
  Chapter 989 Rowlin one

in midair, Rowlin stood on the dark green barrier, looking nervously Facing the Legendary mage Phil in front of him.

Unlike Rowlin, who does not have the ability to fly, all movements in the air require the help of the Titan shield to achieve this. Phil only needs to cast a flying thaumaturgy to move freely in the air. .

After the battlefield was completely pulled to the sky, the originally huge corpse witch in Sao City could hardly pose any threat to Phil in the air. The death cloud shot by the corpse witch had not yet reached Phil's body. The side will dissipate on its own, only a few corpse witch king's attacks can reach this position, but they will be scattered by the spell cast by Phil.

On the contrary, the large-scale spell cast by Phil easily covered most of the city of Sao, and brought a devastating blow to the corpse witch that had just appeared.

Under the spell of Legendary mage, both the original buildings in the city and the corpse witches in it will be easily destroyed. Apart from confronting them, there are few other ways to Limits the ability of the Legendary mage.

For this reason, even if it consumes a lot of mana, Rowlin has to rely on teleportation and Titan shield to make himself into the sky, trying to use spell to limit the Legendary mage in front of him.

The Death Knight hero thunderbird controlled by Rowlin had already been sent by her to hinder the arrival of the mage troops in the rear, and could not bring any help in her duel with Phil.

In the face of the real Legendary mage, Rowlin deeply felt his own disadvantage. Whether it is the mastery of spell types, or the use of magic, especially the change in the inherent form of spell, Rowlin is far from what he sees. The real Legendary mage.

After seeing Rowlin in the sky, Phil did not rush to shoot the undead mage in front of him, but forced Rowlin to consume mana first according to the battle method commonly used among high-level mage.

The method of persecution is equally simple. Rowlin will not let Phil cast a wide range of spells on Sau City below. As long as Phil shows such a move, Rowlin will have to preempt the Legendary mage in front of him. attack, which consumes more mana.

Phil's combat capability is extraordinary. Any spell that Rowlin casts can be easily resolved by him. Even if Rowlin casts a high-level spell, Phil can use a teleportation to pull it away. The distance, out of the spell's envelope, Rowlin had to spend more mana to keep up with Phil's position.

Perhaps it was because he felt that he still had the energy to spare, or maybe it was to force Rowlin to cast spells again. During the battle with Rowlin, Phil found the right time, moved towards the city of Sau below, and cast a number of large-scale spells. Damage magic.

Even if these spells cast on Sao City are counted, the mana consumed by Phil is still far less than Rowlin's, and Phil's own spellcasting ability is undoubtedly a great deal. Advantage.

Even in terms of rank alone, Phil in Legendary mage is much stronger than Rowlin, but after realizing Rowlin's hero status, Phil still chooses to fight during the battle. The most secure battle method is to use your advantage in spellcasting ability to consume the opponent's mana. Only when the opponent's mana is consumed to a certain level will he really take action and end the battle.

After casting spells one after another, it was difficult to achieve any results. Feeling the sharp drop in the mana in his body, Rowlin couldn't help but feel impatient for a while.

In the course of the battle, some mana-saving skills that were only mastered by the real Legendary mage also began to be reflected in the process of Rowlin's spellcasting.

For example, when chasing Phil, after the distance is shortened by teleportation, the area occupied by the Titan shield that appears under Rowlin's feet is significantly reduced. It is no longer an elliptical plane, but is separated from it. , which ends up just below Rowlin's feet, forming two smaller planes.

apart from this, when Rowlin casts Hell Raging Flames on Phil in midair, he will also limit the explosion range that this spell can cover a very large area to just enough to cover Phil. , the mana consumption has been reduced several times.

Rowlin saves a lot of mana by tweaking the effects of a given spell, especially on large spells.

Rowlin already has this ability to make changes to the spell, according to what Rhodes told her, it should be a unique ability based on the hero's specialties, for the orthodox mage, only when After its advanced level is Legendary mage, it will have the opportunity to access this ability.

Prior to this, Rowlin had made some tests on this ability of his own, and Rhodes had also given some guidance, including how to use the Titan Shield.

In Rowlin's impression, according to Rhodes' words at the time, using this special ability, mage can consume a very small amount of mana even without mastering flying thaumaturgy, and cast Titan Shield in Walk freely in the air.

Although Rowlin at the time understood this, and tried it through his own power, but it failed to achieve much. Regarding the effect Rhodes said, Rowlin was never able to achieve it.

Every time he casts the Titan shield, Rowlin can't effectively reduce the range of this dark green barrier. It is still a long way off to use this ability in actual combat.

In addition to this use, in some Legendary mage hands, the Titan Shield is sometimes used as an immobilization skill.

To achieve this effect, the Titan Shield needs to be folded, eventually confining the creature within it. Although releasing multiple Titan shields at the same time can achieve a similar effect, it is undoubtedly worth the loss compared to the mana consumed.

When facing creatures who are not good at spell, this immobilization effect can be exerted to the extreme. The Titan shield cast by Legendary mage can completely fit the creatures after countless twists and turns. body so that it cannot exert any power.

However, in mage's eyes, the cage formed by the Titan shield is nothing but a thing that can be escaped by instantaneous movement.

At this time, in the contest with the real Legendary mage, after deeply feeling the opponent's spellcasting method, Rowlin realized that every point of mana is extremely important, and the ability to adjust a given spell can be directly adjusted. affect the outcome of the battle.

Compared with the previous exercises, in actual combat, especially when the opponent is a real Legendary mage, Rowlin's ability to control spells has improved rapidly. The spells she performed are slightly worse than the panel attributes. , In terms of form, it is almost the same as the real Legendary mage.

(end of this chapter)

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