Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1054: Treasure Box·Epic Skills

  Chapter 1054 Treasure Chest·Epic Skills

  As soon as the three treasure chests were opened, a large amount of system information popped up in front of Liu Zhi.

  [Hint: Open the survival time limit package to get survival items*1, active skill book (epic)*1, common currency*16000]

  [Hint: Open the A-level VIP package to get professional props (architectural design drawing)*2, random task props*1, common currency*14800]

[Reminder: A-level death lord spree (+1), get professional equipment (ghost domain lord, epic)*1, professional props (ghost domain lord, camp building design drawing)*1, professional props (ghost domain lord, building Design drawing)*1, occupational skills (lord of ghost domain)*1, common currency*30000】

  As soon as he saw this information, Liu Zhi knew that he had made a lot of money this time. It seems that the professions before and after level 5 are basically two lines.

  I’ve been working hard to grow before, but how much do I get in the end.

  There are three treasure chests right now, and the things given in them have exceeded Ryuzhi's imagination.

  Not to mention other things, it is the universal currency here, which is ten times as much as the original treasure chest, not to mention that the skill books and professional equipment given are all legendary, unlike the previous ones, which are only boutique levels.

  This situation satisfied Liu Zhi, and he nodded and gave away the red gloves.

After   , he looked at these things in front of him. The least visible in it were the survival items in the survival time package, which he had never seen before.

  The thing looked like a pocket watch phantom on a light curtain, and Liu Zhi didn't know what it was for.

  Out of curiosity, Liu Zhi first came into contact with this survival item.

  The moment he put his hand on, a message popped up in front of Liu Zhi.

[Portable self-preservation space: It can be integrated into the player’s self-preservation space and can be brought into the game. It can be opened every 24 hours, allowing the player to freely enter and exit the space. If the player stays in the space, he can rest in the space for 8 hours , Or the player can leave freely. 】

  [Note 1: This self-protected space can only be entered by players, and no servants, subordinates, troops, etc. can be brought in.]

  【Note 2: This self-protected space has a fixed access opening. You can only leave from where you enter, and you cannot change the position of entry and exit. 】

  Looking at this message, Liu Zhi's expression was not so good. He thought what survival items were. It turned out to be such a thing.

  This thing is not very helpful for Liu Zhi. It can be said that Liu Zhi wants this kind of self-protection space, and he might as well stay in his own army.

And from this description, it can be seen that this self-preservation space is not too big, only one person enters, it must be empty there, staying there for eight hours, for Liu Zhi, it is a piece Unreasonable things.

  Thinking about it, Liu Zhi didn't have such useless things aside, he couldn't help but sighed, sighing that the luck of the red gloves is not as good as before.

  Afterwards, Liu Zhi looked at the two skill books that were put together with the self-protection space, and both of them were legendary.

  Last time Liu Zhi got two skill books, but they helped him a lot. One is a star sign, and the other is a starfall.

  These two skills can be said to have helped Liu Zhi a lot. In the early days of Liu Zhi, he basically relied on these two skills to win the world.

  Now I have given two legendary skill books at once. It can be said that it will bring a qualitative leap to Liu Zhi's strength.

   Thinking of this, Liu Zhi opened two skill books on the spot.

  【Detected Active Skill Book (Epic)-"Heaven's Gate", the prerequisites for learning physical fitness 20.0, spirit 25.0... meet the learning conditions, may I consume 30,000 experience learning! 】

  [Detected Active Skill Book (Epic)-"Eternal Life Mist", the prerequisites for learning physical fitness 30.0, spirit 20.0... meet the learning conditions, may I consume 30,000 experience learning! 】

  Looking at the names of these two skills, Liu Zhi couldn't help but swallowed his saliva. The names of these two skills were quite grand.

  The gate of heaven, the fog of eternal life, sounds very domineering.

  Liu Zhi didn't even think about it, so he learned these two skills on the spot. Isn't that 60,000 experience? Liu Zhi really doesn't care about this.

  After learning these two skills, Liu Zhi finally understood what is a legendary skill.

For a skill to reach the legendary level, three conditions must be met. The first condition is that the skill is difficult to acquire, and at least players of level 5 or above can learn it. The way to upgrade this skill is not to pile up with experience, but to be realistic. Calculated by the number of uses.

  At the same time, if you want to reach level 4, the player must reach level 10. If you want to reach level 8, the player must reach level 15, and if you want to reach the highest skill level of 12, the player must reach level 20.

  This is a hard and fast rule, everyone in the game has to recognize it, it's not that Liu Zhi can change it if he wants to.

  The second condition is that this skill can only be used once in a game in a game. Of course, this trick will be relatively powerful, which is equivalent to a boutique skill that has reached the level of mythology level 12.

  As for the real world, there is no limit to only use once, but there is also a time limit. No matter what level of Liu Zhi's trick is, he can only use it once a year.

  The third condition is the use condition of this kind of trick. This trick is not like usual, it can be used with a weapon, and it is not like Liu Zhi’s dark night stabbing swordsmanship, which can be used directly at the end of the trick.

Both of these skills have conditions for use. The Immortal Mist is better. You only need to prepare an altar and a lot of materials. At the gate of heaven, you need at least a huge square about 500 meters in diameter. And arrange the magic circle or something as required.

  It can be said that even if Yanagi wants to use the gate of heaven several times, he is not willing to waste his time at some point.

[Heaven’s Gate (Epic) Level 1: Consume 3000 mana, open the Heaven’s Gate in the arranged position, the Heaven’s Gate will open for fifteen minutes, within fifteen minutes, all the troops, minions and even the player under the player’s house I will be affected by the gates of heaven and will be resurrected for free anytime, anywhere and restored to the highest level to join the battle again. 】

   [Description: The range of influence of the gate of heaven is related to the level of the gate of heaven, and the range of influence at level 1 is 10,000 meters in diameter. 】

[Eternal Fog (Epic) Level 1: Fog is placed at a designated location. 30 minutes before the start of the fog, all life entering the fog will be affected by the fog and die in the fog. After 30 minutes, the fog spreads outward and the scope of influence is expanded , People who die in the fog become zombies, and all creatures attacked by zombies will become new zombies. 】

  【Note 1: As long as the fog does not dissipate, the zombies in the fog will always live, which is also an alternative immortality. 】

  【Note 2: If there are other methods, the transformed zombies may also become ghosts or other undead】

  [Note 3: The fog range is related to the number of zombies. The more the number, the larger the fog range. The larger the fog range, the stronger the zombie’s strength.]

  (End of this chapter)

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