
  Chapter 793 Tamick II

Listening to the answer given by Tello, Tamik's expression didn't show too many fluctuations, he just said:

"I have already learned from Stephen about the information about the mission. For the detailed process, I will discuss with Rhodes. Discuss. Your mission on this trip has been completed, please go back.”

Regarding the information related to the mission mentioned by Troy, Temick naturally took over the words, and in the In her words, she undoubtedly showed her own attitude.

For Tro, who does not recognize the existence of vampire, Tamick himself will naturally not have a good look on him, even if it is also Lich Stephen's subordinate, but at this time, Tamick Still made his own decision, that is to expel Tello from here.

The higher rank itself, coupled with the strength of the undead creatures under him, undoubtedly gave Tamick the ability to do so, just as before, Trolo relied on his own strength. , suppress the vampire that leads the way.

Hearing Tamick's words, Trou seemed to remember something, and immediately said: "But, according to the task explained by Sir Stephen, I should..."

"I said it, please come back."

Before Telo could finish his sentence, Tamick interrupted him directly. In this case, Trou himself also felt her firm attitude from Tamick's words.

Recognizing that his original actions eventually led to the emergence of this consequence, although Trou made it clear in his heart, at this time, there was no way to solve it.

Under such circumstances, Troy no longer insisted, and did not say anything more to Temick, but turned around and left from the courtyard.

Looking at the silhouette when Tello left, Rhodes at this time undoubtedly felt some abnormality in his heart. Before this, Rhodes did not expect this situation to appear. It can be said that this The development of the situation was beyond Rhodes' expectations.

In Rhodes' view, the more likely scenario is that Tamik, who appears here, fights Trolo and is eventually forcibly expelled, or both sides no longer mention the original What happened, and focusing instead on the upcoming task, is perhaps the more common situation.

What Rhodes didn't expect was that Tamick would make such a decision, and after she made this decision, Tello made no rebuttal and took it to him. Accepted, as if he didn't care about the task Stephen assigned.

It's just that this situation has already happened, and Rhodes at this time can only accept it and start working on mission-related information.

Rhodes noticed that when Trolo gradually moved away, Tamick's eyes had also turned to himself, observing himself.

Rhodes was about to say something, but Tamik's voice came first in his ear.

"As for your mission, I have learned from Lord Stephen that you need to lurk around a powerful undead mage in the city of death and collect important information about him."

From Tamick's mouth, after hearing about his mission on this trip, Rhodes simply nodded it, which was confirmed, but Rhodes had another idea in his heart.

In Rhodes' impression, Tamick's original words with Tello also mentioned that she got these information from Lich Stephen, Rhodes at that time, because of her own attention It was all on Tello, unaware of the anomaly in his words, which Rhodes only realizes in retrospect.

In Rhodes' impression, it didn't take long for him to leave the Tomb of Death until he saw City Lord Tamik.

In the period before his arrival, the City Lord Tamik of the City of Death took a step forward and learned this information from Lich Stephen in advance, relying on it. In Rhodes' impression, there seems to be only one way, and that is the existence of spiritual imprint.

Relying on the existence of spiritual imprint, the undead mage can remotely command undead creatures according to his own thoughts, make a series of actions, and transmit information to his subordinate Death Knights remotely.

However, this ability to transmit information will also be reduced as the distance increases. When it exceeds a certain range, the spiritual imprint between the undead mage and the undead creature will even be completely Silent, unable to play any role, even if the undead creature dies, the undead mage will not have any perception.

Just like Rhodes at this time, he could not give any command to the undead creatures in Verning. The limitation of distance made Rhodes unable to do this.

At this time, in Rhodes' perception, the spiritual imprint corresponding to the ghost dragon has returned to its original state, and the ghost dragon itself, from the area where the city of death is located, has also It was no longer far away, and it seemed that it would not take long to reach where Rhodes was currently.

However, in order to avoid unnecessary influence, Rhodes did not let the ghost dragon approach the city, but let it wait somewhere outside the city of death.

Rhodes believed that Stephen could transmit information about himself and Trolo to City Lord Tamik of the City of Death in a very short period of time, relying on the existence of spiritual imprint as well.

However, compared to Rhodes' distance limitation on spiritual imprint, Stephen's use of spiritual imprint obviously has his own unique method, which can span a distance that is extremely far in Rhodes' view, through spiritual imprint , passing the information to Tamik.

This special discovery undoubtedly made Rhodes at this time realize that even though he came to the city of death, he was still under the surveillance of Stephen.

According to Rhodes' understanding of Death Knight, Stephen can pass information over such a long distance. As her Death Knight, Tamick can also do this, and can pass information. go back.

This discovery has undoubtedly made Rhodes realize that the situation at this time still seems to be extremely unfavorable to him, not to mention Lich Stephen, the controlling ability of the entire city of death, perhaps in the near future, The fact that he used the forbidden magic ball fragment to seize the Divine Item might be immediately known to Stephen.

Because of knowing in advance, a lot of information about the second expansion, compared to the final result of this mission, Rhodes is worried that he will be able to complete the mission in this way. Whether it satisfies Stephen's requirements, and thus obtains the secret technique to solve the erosion of death energy.

(end of this chapter)

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