Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1059: Set a small goal

   Chapter 1059 Set a small goal

  With a new hero, Liu Zhi was not idle. He went to the other two taverns. In the salted fish tavern, Liu Zhi really saw another hero who had been promoted and transferred.

  That is a level 6 pirate king, but he has been dead for many years and has become undead, but his profession is still called the pirate king.

  The biggest feature of this pirate king is that he can call out two ghost ships to help him fight at any time.

  The two ghost ships are also different. One is mainly for melee combat, and the other is for artillery and long-range attack. After they appear, there is no way to maintain them for a long time. They will only appear to help fight and retreat directly after a while.

  But this is quite good. You have to know that the strength of naval battles is visible to the naked eye. Sometimes you look at your opponent with only one ship, so two ships surround it.

  As a result, when he rushed in front of the opponent, one boat changed into three boats, which made the fight a bit awkward.

  For this special hero, Liu Zhi must be absorbed, so Liu Zhi has another pirate king hero.

  After that is the Terry Tomb Tavern.

  The tavern specializes in the undead heroes Yanagi needs.

  The same is true this time, except that Liu Zhi didn't expect that this time it was not the two unique career advancements of the Undead System, but a vampire.

  This vampire has also been promoted. He has his own profession, called the Blood Mage.

  As for joining Liu Zhi’s team, the blood mage had no objection, but he made his own request, hoping that Liu Zhi would let him develop a vampire army in Liu Zhi’s territory.

  Because he can't bring other troops except the vampire troops.

Regarding this point, Liu Zhi finally agreed. Although his place has been underworld, there are actually many creatures in it. If it doesn’t work, there is a plane on the other side. If Liu Zhi really wants to develop a vampire army, it’s not too bad. It will be simpler.

  After having three new heroes, Liu Zhi quickly arranged the affairs of the plane of Ide, turned his head and left here.

  As for the transformation of the plane of Ide into a ghost domain, it does not need to be handled by Liu Zhi himself.

  Since Liu Zhi advanced to the ranks and became the lord of the ghost domain, his clone Shandru also advanced to the ranks and became the lord of the ghost domain.

  So the transformation of the plane of Id can be done by handing it over to Sandro.

  Ryuzhi can completely take the troops out to trade with the Logan A plane, saying that he is willing to help them deal with the murloc empire.

Just as Liu Zhi was about to take the manpower out of the plane of Ide, Liu Zhi thought for a moment. He felt as if he had no good relationship with Burning Blade City. The path is wrong.

  Even if they help them defeat the murlocs, the benefits will be limited in the end.

Logan’s Plane is a large plane where players gather. There are not only the green-skinned players from Burning Blade City, but there are also several other continents in that plane. One of them is based on the undead style. Lord's.

  When Liu Zhi first came to the Luogang A plane, he should actually go to that continent, or another continent near that continent. That continent was mainly in the style of mage towers.

  On these two continents, Liu Zhi can mix relatively better.

  Liu Zhi had never had time to pay attention to that matter before, but now he has time, and he can easily get there.

  So Ryuzhi began to plan to change the development of the city.

  Of course, before that, Liu Zhi still had to take a look at what had become of the legion he had handed over to Burning Blade City.

After   passed from the shuttle ball, Liu Zhi glanced at the place where the Kodo beast was buried.

  Because this space is completely owned by Liu Zhi, no one here dared to make ideas here during this time.

  The Rusty bones who were guarding here at the beginning can finally focus their attention on the transformation of this space.

  At the same time, because of the opening of Yanagi's No. 2 Corps, the main port of the Ghost Fleet, there have been many huge docks in the past few days.

It’s just that because this place is more or less inland, the docks were dug out and the trestle bridge was built, but there has been no water here. The commander of the Rusty Bone and Ghost Fleet intends to lead a river from outside of space. Come in and fill the dock here with river water.

  When seeing Ryuuji taking Alex and Vidnina out, the two commanders of the Ghost Fleet quickly rushed here.

  Yagiji glanced at the male Naga, "How are you talking with Burning Blade City?"

   "Already talked about, we have already set off to sea, the number of murlocs there has increased significantly, but with our strength, defeating one or two murloc tribes is not a problem."

  Yagiji nodded in satisfaction, his initial plan did not directly destroy the Murloc Empire.

  The murloc can have the upper hand on this plane, and there must be a master behind him. Before Liu Zhi reaches the myth level, he still shouldn’t go there and die.

  Even at the myth level, he will not become the main force in the battle against the Murloc Empire.

  He is the natural enemy of the murloc, but he is not stupid, the enemy is too much beyond his strength, he will not do such a thing.

  So his initial goal is to let the Ghost Fleet show its strength in naval battles.

In particular, a myth-class ship can have a relatively large advantage in naval battles. It can capture two murloc tribes and reduce the pressure on the major cities on the plane. It is best to get the approval of each city. Governance provides a lot of resource support.

  You must know that when the plane of Id was still a semi-plane, it was supported by some slaves that Liu Zhi bought back from Burning Blade City.

  Now the Ide plane has expanded a lot of land, and in addition, Liu Zhi has another ghost domain, and he is now very short of population.

  Not to mention that many of his undead troops need corpses to be transformed. It only depends on the slowly growing races on the plane of Id, who knows when they will go.

  So Ryuuji needs a lot of corpses and souls.

  This can be obtained from murlocs in battle, and can also be bought from various cities on the mainland.

  Be aware that every time a player enters and exits the game, some players will smuggle some living things out.

  Last time Liu Zhi picked up a bargain like this. I believe that as long as Liu Zhi is willing to spend time, he can buy such a living thing later.

  So Liu Zhi nodded, "Very well, then you must be ready to fight this first battle. As long as you can open the situation, I will negotiate with them in the next time."

  (End of this chapter)

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