatures, but will be further reduced. promote.

When vampires complete their form transformation, they not only gain a certain degree of improvement in appearance, but more importantly, it is the temperament attached to the innate talent of the race, which makes their charm attribute, get It is a massive improvement unlike other undead creatures.

This, among all undead creatures, belongs to the most special existence, and only the evolved vampire can achieve it.

According to Rhodes' information, due to this characteristic of vampire, some of the Bounty Hunter searches for vampire in Erathia take advantage of this.

Relying on the abnormality in appearance, Bounty Hunter can easily find out, those vampires hidden in Erathia, any other means, whether it is the inspection of undead creatures, or the detection of death energy. spell , it is difficult to achieve this effect.

According to the information Rhodes knows, the existence of the charm attribute is also not the higher the better. In some specific areas, higher charisma attributes are not as good as lower charisma, and are more revered by other creatures.

Dia, where Rhodes was at this time, was undoubtedly such an area. In Dia territory, those undead mage who are terrifying in the eyes of ordinary people and have very low charm are more likely to gain the awe of other undead mage. On the contrary, those undead mage with higher charm, even if their own strength is strong, it is difficult to obtain this kind of undead mage. Effect.

This situation has also led to the fact that in Dia, even if it is eroded by the energy of death, the undead mage will not care about its appearance, on the contrary, it is proud of it as a manifestation of its own prestige.

As if not the former Rhodes, he came to the city of Yinfeng by chance, and saw the then Trou in the city, knowing that he was looking for a way to restore his appearance, and before relying on the existence of Tello, see When it came to Lich Stephen in the Tomb of Death, Rhodes didn't know where to look for a solution to the erosion of death energy.

Rhodes knows a lot about the existence of charismatic attributes. Rhodes knows that in addition to its own basic charm attribute, the existence of equipment can also affect this special attribute to a great extent.

In general, the basic defensive power brought by the material of the equipment is similar to that of the equipment. The equipment with gorgeous appearance naturally comes with more attractive attributes, but the system will not show it, so in many cases, this It is very easy to be ignored by other players.

And in Rhodes' line of sight, the female vampire who just finished the bat transformation in front of her, the armor she wears also has such an effect.

Rhodes noticed that on the armor worn by the female vampire, there seemed to be some special patterns vaguely appearing. There are some similarities observed here, and there is obviously a great correlation between the two.

Similar to Rhodes' impression, the gorgeous armors worn by Erathia Knights, on top of those bright armors, are the family crests corresponding to those Knights, obviously, on the armor of this female vampire The texture is something similar.

It is very different from Erathia's Knight in that these lines are not conspicuous on the armor of female vampire, and cannot achieve the eye-catching effect of Erathia's Knight, you can notice the existence of lines Of course, apart from the keenly observing Rhodes, there is only the vampire himself.

In terms of overall gorgeousness, the black armor worn by female vampires also has a huge gap compared with those of the real Knights.

However, the existence of black armor also adds a lot of charm to the name vampire. Under the outline of the armor, the figure of the female vampire is fully revealed, giving it an imposing manner that is far different from other vampires.

Rhodes can imagine that vampire was originally extremely strong, and at the same time was able to quickly restore the wounded body. Under the cover of this armor, how powerful it can burst out, the vampire in front of him is obviously not allowed. underestimate.

In Rhodes' impression, even undead creatures will be similar to ordinary creatures, using various equipment to give themselves certain advantages.

The existence of Soul Fire undoubtedly endows undead creatures with such abilities, allowing them to use the equipment they were familiar with in the past. Even a skeleton warrior with a very low rank will also choose a variety of equipment to arm himself, not to mention those undead creatures with a higher rank.

The use of equipment by undead creatures is often achieved under the instructions of the undead mage, and even the professional expertise of some special ranks can directly strengthen the undead creatures under them, making them Make better use of your equipment.

As a very special vampire among undead creatures, when it has its own consciousness, it can do this without the command of the undead mage.

Due to the battle method, it is difficult for vampire to use any kind of weapons during the battle. For these vampires, their innate sharp claw is the best weapon in battle, and can cause far more damage than anything else.

Even so, in order to further improve its combat capability, vampire can also make a choice of armor. With the blessing of armor, vampire's original strength has undoubtedly been further improved. Any attempt to kill Vampire creatures will pay enough for this.

(end of this chapter)

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