Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1043: The ability of the enemy player

  Chapter 1043 The ability of enemy players

  This time the plasma cannon attack, the forest can no longer be defended with a defensive cover.

When nearly 10,000 rounds of blue light bombs fell, the purple defensive cover that was still shrouded in the woods disappeared in this wave of attacks.

  Looking at this situation, Liu Zhi didn't even consider the endurance of the spider artillery. He shot three consecutive shots on the spot.

  The three consecutive shots this time is a cleansing of the woods.

  The forest in front of me actually occupies a small area.

  In fact, a wave of attacks can wash the ground once, but Liu Zhi doesn't know what kind of skills the player in front of him has, so let's talk about three waves of plasma cannon attacks first.

  After three consecutive attacks, there was a series of loud explosions in the woods.

  In the next instant, the ground was cut down by a layer where the entire forest was located.

  All the trees and everything are gone, only the broken bricks are left.

  At the same time, Liu Zhi noticed that there was actually a long table in the middle of the forest.

  It's just that the long table at this time is empty, but the twenty-four high-back chairs on the side of the long table look quite strange.

   "Hero? Legion?"

  Liu Zhi looked at the situation here, and began to mobilize other troops.

  If the twenty-four high-back chairs represent twenty-four heroes, then the player's level of strength is certainly not too weak.

  Ryuzhi now regrets why he put the main battle hero and main army on the golden area.

  He has only four heroes that he can mobilize, and one of them has died.

  There are not many troops that can be mobilized, but there are still some spider troops.

  Thinking about it, Liu Zhi stood up against a batch of about a thousand spider infantry there.

  They stood behind Liu Zhi, ready for the impact.

  At this moment, a figure appeared at one end of the long table.

  When he appeared, he was not sitting, but standing at the end of the long table, and at the same time he was holding a few things that attracted Liu Zhi's attention.

  One of the things that caught Liu Zhi's attention the most was definitely the long stick in his hand.

  It was a weird-looking staff, and the whole style looked like it was made up of seven skulls up and down.

  In the eye sockets of the skull, there is still a green flame flashing. You can see that the style of this stick is different from the style of the land in front of you.

  But this guy doesn't care about this situation at all.

   Instead, he looked at Liu Zhi seriously, and it could be seen that he did not put Liu Zhi in his eyes.

  As he took a step forward, Liu Zhi suddenly found that sitting on the high-back chair by the long table, at this time, he did not know when he was full.

  All those people were motionless, and their outfits were various. Some of them were holding long swords and long knives, some holding wands, and some holding muskets.

  If it weren’t for them to do nothing, Yanagi would definitely believe that they were the heroes of that player.

  But they don't seem to move a bit now, and Liu Zhi doesn't know what they are.

  At this moment, the player raised the stick in his hand, and the green flames in the seven skulls flew toward the sides of the long table.

  After the flame fell on the human bodies, the eyes of the seven people who were lit by the flame flashed a little light. Then they stood up, took their weapons, and headed out of the field.

  Only then did Liu Zhi realize that the twenty-four large human bodies are actually half-dolls.

  They are different from the heroes used by Ryuzhi. Normally, they don't have any mobility. They can only fight after the player injects their soul into them.

  The advantage of this is that everyone is the player himself, and he can be replaced with a new body when he dies, and when the player grows up, he can get many clones immediately.

The disadvantage of    is that the number of clones that can fight at the same time will certainly not be too many. There is no way to fight the undead bone sea in this player.

  Looking at the weapons that the seven were holding, Liu Zhi knew that these seven were of the kind of large-scale attack type. He should have seen the number of spider infantry before he made the decision.

  Liu Zhi thought for a while, waved his hand down, and a thousand spider infantry rushed forward.

  They just rushed a few steps, and the clones of the seven players had already jumped up.

  Among the seven men, some took a longbow, and one arrow was a spider infantry. Some took a hammer, and the two-handed hammer wielded like a tornado. All the spider infantry who approached were shot out.

  There are also two large-scale magic used there, one caused a meteor shower, the other released a blizzard.

  It can be seen that if these two cooperate in place, their attack power can be improved a lot.

  There are three others who have their own abilities.

  One of them turned out to be a holy light, and I don’t know how he became an undead.

  The other is holding a musket, and it can be seen that his musket fires extremely fast.

  The last one is holding a long scimitar. You can see from his movements that he is the kind of existence that wins with speed.

  As soon as they came into contact with the spider infantry under Liu Zhi, they immediately displayed their abilities. A thousand spider infantry could not support them for long. They were just killed in a blink of an eye.

  But Ryuzhi was not angry because of it.

  Ryuzhi is just experimenting with the opponent's strength.

  It can be seen that a thousand spider infantry does not have much influence on the opponent.

  Judging from the current situation, if Liu Zhi took out his own hero, it might not have much effect.

"No wonder they choose this kind of combat method. It seems that this is a sea of ​​bones and players who just play the elite combat method, but it is still a little bit worse. Maybe it is nothing to a thousand spider infantry, but the number exceeds a thousand. ?"

  Yiu Zhi waved his hand calmly, and a large number of spider infantry rushed out.

  The number of spider infantry shot this time reached three thousand, and they did not surge up, but formed four arrows from four directions to attack.

  In such a dispersion, although the number of spider infantry dispatched this time is more than last time, it is obvious that the number of spider infantry faced by each of the opponent's men at the same time is not as large as before.

  They can easily deal with all the situations in front of them, and kill Ryuji's spider infantry more easily than before.

Looking at the deaths of his group after group, Liu Zhi didn't have any expression on his face. When the three thousand spider infantry were almost dead, Liu Zhi waved his hand again. This time the number of spider infantry stood up to five thousand. only.

  (End of this chapter)

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