Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1052: return

   Chapter 1052 Return

  Leaving the game, Ryuzhi left behind his discoveries in the game, and now the most important thing for him is naturally to return to his home plane.

As soon as he returned to the plane of Ide, Liu Zhi released all the men he had brought to life. The two legions were maimed this time, and it would take at least a year or so to replenish the lost troops. .

  For these two legions, Liu Zhi does not need to think about it himself, the commanders of the two legions can handle it.

   Among those heroes who followed Liu Zhi, only about ten of the twenty heroes came back alive, and Liu Zhi noticed that they each took a bronze flagpole.

  Looking at their movements, Ryuzhi felt that they all had their own ideas.

  So before returning to Hades, Ryuzhi called these heroes over.

  The main battle heroes who followed along were nothing. Ryuzhi made arrangements for them, so they all left quickly.

  It is the heroes who acted as the transport team now that each of them has their own careful thoughts. Liu Zhi approached one of them, and after a few questions, he understood their thoughts.

  These guys actually gave birth to the ambition to lead the team to form a legion.

  Although I don’t know how their ambitions came about, but Liu Zhi is not optimistic about their ideas.

  Riuzhi has only got three legions more than ten or twenty years ago, and they have only obtained three legions. They are usually used as cannon fodder. They want to pull up a legion. Isn't this funny?

  Yagiji doesn't have so much strength and energy for them to play.

  So Ryuzhi simply explained the matter in front of everyone.

  But these heroes have their own ideas.

  One of the heroes stepped up and said, "My lord, what you think is wrong. In fact, we can form a legion, even if it is an unformed legion."

  There are some reflections on the hero Ryuzhi. He seems to have stopped the elephant before.

  So Ryuzhi pointed to the hero, "Tell me your reason."

   "My lord, in fact, we have a lot of spider troops. The number of spider troops has exceeded the number of undead, but they can't form a legion. This is too wasteful."

Hearing what he said, Liu Zhi also raised his head, "Very thoughtful, but have you ever thought that spider troops are not so easy to produce formations. You should have seen all of my efforts for so many years, spider infantry. I can pull out one hundred thousand in one go.

  But, how many can be formed into troops, less than three teams, 60 people, a total of 180 people, and this time I got it in the game.

  The same is true for the spider artillery. With hundreds of thousands of spider artillery, the team that can finally be formed is the sixth team. If you want to use the spider army to form a legion, I also think, but there is no way. "

  What Ryuzhi said is true. The training of the spider troops is quite tricky, so even if the number of spider troops is large, they can't form troops, let alone form legions.

  The situation of the undead is actually the same. There are a lot of undead, but there are relatively few formed into troops, and it is precisely for this reason.

  Now hearing these heroes hit their ideas on those spider troops, Ryuzhi is quite unhappy.

  At this moment, the hero who negotiated with Liu Zhi suddenly said.

   "My lord, you might not have noticed the battle flag given at the end of the quest of the Flag Keeper."

   Liu Zhi was a little puzzled when he heard it, because he used this battle banner to protect the underworld of Liu Zhi's troops from surviving, and it was a relatively easy thing to use.

  Looking at Liu Zhi's appearance, the hero knew that Liu Zhi hadn't studied the function of this banner.

  The hero said with certainty: "My lord, when you gave us the battle banner, we didn't care much, but later we discovered that this battle banner has a different function."

  Ryuzhi knew what he had missed when he heard the situation.

"you said."

   "This banner can be integrated with our heroes, and allows our heroes to freely enter and exit the game and the plane."

   Hearing this, Liu Zhi's eyes couldn't help but condensed. He stared at the hero, "All heroes?"

"No, you can only travel to and from one game, and you can’t change it after you have selected it. A hero can only enter and leave one game. And most importantly, all players have no authority. The only thing that can be done is to Bring back things from the game, or bring troops into the game."

  Yagiji stared at these heroes for a long time, "I understand what you mean, you want to enter the game with a large number of spider troops, and use the game to fight for your own future, right."

   "Not only the spider army, we also want the undead army. We have seen it. The bronze-level battle flag can protect the strength of one legion, while the silver-level battle flag can protect three legions and one city."

  Liu Zhi, including his own battle flag, had two silver-level and twenty-one bronze-level battle flags in his hands. If it was exactly what they said, then he could play at least 23 games at the same time.

   Thinking of this, Liu Zhi raised his head and stared at the heroes.

  "Duck they also knew about it?"

"That's the case, but Master Dark, they both have their own army, and they are not willing to participate in this matter, so they did not follow us, we just thought, this time, how can we say that there is no credit and hard work? , I hope to give us a chance."

  After hearing this, Liu Zhi lightly touched the ground with the Staff of Soul Eater, thinking seriously there.

   "Your words are correct, but there is a condition in it. You must be able to bring the troops there. You must have a legion organization. Without the organization, even if I arrange other heroes for you, it will not work."

"That's right, my lord, I remember that you have a corps that is about to take shape. I hope you can give me a chance to give me the position of commander of this squadron. I will take this corps into the game, and then I will use it as a corps. Bring the team up by bringing heroes."

Liu Zhi understood this thought. He first got the organization, and after entering the game, he killed the organization, and then sent the organization back one by one, but he didn't expect that the hero in front of him would have a heart. It's such a big one, it will put the idea on the unformed legion.

  He glanced at this hero, then at other heroes, "Do you think so too?"

   "Yes, my lord." The other heroes nodded, it could be seen, and they had the same idea.

  (End of this chapter)

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