Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1034: A master of death pierced the sky

   Chapter 1034

  The one shot, and it went down for an instant, and the surrounding time seemed to be frozen. Even the falling raindrops stopped at their original position and could not move.

  Not to mention the mosquitoes flying towards him.

After    made this blow, this person took a step forward indifferently, and then cut with both swords.

   Under this cut, the dark clouds in the sky were directly broken open, and the sun fell straight down from the sky.

This kind of power is really beyond the normal level. You must know that Liu Zhi has been in this ice sheet for so long. At most, he used his own solar boat to act as the sun. He never wanted to break the clouds in the sky and release real sunlight. Come down.

  It's not because Liu Zhi didn't have this idea, but he couldn't do it at all.

  The clouds in the sky were too thick, and there was a powerful divinity shrouded in it, and Liu Zhi could not fly up on the sun boat, let alone break through the clouds.

But this one did this. Although his movements were obviously deformed when he cut with these two knives, even his face began to be distorted, and black blood was leaking out of his five senses and seven orifices, but it can be seen that he succeeded in doing it. At this point, this can prove how strong he was before.

  When the sun fell, he hummed again.

   "Without the field of heavy rain, I see what you can do. Lightning is it, heavy rain is it, storm is it, I will cut all this to pieces, I see how you can fight."

  In the next moment, this one's face became a little ugly.

  Because he saw Liu Zhi standing in the air, Liu Zhi at this time seemed to have not felt the sun for a long time, standing calmly in the sun.

  Looking at Liu Zhi's figure, a smile appeared on that face.

   "Unexpectedly, I can cut through the dark clouds, I can cut through the wind and rain, what else can you have without heavy rain."

  But when he finished speaking, Liu Zhi disappeared into the sunlight.

  At the same time, Thor’s Destruction Fang pierced that person’s eyes again, but this time the sword was not pierced from the raindrops, but from the sunlight.

  This sword made the man unexpected, he flashed back quickly, but his reaction was still a step slower, and the sword finally pierced his eyes.

   retreated a certain distance, retreated out of the sun, and this person heard the voice of Liu Zhi.

   "Unexpectedly, I can move freely in the sun."

  Seeing such a situation, this person knew that he couldn’t please this time.

  He made a decision immediately and left here.

  Although he couldn't hit Liu Zhi, he believed that he wanted to leave, and Liu Zhi couldn't stop him.

  So he thrust his hands between his waist, and the whole person took a step back, and his body slowly faded in front of Ryuzhi.

  It is a teleportation spell from this look. For the existence of this kind of strength, it is not too difficult to teleport it out, and his strength is quite strong, and Liu Zhi has nothing to stop him.

  But at this moment, Liu Zhi who was in the sun suddenly felt a chill in his heart. He looked up and found that an eye appeared in the sky.

  The eyes fixed on the existence that wanted to teleport away, and then a series of explosions sounded from him.

  The one who was slowly fading away was directly exploded, and many of the weapons and equipment on his body seemed to be destroyed in this way.

After    was blown out, this one sprayed out blood.

  And Liu Zhi did not let go of such an opportunity, he drew it down with a single sword, this time Liu Zhi shot the position of that person's eyebrow.

  I was stunned by the eyes in the sky just now, this one seemed to be affected by something, and he couldn't move immediately. Liu Zhi's sword easily pierced his eyebrows, and he was about to pierce him.

  At this moment, this man had to activate his last life-saving method again. When he raised his head, his body turned pure golden.

  It can be seen that this is a way to strengthen the body's defenses. With this way, he can be temporarily invincible for a period of time.

After    did this, he stubbornly resisted Liu Zhi's attack, and went in the other direction without looking back.

  His invincibility also has a time limit. With the energy he carries, he can only use a total of ten minutes before he restores to the original level, and every time he activates, he needs to actively consume 15 seconds as the activation energy.

  The remaining time is naturally not much.

  If you can run away now, just run away.

  Anyway, the eyes in the sky have disappeared, and no one will attack him.

  But he never expected that the eyes in the sky hadn't disappeared. Instead, he was gathering some means to prepare for a hard blow.

  The eye in the sky actually ignored the battle below at first. He was a congregation of consciousness shrouded in the ice sheet. Whether the ice sheet below was the underworld or the real world, it had little effect on him.

He also didn't care if the existence below    reached the mythical level.

  This time he shot, it was all because of that guy himself.

  If he finds another way to resolve the heavy rain in Ryuzhi, there will be no problem in fact.

  But he thinks he can break through the clouds in the sky, which is equivalent to a mosquito flying in front of a human to take a breath.

  Who can stand this situation?

  It is impossible not to frustrate him to death.

   So if this person wants to escape like this, he simply has a wrong idea. What he needs most now is to draw the attention from the sky to other people.

  For example, let the Silver Dragon King be dead or something.

  Or just let Liu Zhi poke a hole in the sky, as he did just now.

  Maybe he can escape at that time.

  Now, he who made the wrong choice has nothing to do.

  Although Ryuzhi didn't understand what this was all about, he couldn't let this guy escape in the current situation.

  After that person withstood his own sword, Liu Zhi knew that there was no way to hurt him for the time being.

  So Yanagi was quite straightforward, directly using his control ability, trying to trap this guy.

  He kept putting quicksand traps, vines and the like under that foot.

   just wanted to trap this guy.

  But after the whole body turned golden, the strength and speed also increased obviously. It was obvious that he was in this state for escape.

  After the power increases, no matter what is in front of him, just push it away. After the speed increases, the enemy will not be able to catch up with him.

  So it is more difficult for Liu Zhi to trap him, either by him getting out of the way, or by being forced to push him away.

  Finally, he took the initiative to jump off the top of the mountain and jumped into the area controlled by Ryuzhi.

  (End of this chapter)

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