Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1025: Dragon Attacking the City

  Chapter 1025 Dragon Attacking the City

  This is the first time that the diamond area has sent a dragon to attack Ryuzhi's territory.

  So the number is not very large, a total of five dragons flew over.

  Compared with the corpse dragons Liu Zhi saw in the underworld, these dragons looked silver all over, but they were full of life.

   is not as rigid as the corpse dragon of the underworld.

  As they flew here, they seemed to resist flying over the glacier, but came along the valley between the glaciers.

This kind of thing seems quite weird, but it is good for Ryuzhi. At least the fortress city happened to be stuck in front of this valley. When the dragon appeared, it fell into the spinning life for the first time. In the spider girl's trap.

  When the dragon attacked, the Spider Girl was actually there still studying how to strengthen the silver shell spider to make it more useful.

  She has noticed that the defense and attack of this silver-shelled spider force have been significantly improved, but the consumption is obviously much larger.

  It must be strengthened with the flesh and blood of unique silver creatures, which means that the number of silver shell spider troops will not be too much.

  At the same time, because of their shell, their weight will exceed the level of various soldiers of the normal spider army, but they are not much strengthened in other aspects except for their melee combat capabilities.

  So it is not suitable to transform into spider artillery, and it is not suitable to transform into spider infantry.

  Spider infantry itself is used for mass production, this silver-shelled spider infantry simply cannot be mass produced.

  So Fangming Spider Girl simply designed a new spider unit here.

  But every time the Spider-Maid Spinner’s design, there is always no way to achieve the purpose she wants. It can be said that the silver-shelled spider soldiers she makes every time are not very useful, and I don’t know what went wrong.

  In the end, the Spider-girl of Life Spending throws those useless silver-shell creatures into the nearby valley every time.

   And this time when the five dragons came over, they immediately clashed with these silver-shelled spider troops.

  Because the spider troops are all experimental products, they did not receive any new orders after they were made. After being thrown out, the Spider Girl did not care about them.

  So they are now in a state of instinct.

  It was precisely for this reason that when these spiders saw the silver dragon flying over, they did not warn the city behind, nor did they retreat, but rushed directly to the dragon.

  When they rushed out, they were spotted by the silver dragons the first time.

  The silver dragon sighed at the spiders.

  In the next instant, the spiders were frozen by the silver ice, and then the spiders turned into various fragments on the spot.

  It can be seen that these spiders have no way to compare with the silver dragons in terms of level or other aspects.

  Because of the existence of the silver-shelled spiders, when these silver dragons were halfway through their flight, they directly spit out and moved forward.

When they rushed out of the valley, the blast of cold air happened to hit the wall of the fortress city, and the thick spider web outside the fortress city was also frozen by the cold wind, and finally turned into silver ice cubes and shattered. .

  At the same time, the troops defending the city also noticed a situation, that is, the city wall was also affected by this cold wind and began to shatter.

  This situation surprised the two legions guarding here. Neither of them expected to encounter such a thing.

   Generally speaking, an elephant can insert a fortress city here, and it has existed for such a long time, there must be a way to correspond to the silver creatures.

  Silver creatures must have sent dragons to attack before, how could they not break this city wall?

  At this time, Liu Zhi was not here, otherwise he would know that the breath of these dragons contained a trace of magical power.

  The original fortress city belonged to Xiangren.

  Those elephants have the effect of magic resistance, and this fortress city has directly become a land of forbidden demons.

  When the dragon flies over, it can only use ordinary dragon's breath.

  Now there is no elephant, no place for forbidden demons. When these giant dragons come, their dragon's breath has magical power in them.

  These giant dragons are not fools, they only need to add a little bit of cold breath to the dragon's breath.

  And this city wall has never been attacked by magic for so many years, so they really have no resistance to magic at all.

  Ryuzhi also forgot about this at first, he was transforming all the cities into undead cities.

  It is precisely for this reason that this city was so easily destroyed by the breath of the five dragons.

  After the dragon's breath, the five dragons did not rush into the city and fight.

  Silver creatures have been sending troops to attack here for more than half a year.

  In addition to inquiring that the city no longer has a forbidden realm, they also used the lives of silvery creatures to inquire about some conditions inside the city.

  They also received news that the interior of the city had been transformed.

  Ordinary silver creatures rushed into the interior of the city, and there was no problem at all. Before, the city was designed for elephants to live and fight.

  The size of a city, ordinary creatures can fight in it without any problems.

  But for the silver dragon about 30 meters long, the space inside is still a bit small.

  They do not intend to fall into the city, because that would be tantamount to giving up their greatest advantage.

  No matter how powerful the silver dragon is, they will encounter attacks from all sides.

  Finally, he was killed by a battle where the elephants were killed by ants.

  The silver dragon dragon came here to kill the fortress city, not to deliver meat to the door.

  They don’t think so.

  After they broke a wall in the city, they immediately went around, aiming at the nearby wall.

  As long as the wall is destroyed, this fortress city will be useless.

  Without a city wall for defense, even if you send ordinary silver creatures over, you can take down the city.

  At that time, they will be able to invade this golden area in a big way, and at the same time destroy the special spider nest where silver creatures are used as food.

  This is their key. They have already seen that those spiders with silver shells are the last existence they want to see.

  Because of the silver shell on the outside of the body, these spiders are not affected by the silvering effect of silvering creatures.

  In other words, if these silver shell spiders rush into the diamond area, they will become another force independent of the silver creatures.

  This is an unforgivable thing for the Silver Dragon King.

  If it hadn’t been discovered by the Silver Dragon King, Liu Zhi and the others would not have noticed this situation at all. They would even dispatch the whole army instead of just coming to destroy the lair.

  (End of this chapter)

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