Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1041: Invasion of hostile players

  Chapter 1041 The invasion of hostile players

  When the player entered the territory of Liu Zhi, Liu Zhi didn't know it for the first time.

  At this time, his defensive center is actually placed on the diamond area. The Light Legion of the Arena is arranged to go to the underworld. After the death bone legion is repaired, it is actually placed in the diamond area for defense at the first time.

  On the side of the silver area, only a few heroes were left staring at it.

  Those heroes didn't have any opinion on the arrangement of Liu Zhi. At this time, Liu Zhi was already in a state of herding sheep to the heroes in the ghost domain.

  These heroes were brought over, but just let them patrol, they are somewhat overkill.

  It's better to let them find the target on their own. The least level or something can be improved.

And Liu Zhi’s attention must still be on the golden area. In the silver area, the forces that can exist have been killed by Liu Qing, and there is nothing to threaten or not. Liu Zhi will naturally not pay attention. over there.

  But at this moment, Liu Zhi suddenly received news that one of his heroes died in battle.

  The news was sent directly to Liu Zhi.

  Ryuzhi was stunned on the spot. Although most of his heroes were transport captains, the troops they brought were not cannon fodder troops.

  And the death of a hero means the destruction of the seven formation troops. This can be regarded as the biggest loss for Ryuzhi since entering the game.

  As soon as he received the news, Liu Zhi immediately contacted his subordinates, and at the same time released some of his own detection methods.

  Especially the Eagle's Eye, which has been in the sky. Since the establishment of the ghost domain of Yanagiji, the ship has been moving between the silver and golden areas.

  At the same time, the sky fire and the light of the underworld are the same. The three ships will always ensure that one of the ships will appear near Yuji.

  It happens to be when the Skyfire appears near Yanagiji and the Eagle's Eye is in the silver area.

  When Ryuzhi discovered that a hero had died in battle, Eagle Eye also noticed the situation for the first time. He immediately changed his direction and moved towards the place where the battle took place.

  For this reason, Liu Zhi soon learned about the situation. He noticed that there was an extra strange forest in the silver area of ​​his ghost realm.

  At this time, the forest is definitely not as calm as the one I stopped before. The forest at this time is quite chaotic, and it looks like a huge circle made up of countless trees.

  The trees in the outermost circle are close together, looking like a city wall.

  The dolls that were originally running on the tree, now they all stand on the top of the tree, holding javelins like thin needles.

  It can be seen from the number of these dolls that, like the spider infantry in Ryuzhi's hands, they are all the most basic cannon fodder units.

  Besides the city wall made of trees, there are a large number of dead bodies under Liu Zhi's.

  At the same time, the hero who died in Liu Zhi was hung on a big tree.

   Seeing this situation in front of him, Liu Zhi was directly angry.

  He had already noticed that the forest that had suddenly appeared before him was completely another player’s mobile base.

  It seems that someone sees that Liu Zhi has never been out of his territory, thinking that Liu Zhi is the kind of player who is easy to deal with, so he ran over to fight the autumn wind.

   Thinking of this, Liu Zhi was also angry. He opened the starry sky sign and appeared directly at the plague camp.

  In the plague camp at this time, Amanite also received the news.

  These days, Amanite has been helping Ryuuji manage things in the silver area.

  As soon as he saw Ryuuji, Amanite showed out the information he had just collected.

   "I have seen it in the past, and the eagle eye is also staring there. It is a level 5 player. He has advanced from the Necromancer to another route."

The previous information from Eagle Eye was not detailed, but Liu Zhi also had a judgment. It has been more than two hundred days. If they have not advanced, then these players are too bad.

  It’s just that Liu Zhi is not sure what the other party’s occupation is.

  It can be seen that he uses a mobile city.

  For such players who are willing to bring their own city to this game, Ryuzhi still admires him very much.

After all, Liu Zhi knew from the beginning that after the city was brought here, in all likelihood, there was no way to take it back. He was willing to spend a city to complete the promotion task, either because he had money, or he had a small goal or something. .

  Ryuzhi believes that no matter which one it is, it deserves to be taken seriously by him.

   "Do you know how he defeated Fred (the hero who died)."

"I know something. It seems that when Fred was on a daily routine patrol, he happened to meet the opponent's forest. According to the information I got, the forest at that time seemed to be a square shape, and all the trees were neatly lined up. , It looks a bit like the obsessive-compulsive disorder you mentioned."


  Ryuzhi asked curiously.

"After that, Fred sent a signal back and led the team into the woods. He didn't expect that the woods was the body of the other party. They encountered people from all over the tree, under the tree, and underground. attack."

   "I can understand the tree and the underground, what is the attack under the tree?"

  After listening to Amanette’s report, Liu Zhi asked in a puzzled manner.

   "At that time, there were beasts under their trees. Under each big tree, there were six beasts. After entering the woods, these beasts organized and attacked Fred and the others."

"What now?"

   "It's gone now. All the beasts seem to have disappeared. In fact, they disappeared directly when they started the war. I don't know what happened."

  Listening to this, Ryuzhi felt a little weird in it.

  You must know that if it was Ryuzhi, after the war, the available troops would definitely not be taken back.

   But this player took back the ground troops that could be used. If there is no problem in it, Liu Zhi is willing to cut his brain and kick the ball.

   "What is the other party planning to do now?"

   "I can't see it for the time being, but it can be seen. The other party seems to have the idea of ​​marching toward the plague camp."

   "Where is the underworld? The other party is also a necromancer, does he have any actions on the underworld?"

   "There is no response from the underworld, as if the other party seems reluctant to enter the underworld."

   "It's impossible. Forget it, let's mobilize the underworld lamp to pass the troops and guard it. I will go to the battlefield and take a look. Maybe I can see something from there."

While Yanagi said, he asked Alex to release her own sun carriage and headed towards the battlefield. Naturally, Amanite would not be idle, and she drove her carriage quickly to follow. .

  (End of this chapter)

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