Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1023: Change of mind

  Chapter 1023 Change of Thoughts

  His heroes are very satisfied with Ryuzhi's orders.

  If they are sent to receive the Elephant Man’s main city, they will not have much experience to gain.

   But let them kill the last elephant, then every elephant is an experience.

  For this task, every hero Ryuzhi dispatched to the golden zone had the greatest ability.

  Some will kill directly towards the main city of Elephant Man, and some will find other ways.

  It may be a step slower to get to the main city, but what about other directions?

  Who stipulated that only elephants in the main city of elephants can survive.

  In case there are other elephants hidden here.

  And this area will have other existence besides elephant people.

  Before, there was no way for elephants to transform into undead, but there is definitely more than a wave of elephants who enter this area.

Near    is the diamond area of ​​silvered creatures, it is impossible for them not to have an idea here.

  There are some silver-level areas nearby, and they will also attack here.

  After these creatures died, where did their souls go, and where did their bodies go.

  Will they be affected by the Yin Qi of the ghost domain, crawling out of the ground?

  Now Liu Zhi has not considered this, but it does not mean that the heroes of Liu Zhi have not considered these.

  This is experience.

  For experience, they can do anything.

  Now if they didn't notice this, when Liu Zhi reacted and arranged the task, what experience would they still grab.

  So they blocked the news for the first time, and started searching in this golden area with their subordinates.

  Liu Zhi didn't know this. At this time, he was sitting on the sky fire, heading towards the plague camp.

  After the golden area was transformed into a ghost domain by him, the status of the plague camp was greatly reduced.

   But anyway, here is Liu Zhi’s most critical base. At the beginning, Liu Zhi planned to connect here with the war camp in the underworld.

  But the channel between the underworld and the real world has been opened, so there is no need to do this anymore.

  Yagiji is thinking about whether to focus the current construction on the middle of the two areas.

  Just in this way, some of Liu Zhi's plans need to be changed.

  At the same time, the pressure he has to face is much greater.

  Originally, Liu Zhi occupies a silver-level area, and there are a total of four adjacent areas nearby.

  One of them is the golden area on the elephant side, and the other three are three silver-level areas.

  As for his way into the diamond area, he didn't actually go through the golden area at the beginning, but took a detour from another silver-level area.

  The silver level area, Liu Zhi is quite familiar with.

  Unlike the golden area, most of the forces in the silver area do not have a monopoly, and most of them are two or three forces fighting each other.

  This is actually a support for players.

  Silver players, often can’t come up with anything good at first.

  At this time, players can get in touch with some forces, join forces with these forces, and take control of the entire area.

  This often takes half a year.

  This is also the reason why the survival time of 360 days was given to people from the beginning.

  The situation like Liu Zhi is completely accidental.

  Who would have thought that Liu Zhi did not transport his main city, but instead brought out a powerful divinity.

   And he dared to gamble again, using this divine nature to bet a gold-level area.

  Things that are good for the player right now are unfavorable conditions for Liu Zhi.

  If his goal is only to advance to the rank of Necromancer, he should leave at this time.

  But he had to wait here until the end of 360 days before leaving, and he could not leave early.

  Because Liu Zhi has seen the mission, he must stay in place for 360 days. If he leaves early, everything he gets in the game will be left behind.

  Other Liu Zhi is not worried, but his rank, Liu Zhi will never allow it to be taken back.

  So even if Liu Zhi is dissatisfied now, he must guard the ghost realm in front of him.

  As for what will happen to this ghost domain after leaving this game, Liu Zhi doesn't have that many thoughts for the time being.

  Just as Liu Zhi was about to give a new order, Liu Zhi frowned suddenly.

  What was the thought that flashed in his mind just now, what will happen to this ghost domain?

  A lot of thoughts flashed in Liu Zhi's mind, is it possible that this is the truth of this planet?

  If this planet is the training base of the ghost domain lord, then there should be many ghost domains of the ghost domain lord on this planet.

  According to the characteristics of ghost domain lords, when they are upgraded from level 5 to level 6, they need to have two different ghost domains.

  The ghost domain and ghost domain can be connected by traffic.

  So, on this planet, is there anything left by previous players?

  At this point, Liu Zhi can have a definite answer, except for the players trapped here and dead here, no.

  What about their ghost domain?

Liu Zhi doesn’t believe that their ghost realm will still be here. I don’t know how many times this planet has been alienated for thousands of years, but there is no major problem. Players, like locusts, will definitely not come back if they go out. .

  So when the player leaves, their ghost domain must be taken away together.

  The ghost realm taken away will definitely cause changes in the planet’s environment.

This may be another reason for the one-time change in 500 years. After all, like Liu Zhi, a hole was directly opened in the space wall. If the ghost domain is taken away, there will be a gap between the real world and the underworld. Contact, there will definitely be problems.

  A lot of this kind of problems have accumulated, and it's strange that the entire planet does not change.

  Yiu Zhi wanted to understand this, and couldn't help sighing.

   "It's not easy."

  After speaking, what should he do or what should he do.

  He has already reached this point, and there is no reason to manage it badly.

  Liu Zhi took a look at his three missions. The career upgrade mission was almost completed, and the VIP mission Flag Guardian passed by at low altitude. At least he defeated one player.

  The next thing he has to do is to put all his energy on this ghost realm and slowly develop this ghost realm.

  As for the chaos outside, Liu Zhi doesn't need to bother at all.

  When the time is up, he can leave the game. As for whether this planet will mutate, this has nothing to do with Liu Zhi.

  With such thoughts, Liu Zhi slowly began to transfer his thoughts to his own two territories.

  And his actions also affected his men.

  As time goes by, Liu Zhi slowly builds a golden area and a silver area into a solid foundation.

  (End of this chapter)

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