
  Chapter 968 The Eye of the Poison Dragon

Above the fast-flying ghost dragon, Rhodes holds the A warm thing, the upper half of which is dyed dark red.


【Eye of Poison Dragon】

Quality: Treasure

Type: Pendant

Equipment requirements: none

Basic attribute: resistance level +2, indestructible

Special attribute: 1 resists acid erosion of unlimited levels, effective up to 3 times a day. 2 When the wearer is in a state of rage, gain resistance of at least Epic Grade, during which the base attribute of the treasure becomes invalid.

Assessment: The resin-wrapped eye of the Poison Dragon, long enshrined by the lizardmen, has awakened incredible abilities.


Rhodes is holding the treasure that Savina took out from the body of the werewolf Messer, the treasure that can increase the resistance level. From the information fed back by the system, Rhodes also learned the specific attribute of this treasure.

Rhodes noticed that perhaps because it was sewn into the body by a werewolf, the outermost resin-like substance of this treasure had already been dyed into scarlet.

Through the dull and cloudy resin surface, Rhodes could see what was encased in it. It was a huge eyeball with the nerves behind it fully visible, neatly incised, without any damage to itself. structure.

The front of the eyeball is what makes Rhodes most concerned. The dark vertical pupil is imprinted in it. Even though the body of this creature has been dead for an unknown time, its power has not diminished in any way.

Rhodes knew that the owner of this eyeball was the Poison Dragon mentioned in the treasure message.

If it is similar to lizardmen, the existence of Poison Dragon as Totem, even if you only see this treasure from a distance, will be shocked by the remaining Dragon's Might in the pupil.

As the most poisonous creature in Titania, and even the entire world, the venom that Poison Dragon spews is far from comparable to a bipedal wyvern.

system's evaluation of this special treasure also allowed Rhodes to understand its general origin. What surprised Rhodes was Savina's attitude towards this treasure.

Rhodes noticed that Savina didn't show the same awe as ordinary lizardmen about the existence of the Eye of Poison Dragon, and when she handed the treasure to herself, she showed more regret.

When observing the Werewolf below from the ghost dragon, Rhodes once thought that the treasure of the Werewolf to increase the resistance was the chain hammer that was constantly turning in its hands.

In Rhodes' impression, many werewolves and gnolls in the previous life would choose the fierce and special weapon such as the chain hammer, and some gnolls without relevant special skills would even be in the process of wielding the weapon. hurt yourself.

Due to the heavy use of werewolves, a lot of treasures are also produced in the chain hammer. In addition to simply increasing the damage, these treasures also have various effects, and the improvement of resistance naturally belongs to this. List.

Because of this, Rhodes paid more attention to the weapon in his hand while observing the process of turning into a werewolf, thinking about what effect it might have. In Rhodes' opinion, he was very It may be necessary to take a chain hammer and enter the acid mist.

What made Rhodes didn't expect was that when he asked Savina to retrieve the treasure, Savina didn't go to get the chain hammer of the werewolf, but from the body of the dead werewolf, Take this thing out.

Judging from the feedback from the system, Savina's choice was not wrong. The thing in Rhodes' hands was the treasure he needed for this trip. Obviously, Savina should know something about the existence of this treasure.

While Rhodes was looking at the Eye of Poison Dragon, he inexplicably noticed a feeling of being watched. This feeling came so suddenly that Rhodes wouldn't even have noticed it if he hadn't been very perceptive.

Relying on his own perception, Rhodes immediately looked towards all around to explore, and finally, Rhodes' eyes fell on the eye of Poison Dragon in his hand.

If there is nothing wrong with the gesture in perception, the meaning of gaze that Rhodes perceives at this time comes from this treasure in his hand.

Rhodes faced himself with the resin-wrapped Poison Dragon Eye, perhaps because he had been out of the body for a long time. After the investigation of the Divine Grade Soul Evocation Technique, Rhodes could not perceive from this treasure. Any death energy, but it can clearly detect a kind of gaze.

What makes Rhodes a little concerned is that, perhaps because of being wrapped in resin, the effect of the Soul Evocation Technique cannot be directly applied to the body of the Eye of Poison Dragon, and it cannot be like in the tomb of death. The dead bones are spliced ​​into a corpse witch king, controlling the longan in front of him.

I can't rely on Soul Evocation Technique to get more information from the eyes of Poison Dragon in front of me. Rhodes can only change his mind.

Recalling the act of turning into a werewolf and sewing the Poison Dragon's eye into his body before, in Rhodes' view, this may be the same as turning into a werewolf in the process of changing shape, tearing the original Clothing, as well as losing the Treasure you wear.

Except for the rare treasure that can change with the size of the user, such as the presence of Divine Item parts, very few pieces of equipment for this shapeshifter fit their different forms.

But at this time, Rhodes realized that the act of becoming a werewolf might have a deeper meaning.

Looking at Savina, Rhodes wanted to get information about this treasure from her mouth.

Receiving the order from the spiritual imprint, Savina next to Rhodes explained:

"Messer the Werewolf appeared for the first time in the Colosseum. It was the captured slave group who sold it as a slave."

"When he first participated in the deathmatch, there were many creatures stronger than him, and no one expected that this werewolf turned into a werewolf. He can achieve the final victory. With the improvement of his strength, when he has won many death battles, he leads the werewolves who follow him to take revenge on the tidal slave hunters who once captured him."

"A large slave-hunting group fell apart under Messer's revenge. Even a lizardmen's nest, where the slave-hunting group was located, was also occupied by werewolves. The treasure enshrined in the nest is the one of the Poison Dragon. The existence of the eyes fell into Messer's hands."

"As for why he sewed the treasure into his body, I don't know, maybe only he can explain it."

Savina's answer did not solve Rhodes' doubts.

"The existence of this kind of treasure should be extremely concealed. Even if it becomes a werewolf, it will not make the effect of the treasure public. How do you know this?"

Hearing the question raised by Rhodes, Savina replied without hesitation: "It was told to me by another lizardmen that he is a scout of the Tide Slaves and a follower of the great Poison Dragon."

"Where is he now?"

Savina's expression remained the same: "He was infected by the bloodline that turned into a werewolf, I sold it to the Colosseum, and should be dead now."


(end of this chapter)

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