Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1036: first name

  Chapter 1036 Name

  The one trapped in the starlight is actually quite embarrassing now.

  He understands what situation he has encountered, but he has no way to crack it.

  The teleportation techniques he can use are all blocked by the big eyes in the sky, and every time he is used, the big eyes will blow him out.

   And his golden body can block the attack of the starlight, but Liu Zhi was there for time. It can be seen that Liu Zhi did not open the starlight surge channel to the maximum, only calculating the consumption of his own magic power.

  Liu Zhi felt that as long as he was in his own ghost domain, he could keep this starlight channel open.

  But it is different for that person. His golden body can only support ten minutes, and when he first fled here, he had already consumed a certain amount of time.

  If he doesn't run away under the starlight now, when this body changes back to the original body, he really has no chance to resist external attacks.

   But he wanted to escape but there was no way to escape.

  Widenina appeared in front of him when he was about to flee away from Ryuji.

  The reputation of the eight-armed Naga is also quite famous in the game.

  If this kind of naga is armed with long sword weapons, then it can be said that she is a kendo master, and her strength is above the normal level.

  This one couldn't imagine that he would encounter such a person here.

  He lowered his head, then bit his teeth, threw away the weapon in his hand, and drew out the original pair of artifact-level double knives.

  The moment he pulled out the double knives, he just felt a chill all over his body.

  Liu Zhi also saw the big eyes in the sky opened again, and he could see that the power that smashed the sky before made the consciousness in the sky a little scared.

  So this one must die.

  The eye blinked, and a wave that was invisible to others appeared on Liu Zhi's body.

  As a myth-level figure drawn from the soul, Liu Zhi felt the situation in it for the first time.

  He wanted to communicate with the fluctuation, but there was no response from the fluctuation, and he only gave one sentence.

   "Kill that guy."

  Liu Zhi raised his head and glanced at the big eyes in the sky, and knew in his heart that he was being used as a tool man.

  But the guy in front of him jumped out to find his own death, and Liu Zhi wanted to kill him.

  Obviously there was nothing wrong, and he almost left, but the guy made himself to show his soul, and deliberately let Liu Zhi see it.

  People who can do this kind of thing, Liu Zhi really doesn't understand what they are thinking.

  I don’t understand, I don’t understand, but Liu Zhi must die now.

  Yagiji has already seen that that guy has potential. He who restarts the game is likely to return to his original level in the shortest time.

  Although Ryuzhi thinks he has potential now, what if he is faster?

  Yagiji doesn't want to find an enemy for himself.

  So Yanagi must kill that guy.

   Thinking of this, Liu Zhi's heart suddenly moved. He has been ignoring a problem, that is, he has never known this name.

  No matter how he appears, he always refers to that guy, this guy, that person, and this person.

  At this time, Liu Zhi thought of a possibility.

  This person’s name and identity are hidden.

  So no matter who sees him, he will only use that guy, this guy, that person, and this person.

  But there is no way to tell his real name.

   Thinking of this, Liu Zhi's eyes lit up, and he wanted to contact the big eyes in the sky.

  But that eye also knew about Liu Zhi's control over the soul, so he ignored Liu Zhi at all, and even cut off the connection with Liu Zhi directly.

  Liu Zhi was also anxious. He pointed to the golden guy below and said loudly: "Name, name!"

  When Liu Zhi said this, the whole ghost realm also surging with this voice, this is the voice of the soul.

  Everyone can sound a voice from the bottom of their hearts.

   "Name, name!"

  The same is true in the heart of the person who is being attacked by the stars.

  When he heard this, his face changed involuntarily, and his golden face turned dark golden.

  He knows that his name and identity are his biggest weakness. The reason why he wants to start again is to avoid a powerful existence.

  He cannot let his name and identity be exposed.

   And the reason why he would jump out to provoke some people, instead of honestly, is also because of the way he hides his name and identity.

  He uses a mysterious prop. The power of the prop is called how to hide a drop of water.

  The principle is to hide a drop of water in the sea, so that everyone is impressed by him. The more people who know his existence, the safer his hiding.

  The title used to refer to his identity will also cover his original name and prevent his enemies from discovering him.

  It’s as if someone said monkeys, and everyone almost knew who they were talking about.

   And his biggest weakness is the name. If he remembers his name and is known by someone, then the person who used that guy, this guy, that, this to refer to him will instantly know his name.

  His enemy can follow this line to find him and kill him.

   Thinking of this time, this face became quite ugly. He held his head and tried hard not to let himself think about his identity.

  But from a psychological point of view, this is not desirable.

  Think about the experiment, don’t think of the pink elephant in your heart.

  Most people will involuntarily think about it.

  The same is true for this one, the more he misses his name, the more his name will appear in his heart.

  If Ryuji is a psychic, maybe now he has seen the identity of the other party.

  But Liu Zhi's ability is above the soul, and there is no way to see the hearts of others. He can only stimulate the name, but he can't see it.

   But Liu Zhi can’t see it, doesn’t mean that others can’t.

  At first, the big eyes in the sky didn't understand what Yanagi was thinking.

  But he soon understood Ryuzhi's plan.

  Find the name of that guy.

  Ryuzhi can't do this, but he can do it.

  He is a collection of collective consciousness in this ice sheet, where he sees all the changes on the ice sheet.

  He didn’t use his abilities before, but now it’s different. The consciousness also wants to kill this guy.

  But he can't make any shots at will, otherwise he could kill the guy in front of him just now, instead of dragging it to the present.

  At this time, Liu Zhi told him a way, and he immediately took action.

  Big eyes blinked again, and he saw the identity of that person, and then he passed this identity to Liu Zhi's heart.

"he is…"

  (End of this chapter)

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