Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1032: Heavy rain is my home court

  Chapter 1032 Heavy rain is my home court

  Facing the opposite person, Liu Zhi silently pulled out Thor’s Destruction Tooth.

   "The sword is good, but I have seen all of your moves. You only have the trick to destroy the valley that works for me, but have you noticed that you are too slow to move."

  The person disdainfully said, and in the next instant, he appeared next to Liu Zhi, and the two swords cut to the left and right of Liu Zhi's neck.

  But before the two knives were cut, Liu Zhi's body turned blue and he retreated 100 meters away.

After   , Yanagi's body seemed to be composed of plasma current, slowly reorganizing into a human form.

  This is the ability that Liu Zhi mastered after his crystal skull was also elementalized by lightning.

  He can turn himself into a lightning element at any time and move at the speed of lightning.

  Of course, in this state of movement, Liu Zhi can't launch an attack, at least he can't control everything now.

Seeing that he was defeated, the face was a bit bad. He glanced at Liu Zhi, "Very good elemental body, the combination of thunder and death elements, a very good choice, but you can't keep hiding. of."

  After finishing speaking, this one rushed towards Liu Zhi.

  The speed was so fast that it was already close to the speed at which Liu Zhi retreated.

  But Liu Zhi ignored all this. He kept backing away, seeming to keep going around on the top of the mountain.

  But no one noticed. Every time he paused, there would be some death thunder currents in his standing position.

  Slowly it started to rain in the sky, and I don’t know if it was the effect of their fighting or some other reason.

  The person also slowly noticed Liu Zhi’s movements. He glanced at the traces of electric current left on the ground, "I want to use my body as a guide to set up a magic circle. You think too much."

  After saying this, with a wave of his hand, a large amount of ice cubes were cut up by him, turned into ice powder and melted into the raindrops.

  All the thunder spots laid by Liu Zhi before have been destroyed.

   "You see, this kind of attack is similar to yours, right, but you need to prepare for a long time before you can use it, and I can do it casually."

  After speaking, he kept swinging the double knives, and under his attack, almost the entire top of the mountain was cut off by one layer.

  But Liu Zhi did not respond, instead he kept dodgeing, and at the same time his eyes kept staring at the thing on the forehead.

  Liu Zhi saw everything that this person did before. When he posted the thing, Liu Zhi saw that this person's soul became quite ordinary.

  It can be seen that this is something used to suppress the power of the soul, and it is also a method used by the other party to hide itself.

  Liu Zhi didn't notice him before, on the one hand because of his strong ability to hide himself, on the other hand, it was because his soul was quite ordinary.

  After all, no one will pay attention to the dust that can be seen at random on the street, let alone find out whether there is a special place in that dust.

  But it is different without the patch on the forehead. It is the process of seeing a diamond on the street.

  Maybe ordinary people don't know the difference between diamond and glass, but a professional like Liu Zhi in the soul can see at a glance, the light flashing in the other's soul.

  So Ryuzhi believes that there must be other people in this world who will see this difference.

  And all he has to do is destroy the thing on the forehead.

  Riuji did exactly this. The current nodes left before were used to deceive the other party, in order to make the other party ignore some of Ryuzhi's thoughts.

  When the man cut off the nodes under the cloth, Liu Zhi made the first shot.

  He uses the ability of night stabbing swordsmanship.

  All this happens to be in that eye.

  The man had been guarding Liu Zhi for a long time, and when he saw this blow, his face showed a slight smile of disdain.

  "Didn’t I tell you, your attack is too slow."

  After he finished speaking, he slowly waved the scimitar in his hand, seeming to prove that even if he shot slowly, he could cut to the attack position of Ryuuji.

  But Liu Zhi didn't care at all. He shot faster and faster, and every sword pierced that person's eye.

  At the same time, the tip of the thin thorn sword pierced by Liu Zhi will continue to vibrate, imaginarily drawing a Z.

  Looking at Ryuzhi's actions, the person laughed again, "It's the second step, but..."

   Before he finished speaking, Liu Zhi disappeared.

  The look of that person became a little weird. He would have felt Liu Zhi for the first time just now. It was entirely because Liu Zhi used teleportation magic to directly teleport himself over.

  But this time seems to be different. It seems that Liu Zhi has not teleported, nor has he transformed into a lightning element. Why did he disappear all at once?

  Is it difficult?

  This person looked up at the sky and found that the sky was already covered with dark clouds, heavy rain was pouring, and lightning flashed continuously in the heavy rain.

   "I wanted to absorb the lightning power in the sky to strengthen my speed, but you are too tender. I told you that you are slow."

  After this, the two knives moved behind him, and a tornado hit the sky. You can feel it. There is a trace of divine power in this tornado.

  This divinity has the breath of wind and snow. It can be seen that if this divinity is not mastered by this divinity, then there must be the same thing in his dual swords.

After    issued this blow, this one was about to enter the tornado.

  He planned to use the power of the tornado to blow away the dark clouds in the sky, so that even if Liu Zhi wanted to strengthen the power of thunder and lightning, it would be useless.

   "All of your moves now are those I have not played before."

  This person said with confidence that just as he was about to step into the tornado, he suddenly felt something was wrong. A sword stabbed out of nowhere, just piercing his eyes.

  This sword is exactly Liu Zhi’s Destroying Tooth of Thunder God, but this sword, like Liu Zhi, has been completely elementalized, so the tip of the sword has shrunk very small.

The angle that    pierced out was also unimaginable.

  Can you imagine the feeling of a sword suddenly appearing in front of you?

  The man immediately withdrew back, trying to escape the blow.

  But no matter how he dodges, the sword is going to pierce his eyes.

  And at this time, that person also discovered where the sword came from.

  It turns out that the raindrops falling in the sky, each drop is where Thor’s Destruction Fang pierced.

  This time, this one would not understand that Liu Zhi’s thunder and lightning was simply used by him, and this heavy rain was Liu Zhi’s arrangement.

  Now it is too late to find out. At this time, the heavy rain has fallen. It can be said that this person is completely under the control of Liu Zhi.

  At this time, this one was also angry, and he used abilities he didn't want to use.

  (End of this chapter)

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