Necromantic Myth

Chapter 998: It is clearly arranged, right?

  Chapter 998 It was arranged clearly, right?

  Yagiji changed his eyes, and he felt that his divine control over Quetzalcoatl was more in place, and the effect of that eye was almost equivalent to the effect of the Eye of Horus (false).

[Divine Eye (Quay Serpent, Balance): The divine eye infused with the power of the Quetzal Serpent. The power of the Quetzal Serpent in the eyes has reached balance, which can control the death and harvest divinity of the Quetzal Serpent. Use the power of divinity to adjust and transform into the divinity of the sun and heavy rain. 】

  【Note 1: There can only be a pair of balanced divinities at the same time. 】

   [Note 2: Every divine transformation will destroy the structure of the divine eye, and the divine eye can only support three divine transformation processes at most. 】

   [Note 3: After the divine eye is transformed into a clone, the balanced divinity will no longer be transformed, so please make your choice before making a clone. 】

  Of course, before transforming into the body, this divine eye was placed in the eye sockets of Liu Zhi. Through the eye of divine nature, Liu Zhi could strengthen the mastery of the two balanced divinities in the feathered snake god.

  Now he strengthens the divinity of death and harvest.

  Ryuzhi stretched out his hand, and the power of death and harvest appeared in the palm of his hand.

After   , a small grass full of death breath grew out of his palm.

  This is what Liu Zhi always wanted to achieve before, the effect of the underworld ecosystem.

  Now Ryuzhi can do it with just one thought.

   "The power of the gods is really strong."

  Liu Zhi sighed, and then walked out. He now only has twenty-four hours. During this time, Liu Zhi must pick a silver creature to kill, and use his flesh and blood to prove that he is incompatible with the silver creature.

  This is something that Liu Zhi must accomplish. At the same time, Liu Zhi also needs to choose a creature that he can play and is not that bad.

  The pick is too bad, and the final clone may not have enough strength, but the pick is too strong. For example, if you pick the Silver Dragon King, you don’t know who is going to deal with whom.

   Just as Liu Zhi was thinking about this, there was another voice from the soul of the black dragon.

  "You are going to choose a goal now, I have a goal, do you want to try it."

As soon as Liu Zhi heard the voice of the soul of the black dragon, he snorted again, "You have been waiting here all the time."

   "Of course, such a good opportunity, I don't have to calculate a few more steps, how can I be worthy of so many years of waiting, and you are not at a loss, right?"

   No loss is no loss, but this feeling of being calculated makes Ryuzhi quite unhappy, and he thinks of the plainly arranged days before.

   "What if I say no?"

   "Then I can't do anything about you, but you will find that you can't find a better choice other than the choice I gave you."

  Ryuzhi became more upset when he heard it. He hated this kind of calculating man for this reason.

  They either simply refuse to give you a choice, or they give you three choices, but you can really choose only one.

  For this kind of person, Liu Zhi's attitude is only one, to get rid of that guy's idea, no matter what he calculates, the person is gone, even if it is calculated, it is useless.

  The soul of the black dragon didn't know Liu Zhi's mentality and thoughts. He thought he had grasped the key to Liu Zhi, and he said to himself to help Liu Zhi choose a good goal there.

  The goal is to be located at the top of the glacier near the veins of the black dragon. There is a 10th level dragon man. His strength is a bit strong, but it is not the kind of excessively strong existence.

  At the same time, he is also a silver creature, and the wind and snow near the glacier was also caused by him.

  Yagiji wants to defeat him, but he actually has a certain advantage.

  First of all, Liu Zhi’s strength is actually not much different from him. The gap in level can be made up with divinity.

  Secondly, Liu Zhi got the props to deal with the silver creatures. As long as this prop is used, the silver creatures' strength will drop a little bit.

  In this way, the odds of winning between Liu Zhi and the silver dragon man are 50-50.

  At that time, Ryuzhi only needs to fight, and the battle will be won.

  But Ryuzhi didn't think so. What happened to him if he won, it was the Black Dragon Soul who got the benefit in the end.

   And if you lose, you must know that the final chance of winning is only 50-50. It is possible to win or lose.

   Thinking of this, Liu Zhi sent a thought to the soul of the black dragon.

   "I suddenly thought of a good idea, maybe I can help you, as long as you are willing to agree, I have an 80% chance of defeating that guy."

   "Oh, can you still have an idea?" The Black Dragon Soul was a little unbelievable, "What do you want to do?"

   "Find a passage that the guy must walk when he leaves to ambush him."

  Yagiji said affirmatively, “I have enough men. As long as I am ambush in the right place, the first wave of blows can kill him half-life.”

  "He will not leave. His task is to suppress me and monitor me. He will not leave."

  The soul of the black dragon directly replied.

   "I know there is a way, it depends on whether you are willing to make some sacrifices to kill this guy."

  The soul of the black dragon is not a stupid person. He can calculate Liu Zhi like this, and he is naturally the kind of person who takes one step and counts ten steps. He can hear Liu Zhi's thoughts at a glance.

"you dare."

"Why don't I dare, you count me, I can count you naturally, this is your own choice, you just asked me to kill the silver dragon, level 10, oh, not let me protect you The earth veins. So, give me your soul."

  Yagiji said, while following the direction when he came, he activated the soul extraction ability.

  The ability of Liu Zhi's soul extraction has reached a certain level, not to mention that he is still in a zone now, even if he is not in a zone, as long as he is on this planet, Liu Zhi can lock the enemy's soul and extract it.

  The soul of the black dragon is not something like world consciousness, it is not that powerful at all.

The    level is of no use in the soul. Without the protection of the soul and the defense of the soul, it is impossible for the black dragon soul to prevent the extraction of Liu Zhi.

  Not to mention that Liu Zhi had already drawn once before, this time it is a familiar road.

  He just grabbed the soul of the black dragon.

  Looking at the black dragon soul staring at him in his hands, Liu Zhi smiled.

  The soul of the black dragon stared at Liu Zhi in disbelief, "How dare you, do you know."

"Without a soul, the veins will be destroyed, so I was willing to accept your kindness before, and it is for this reason, but I am the person who dislikes being arranged by others, and everyone who wants to arrange me will die. Before me."

  After Liu Zhi finished speaking, he squeezed his hand and crushed the soul of the black dragon, leaving only the purest dragon memory.

  (End of this chapter)

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