
  Chapter 906: Seeing in the picture

Looking at Rhodes' performance, it seems to be perceiving something Abnormal breath, Stephen's complexion gradually became solemn.

For countless years, Stephen has established a special connection with the energy of death in the Tomb of Death. When Rhodes stopped disguising his Soul Evocation Technique grade, Stephen immediately sensed the abnormality in him.

Without saying anything, Stephen just looked at Rhodes with sharp eyes, as if to see through all the thoughts in Rhodes' mind.

"Your Excellency Lich of the Sovereign Tomb of Death, I have followed your request to find out everything about Sandro in the City of Death, please tell me the secret technique."

Looking at Stephen on the side, Rhodes said first, and in his words, he directly stated his purpose, hoping to get the secret technique that Stephen has.

Rhodes's words did not cause any turbulence in Stephen's expression, and Stephen took the words and slowly asked, "Then you are saying that this outcast of Bracada, came here. What is the purpose of the City of the Dead?"

Rhodes replied: "Shandreu came to Dia with the Divine Item in order to integrate the undead mage and start a war that engulfed the entire continent."


"I believe that before this, Your Excellency Lich also discovered that the spiritual imprint disappeared in large numbers, that is the effect of the Divine Item in Sandro's hands."

I did not explain to Stephen that the mountain Everything about the god of mage that Drew was looking for, Rhodes' answer was still based on the progress of the expansion in his previous life. In Rhodes' opinion, the answer he gave should be the most convincing to Lich Stephen.

If the answer involves the existence of the god of mage, on the contrary, it will cause Lich Stephen's doubts. For this reason, Rhodes gives the answer that he thinks is the most appropriate.

Rhodes knew that in this case, if Lich Stephen was willing to hand over the secret technique to himself, the answer would be enough. 、

Looking at Stephen's extremely indifferent expression, not putting everything in his eyes at all, Rhodes' expression gradually sank. Rhodes has realized that if he wants to obtain this secret technique, there seems to be no It's as simple as I think.

"Speaking of the Divine Item, the cloak behind you makes me very interested."

Far beyond the eyesight of the normal undead mage, Stephen could see at a glance that the cloak behind Rhodes A cloak exception.

Thinking of the information that Death Knight Tamick finally conveyed to himself, as well as the information given by Rhodes, although he did not want to believe it, Stephen could only admit that Rhodes did not know what method he used to win the battle.

This Divine Item.

Rhodes face changed: "Could it be that Your Excellency Stephen, have you forgotten your commitment to this mission?"

Stephen shook the head and raised his hand slowly: "The mission reward , which is the secret technique you want, I don't owe you anything, but before that, I want to get the cloak behind you, it's two different things."

"It's useless to say more... ..."

A jet-black airflow rushes towards the location of Rhodes, strong death energy, accompanied by the hideous faces of countless ghosts, condensed beside this airflow, just in this airflow Next to it, you can feel Death Aura.

With the generation of airflow, the surrounding undead creatures also moved for a while, and began to rush towards the position of Rhodes in the field.

The sudden attack by Stephen Lich undoubtedly made Rhodes feel the crisis. Rhodes knew that since Stephen had made this decision, there was absolutely no possibility of changing it.

Rhodes had already anticipated that Stephen would shoot at himself. In Rhodes' opinion, Stephen's behavior was in line with the consistent practice of undead mage.

There is no promise at all, only the most powerful can gain the approval of other undead mage.

Looking straight at himself, the airflow that was enough to erode Legendary creatures, in Rhodes' perception, there was no signal of any danger for this, as if Lich Stephen suddenly launched an attack, Not enough to hang teeth at all.

Feeling the raid launched by the undead creatures, the ghost dragon beside Rhodes immediately took action. During the frantic breath, the ghost energy surrounded all around Rhodes to block the raid launched by the undead creatures.

The ghostly breath of the pale white, along the cloak behind Rhodes, emerged on Rhodes' body, adding a special temperament to Rhodes.

The undead creatures that charge fast, there is no shouting between them, and there is no fear of the ghost energy, some are just heavy footsteps, and a very firm, vowed to step down all obstacles ahead. imposing manner.

The one that arrived earlier than the undead creature was the jet-black airflow that Lich Stephen cast.

It easily penetrated the block of the nether energy, and the jet-black airflow hit Rhodes directly, but it seemed to have no effect, and then disappeared instantly.

Lich's original location was covered by a black fog at this time, and her original figure was also hidden in the black fog at this time, and she disappeared.

The only thing that is certain is that Lich Stephen is always watching everything on the field.

Lich Stephen gradually realized that the spell he cast didn't have any effect on Rhodes.

Without casting any spells and utilizing the protective effects of the treasure, Rhodes endured a spell that would have troubled Legendary creatures.

Rhodes relies on his newly improved Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique.

Under the action of this special skill, all spells composed of death energy have weakened the effect on Rhodes to the extreme, and the spells cast by Lich happen to be dominated by death energy. constitute.

Rhodes didn't even need to do anything to defuse this spell cast by Stephen.

Under the blessing of Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, most of the spells performed by Lich Stephen are difficult to produce any effect on Rhodes.

It can be said that at the beginning of the battle, Stephen lost one of the most important offensive means.

It is difficult to rely on spellcasting ability to gain any advantage in battle, which is undoubtedly a heavy blow to Stephen, who has been studying spell for many years.

After trying out the abilities that come with the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique and verifying that he can ignore any spells associated with death energy from now on, Rhodes has a new move.

I saw Rhodes bent one knee, half squatting on the ground, and pressed his palms to the dead bones on the ground.

The soaring death energy is spreading among the surrounding broken bones with Rhodes' move, and even has a tendency to spread to the entire death tomb.

(end of this chapter)

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