Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1000: Lure tactics

   Chapter 1000 Seduction Tactics

  Silver fish talent rushed to the place where he started his practice, and he hasn't started looking for traces of earth veins.

   More than three hundred white lights fell from the sky and hit him from all directions.

  The white light was sent from the Sunship Skyfire. After using the Sunfire to attack, the Skyfire was not without other attack methods.

  This time, three hundred spider cannons were arranged on the Skyfire. Their effect is only one time. After identifying the enemy, they fired three times in a row from the sky.

  In other words, the silver murloc faced more than these three hundred white lights.

   is a white light with nine lines and three hundred lines.

  All these white lights are enhanced plasma cannons.

  This type of plasma gun is more powerful than the effect it had just arrived on this planet.

After the plasma gun is launched, the plasma liquid inside will be wrapped in a kind of white light. At the same time, the white light will absorb the external current and inject it into the plasma liquid.

The external current absorbed by    will certainly not be of lightning attributes. There are various situations in this world, so the attributes are also different.

  Therefore, there may be some gaps in the power of the plasma gun.

  It is for this reason that Liu Zhi asked the spider artillery to fire three times in a row.

  This may squeeze all the plasma fluid in all spider artillery bodies, and this spider artillery may be useless for a long time.

  But for Liu Zhi, this is the best choice.

  If you can use nine plasma cannon attacks to kill a level 10 enemy, Yanagi is willing to put all the spider cannons on the battlefield.

  The first wave of plasma cannons came in quite suddenly, and the silver murloc did not react and was hit directly.

  The silver murloc reacted fairly quickly, and immediately supported the defensive cover, shrinking his body.

  Want to prevent my body from being broken.

  But he couldn't think of how powerful this plasma gun was. After one wave, another wave came.

  After three waves of attacks, his defensive cover couldn't stand it. After five waves, all the defenses around him were gone. In the seventh wave, he didn't even have the strength to dodge.

  So in the last wave, he relied on his body to eat all the plasma cannon attacks.

  After the plasma cannon attack ended, the silver murloc stood up. At this time, his body melted a bit, and his left hand had been blown off.

  At the same time, the aura of the silver murloc body is also significantly weaker, the original aura that he believed to be invincible in the world is gone.

   Looking up at the sky fire in the sky, the silver murloc knew that he was ambushed by someone.

  Now he has only one idea, to escape, find a suitable battlefield for him, and then strike back.

  However, Liu Zhi was going to be the kind of clear person who arranged others, so he naturally couldn't let the silver murloc escape like this.

  So when the silver murloc was about to escape, the second wave of troops arranged by Ryuzhi rushed out.

  This is in the Diamond District, the site of the silvery forces. Ryuzhi didn't dare to open the portal openly, but the Skyfire rushed over at the fastest speed.

  So the main force that attacked the enemy this time was the force led by Yaris under Yanagi.

  This unit is mainly used for Liu Zhichong's appearance.

  They seem to be relatively strong, and their combat power can only be regarded as average, but their equipment is good, and coupled with their super defense and control capabilities, they are also handy for protecting Liu Zhi.

  But it’s not so easy to get them to fight.

  Now Liu Zhi arranges them, but there is no other way.

  So this time Alex can be said to be desperate.

  Alex is the main hero, and he is accompanied by two sub-heroes. One of these two functions is to serve as a ceremonial facade for Liu Zhi, and the other is to act as a bodyguard next to Liu Zhi.

  This time, under the arrangement of Ryuji, the hero who had pulled the cart for Ryuuji became the first hero to fight.

  The team he brought was the guard of honor under Ryuzhi. It looked gorgeous, but it was actually a kind of mediocre combat power.

  When they appeared in front of the silver murloc, the silver murloc saw the strength of these guys for the first time.

   Now they seem to be the more powerful kind, but the silver murloc's level and vision are still there, and he immediately judged that the opponent is just a bluff.

  These seemingly powerful enemies are not as difficult to deal with as the sun ship in the sky.

  Thinking of this, the silver murloc rushed out immediately, he needed to blaze a trail.

  And his attack also proved his guess.

  Those undead have no fighting power. The silver murlocs are obviously seriously injured, but they can kill a batch of undead directly with one hand.

This situation makes the silver murloc full of confidence. He thinks he can kill again. As long as he kills these undead, he can escape where he wants to go. Then he will call some silver dragons, what? It can be done.

  With this thought, the silvery murloc's hesitation disappeared. He carried his own weapon and hit the undead.

  The undead fought back and retreated into a valley in a short while.

  This valley was already the valley that Liu Zhi had passed through when he entered the diamond area, and out of this valley, it was a nearby gold-level area.

  The silver creatures in the diamond area will not go out.

  But this time the silver murloc was enraged. He kept going in this direction, forgetting where he was going.

   Seeing that he was approaching this valley, Liu Zhi’s second wave of ambush soldiers appeared.

  The ambushes in this wave come from the troops that usually protect Liu Zhi, and they are mainly based on control and defense.

  They may not be able to beat the silver murloc, but their attack makes the silver murloc feel sick.

  This kind of feeling makes the silver murloc feel angry every time he wants to leave, making him want to kill these guys before leaving.

  Every time the silver murloc approached the golden area, he had an idea in his heart, and he couldn’t leave just like that.

   But every time he looked at the undead, as if they owed money to himself, he couldn't kill them all.

  Silver murloc did not know that this is also the characteristic of the hero under Alex.

  This hero acts as Cheng Ryuzhi's defensive force. His greatest ability is not how strong his defensive power is, but that he can make the three troops he brings with taunting attributes.

  Let all the enemies focus on these three troops instead of focusing on Liu Zhi who is protected by these three troops.

  In this way, as long as they are attacked, they will be the focus of the attack.

  This time, Ryuzhi has also used their abilities to continuously attract the silver murloc towards the golden area step by step.

  (End of this chapter)

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