
  Chapter 85 Swordsman

With the cooperation of the bat, Rhodes quickly cleaned up the surrounding Centaur, the centaur side needs to resist the bat, and also needs to resist the attack of Rhodes, and lose a lot of time.

At this time, just as Rhodes was about to attack the centaur in front of him, vampire suddenly warned Rhodes, and then there was a burst of wind in Rhodes' ears, and Rhodes hurriedly dodged to the side.

A battle axe spun past Rhodes. Fortunately, Rhodes evaded in time. The battle axe did not hit Rhodes directly, and the axe blade was deeply embedded in the ground beside him.

Although the centaur leader was at war with undead creatures, he would not sit idly by watching his subordinates die one after another, but threw the battle axe in his hand directly at Rhodes from a distance. .

Throwing the battle axe, only one of the two battle axes originally held by the centaur leader was left. Seeing this, the centaur leader held the remaining battle axe in both hands, and with a leap, slashed towards the ghost in front of him.

With the loss of a battle axe, the way centaur leaders fight has changed once again.

The ghost, who had already received a lot of trauma, was finally unable to resist the attack of the centaur leader, and was directly cut into the body by the axe blade and fell from the air.

After killing the ghosts, the centaur leader ignored the ghosts around him, but charged straight in the direction of Rhodes.

At this point, dodging the thrown battle axe, Rhodes also noticed the centaur leader beside him.

The centaur leader charged with great power. As the sound of hooves approached, Rhodes knew that the centaur leader's charge could not be met by himself.

Charge attacks will come with a powerful impact. If Rhodes wanted to hold off the centaur leader's charge, he would have resisted the charge of the cavalry head-on.

According to Rhodes' command, the surrounding bats quickly surrounded the rushing centaur leader.

The centaur leader completely ignored the bats around him. Under the impact of the charge, all the bats in front of the centaur leader were washed away, and many bats turned into bats because they could not withstand the violent impact. For the dark fog.

Seeing the leader charge towards the enemy, the rest of the centaurs go ahead to block the remaining ghosts.

Rhodes quickly opened the attribute panel while his centaur leader was still some distance away.

Rhodes looked towards the attribute panel. After the previous battle, Rhodes' EXP has reached 2120, which meets the level-up experience required by Rhodes.

Due to Rhodes' level and reaching the advanced standard, the position where EXP was originally displayed in the attribute panel became an upward arrow, and Rhodes quickly selected it with consciousness.

"Level 3 career fallen warrior, required pre-professional occupation: Swordsman. Required skills: expert sword technique, primary level Soul Evocation Technique. Experience required for employment: 1500"

"Level 3 occupation of Swordsman, required pre-professional occupation: Swordsman. Required skills: expert sword technique, high level Soul Evocation Technique. Experience required for employment: 2000"

"Level 3 occupation Mausoleum keeper, required pre-professional occupation: none. Required skills: any high level skills, primary level Soul Evocation Technique. Experience required for employment: 1000”


The advanced occupations provided by the system are all determined according to the player's existing special skills. Even if the EXP is sufficient, if the special skills are not satisfied, it is still impossible to advance.

Although there are still many occupations below, they do not match Rhodes' own style, so the system ranks them below. According to Rhodes' fighting style, the most suitable occupations for Rhodes are ranked. above.

In the game of the previous life, Rhodes has a lot of knowledge about some ranks of the cemetery series due to the second expansion.

Among the cemetery ranks, the most famous is the undead mage. To advance to the third rank undead mage apprentice requires a series of special skills, which Rhodes cannot currently achieve.

For the third rank class that can be advanced, Rhodes needs to choose between the Fallen Warrior and the Summoning Swordsman.

The system does not give specific information on these two classes, and Rhodes does not know the bonuses that these two classes can come with. However, based on some information from previous lives and the special skills required for advancement, Rhodes also roughly inferred the fighting styles of these two professions.

The fallen warrior is more focused on combat. Since the special skills required for upgrading do not focus on Soul Evocation Technique, it still belongs to the profession of the combat department. The professional bonus should belong to the direct damage category. For manipulating undead creatures No bonus.

The Swordsman is focused on controlling the undead creatures. It does not have too high requirements for the sword technique, which is no different from the high level sword technique required for advanced Swordsman.

Only based on the skill requirements at the advanced stage, Rhodes roughly knew the difference between the two professions from the cemetery professions he saw in his previous life. However, Rhodes made a difficult choice when choosing which profession. .

It stands to reason that in order to quickly solve the enemy in front of him, Rhodes should choose the fallen warrior to obtain a powerful combat capability. But Rhodes deeply understands that when advancing to a profession, one should not only consider the bonuses brought by the profession itself, but also the impact on the future.

If you choose the fallen warrior, even if the rank is raised again, you can only advance to the cemetery occupation that belongs to the combat department. The Swordsman is different. After the advanced level, the combat capability in a short period of time has not been improved, but the growth rate is far greater than that of the fallen warrior.

Rhodes recalled that in the advanced branch of the undead mage of the fourth rank, there happened to be the summoning Swordsman.

According to Rhodes' original plan, in order to obtain sufficient benefits in the upcoming war, the pre-selected advanced occupation is the Swordsman. However, Rhodes hesitated a little in order to deal with the trouble at hand.

It didn't take long for Rhodes to make a decision, Advanced Summoning Swordsman!

"Consumes EXP 2000, and the remaining EXP is 120. The occupation level is raised to Level 3 Swordsman Level 1..."

"Get 1 free attribute point, get 1 skill point... "

"The second-order occupation [Swordsman] is completed, and the [Swordsman] occupational specialty is retained."

"[Swordsman] Occupational specialty: according to the sword technique level, the damage caused by the Additional improvement. The current sword technique level: expert level, with an additional 20% damage bonus."

"[Swordsman] Occupational Specialty: Manipulating Spirit +5. The undead creature you control, according to your Sword technique level, get special skills: sword technique. Current sword technique level: expert, undead creatures get intermediate sword technique."

"Your skill [spiritual imprint] has been improved."

"You have obtained the racing achievement [Forge ahead]"

"[Forge ahead]: Take up any third rank occupation. The basic rewards are all attribute +1, and all damage will be increased by 10% when worn."

After taking up the third rank profession, Rhodes clearly felt that his combat ability as a whole had improved to a certain extent.

The full attribute upgrade brought by the racing achievement has further improved the Rhodes combat capability.

Rhodes took out the [Dark Asylum] that had been hanging on him. With the movement of Rhodes' thoughts, a black cloud gathered above Rhodes' head.

(end of this chapter)

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