Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1030: Send in

  Chapter 1030 Sending in

  Under the guidance of Liu Zhi, the ghosts rushed towards the diamond area with yin aura.

  In the beginning, Liu Zhi didn't make a shot at the diamond area. On the one hand, because the twins were there, he didn't need to go and ask for trouble. On the other hand, he didn't want to conflict with the silver creatures.

  Now it’s different. The silver creatures destroyed a city in Liuzhi all at once, and beat his two legions to the maiden. If Liu Zhi finds a place back, he can't swallow this breath.

  Under the operation of Liu Zhi, Yin Qi poured into the diamond area, and slowly the glacier that had been silvered there was stained with a layer of black gas.

  However, Liu Zhi also noticed that the ghosts he sent to the diamond area, after entering the diamond area, were quickly affected by the snowflakes in the sky and quickly turned into silver translucent.

  Although they are not completely silvered, their attributes have changed.

  Liu Zhi doesn't care about this. The reason why Liu Zhi wants to release these ghosts is not to let these ghosts or ghosts attack the silver creatures. Liu Zhi's goal is only to let them bring some yin energy.

  Following the actions of Yanagiji, the diamond area also discovered the situation here.

  Some silver creatures guarding the valley began to enter the valley.

  The number of these silver creatures is not large, but their level is not weak at all. Most of their races are silver dragon people, and their strength is about level 5.

  The number of them is close to a hundred. It can be seen that they should have come to guard the five silver dragons.

  But their movement speed was much slower than the silver dragon, and the silver dragon didn't want to take them, so they kept guarding the location outside the valley.

  Just waiting for the battle on the silver dragon to end, they followed the way the silver dragon slammed into the territory of Liu Zhi.

  But now that the silver dragon was killed in battle, Liu Zhi sent ghosts and ghosts into the diamond area.

  They naturally felt all this for the first time.

  At this time, these silver dragons immediately took up their weapons and prepared to deal with the enemy’s attack.

  These silver dragons are naturally not the kind of situation Liu Zhi saw in the underworld.

  Their existence itself is to serve the silver dragon.

  So most of their abilities here are mostly service-related, such as cleaning the body of the silver dragon, or cooking food, etc.

Now encountering such a situation, they put down their work and took out their own weapons. Some picked up a weapon that looked like a kitchen knife or a hatchet, and some picked up a long stick or Something similar to a brush.

  No matter what weapon they were holding, they rushed into the valley without hesitation.

  As soon as they rushed into the valley, they immediately encountered the ghosts sent by Liu Zhi.

  Things brought by Liu Zhi using the Eye of Soul Eater, they are not considered to be Liu Zhi's subordinates.

   Normally, if you want to become an undead force under Ryuzhi, it must be processed by the Soul Recruiting Tower.

  This kind of existence that hasn't had the soul-recalling tower, Liu Zhi will not control them too much.

  After releasing them, Liu Zhi didn't expect to take them back again. It was like releasing a large wave of wild dogs.

  After those souls rushed out, they rushed into the valley in the direction of the surging Yin Qi.

  The first moment the silver dragons entered the valley, they felt it.

  At this time, these ghosts and souls instinctively pounced on the Silver Dragon.

  There is no need for anyone's order at all, those ghosts instinctively begin to absorb the vitality of the silver dragon.

  Although these dragon people are all silvered into flesh and blood, they are still living bodies. Even in this silvery environment, they have no way to change their essence.

   When the ghosts pounced on, they directly absorbed life from their bodies. No matter how strong they were, they could not stop the loss of life.

  Under the stimulus of the ghost, these silver dragons writhed constantly, but they couldn't attack the intangible existence, so after a while, this batch of silver dragons fell into the valley like this.

  As the Yin Qi gushed over, the silver dragons who had just fallen stood up again, and they turned into things similar to zombies.

  Their bodies are still silver, but they are already undead.

  Of course, they were not affected by Liu Zhi, and Liu Zhi did not intend to control them, but just let them out.

  As they walked out of the valley, Liu Zhi drove all the yin and ghosts out of the valley.

  After finishing all this, Liu Zhi did not pay attention to the Soul Eater staff inserted on the ground. Instead, he pulled out Thor’s Destruction Fang and practiced his sword in front of the valley.

  Yagiji practiced the tricks of dark night stabbing swordsmanship, starting with the basic tricks at the beginning, to the Z-shaped sword at the back, and then to the sword curtain of the eternal night, and finally the eternal tranquility.

  After a set of swordsmanship was played, the last sword fell on the walls on both sides of the valley.

  This sword went down, and the entire mountain wall was directly exploded.

  Most of the valleys in this icefield are made up of glaciers, and most of the mountain walls are ice that is too hard to cut.

  But Liu Zhi’s sword is considered to be the highest level of dark night stabbing swordsmanship.

  His blow continued, and the mountain wall was broken into pieces.

  The innumerable fragments fell down, blocking the valley in a short while.

  After doing all this, Liu Zhi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

   "You prepare hot water, pour it on top of those ice fragments, and seal up the entire valley for me."

  Under Ryuzhi's order, the nearby undead moved into action. Some of them dug snow from the ground, some tried to boil water, and poured the water on the ice fragments.

  The temperature of this ice sheet is already very low.

  Ryuzhi did this, and in a short while, the valley was completely blocked.

  But Ryuzhi is not so relieved.

  He ordered: "This is not enough, you guys find a way to thicken and increase this mountain wall for me, and no one is allowed to enter here from there."

   "No problem, don't worry, I already have a plan."

  At this moment, a voice rang from behind Liu Zhi.

  No need to look back, just hearing this smashing mouth sound, Liu Zhi knew that it must be the Spinning Spider Girl.

  It can be seen that the spider girl Fangming had good luck this time, and she did not hurt her roots in the big bang.

  Liu Zhi turned around and was about to say something, Fangming Spider Girl had already rushed up.

  "You said how we should arrange it. I feel that the Great Wall of Impasse can be built here. What do you think? I plan to add things layer by layer. The general plan is like this..."

  (End of this chapter)

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