
  Chapter 83 Battle II

The centaur leader is obviously another fighting style, due to the extreme physical fitness Good, each attack deals a lot of damage.

Because of the perception of danger, vampire did not dare to directly attack the centaur leader for a while, but kept dodging.

At this time, taking advantage of the opportunity of the centaur leader's roar, Vampire was about to go forward to attack, but once again saw the centaur leader slashed with an axe, trying to dodge to the side, but looking at the other side. A battle axe came, and vampire could only dodge backwards.

Rhodes learned about vampire's situation through spiritual imprint. Rhodes puts down his enemies and looks towards the centaur leader.

Rhodes realized that the centaur leader in front of him was probably a creature with a higher First Rank.

At Rhodes's direction, vampire dodged blindly, trying to hold the centaur leader to a screeching halt.

Rhodes fights ahead. Since both the ghost and the vampire are defending against the most powerful centaur leaders, Rhodes must take advantage of this opportunity to quickly clear some of the centaurs around him.

With the cooperation of the ghosts, Rhodes gradually killed several centaurs, whether these centaurs were Second Rank or third rank.

As the battle progressed, although some of the surrounding ghosts died, there were also many centaur corpses on the ground.

At this time, on the side of the battlefield, the centaur leader slashed at Vampire in front of him with an axe. Vampire did not choose to resist, but dodged to the side.

In previous battles, the centaur leader already knew quite a bit about the vampire's battle method.

When vampire just dodged, the centaur leader jumped out directly, bursting out with extremely fast speed, catching up with the vampire in front, and at the same time swept past with an axe, trying to inflict heavy damage on it.

Recognizing the danger contained in the attack of the centaur leader, vampire directly chose to bat in order to avoid this attack.

The centaur leader immediately jumped to the side, trying to avoid the bats produced by the bat.

A ghost tried to block the centaur leader, but was exposed directly in front of the centaur leader.

Before the attack of the ghost, the centaur leader slashed with an axe, and the battle axe was deeply embedded in the ghost's body, and at the same time it was cut with one axe. The ghost's Soul Fire went out and fell to the ground.

After being transformed into a bat, out of a sense of danger, none of the bats rushed towards the centaur leader in front of him, but quickly attacked the rest of the centaurs. The bat completely ignored the original centaur leader.

At this time, facing the centaur leader in front of him, none of the undead creatures around can resist, and even the ghosts that can recover their injuries can only retreat to contain them, otherwise they will be instantly killed. .

During the previous battle, Rhodes learned how powerful the centaur leader was. If he didn't come forward to deal with it himself, even if he used spell, the undead creatures around him would not be the opponent of the centaur leader. Just a waste of mana.

Recognizing this, Rhodes didn't cast any spells on the centaur leader in front of him, just let the remaining undead creatures around him hold him back.

For the remaining undead creatures, if they don't choose to fight back and just dodge, then even the centaur leader with extremely strong attack power cannot kill them quickly.

Although Rhodes didn't understand why these centaurs appeared here, since he took the initiative to attack him, he obviously wouldn't let him go.

At this point, due to the bat, chaos broke out among the centaurs again.

The centaur has a large body, and it is really difficult to guard against these bats around with the weapons in his hand. In battle, the bat can easily hang on the centaur and bite.

Due to the large number of centaurs around, Rhodes' undead creatures were suppressed a lot. And the bats produced by vampire bats are a good way to disrupt the rhythm of the centaur's attack.

Taking advantage of the chance that the bats disturbed the centaurs, Rhodes led the surrounding undead creatures to counterattack quickly. In the chaos, many centaurs fell to the ground due to their injuries.

Rhodes saw the opportunity and charged towards a centaur who was swinging a weapon and attacking a bat not far away.

This centaur is strong and has a third rank. The iron sword in his hand can always hit the bats in the sky accurately. At this time, there is no bat hanging on it. Much better than the other centaurs around.

Rhodes charged at the centaur. The centaur who was handling the bat reacted instantly, waved his weapon, and faced Rhodes beside him.

As the weapons collided, Rhodes used his strength to swing his weapon again, slashing at the centaur in front of him.

The centaur was about to swing his weapon to meet the enemy, but only felt a pain behind him, and the movement of his hand could not help but slow down a beat.

It turned out that while the centaur's attention was on Rhodes, the bat jumped directly on it and began to bite.

At this point, Rhodes slapped the centaur's weapon aside, and while the figure flashed, a bloodstain was drawn on the centaur's body.

The skin on the rear of the centaur appears more tenacious due to the increased rank. This attack by Rhodes seems to have left a long wound on the centaur, but this wound is very shallow, with only a little blood flowing out, which is basically a superficial wound.

Rhodes realizes that wounds like this one don't matter to the centaur, and only a direct stab from the blade can do effective damage.

Although the centaur was injured, he did not care about Rhodes beside him for a while, but turned to deal with the bat that was biting on his body.

There is a special barb on the bat's claws, which can be firmly embedded in the prey. For flesh-and-blood creatures, it is almost difficult to get rid of the bat in addition to directly killing the bat. The bat can take the opportunity to bite. The flesh of the prey.

Therefore, since the centaur in front of him has the strength of third rank, after realizing the danger of the bat, the centaur chooses to immediately deal with the bat behind him.

At this time, there were already quite a few bats on the centaur's body. Due to the attraction of flesh and blood, the bats at this time had no resistance at all, and just blindly bit the centaur in front of him.

The centaur swept across with a sword, and the blade brushed past him, hitting the bat on his body. Immediately, a cloud of black mist erupted from the centaur's body.

The bat turned into a black fog directly after death, but the wounds caused by the bat still remained there, and blood was bleeding outward at this time.

Rhodes took advantage of the centaur's chance to deal with the bat on his body, and suddenly jumped out from behind and slashed with a swift sword.

Centaurs are generally taller due to their characteristics, and Rhodes are slightly shorter in front of them. With the centaur showing a weak spot, Rhodes immediately seized the opportunity and directly decapitated the centaur.

(end of this chapter)

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