Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1069: Fourth clone

  Chapter 1069 The Fourth Clone

Standing in front of Yanagiji was the first avatar who was different from Yanuji. He was obviously taller than Yanuji. He looked like a cloak hung on a bamboo pole. His face was blocked by that kind of high hat. Only a few holes in the top hat showed asymmetrical eyes.

  His hands are long and slender, and they are about to drop to the ground. Those hands look like they are using the claws of an eagle in the sky.

  There is no other color on the white cloak, and no other decorations. Standing in front of Yanagi, Yanagi doesn't feel like a clone of himself.

  Where does this resemble myself.

  But Liu Zhi is sure that he is his own clone, and he is still a strong and connected kind. Although the occupation of this clone is different from what he imagined, his existence is a blessing to Liu Zhi's power.

  For this new clone, Liu Zhi named it Rasha, yes, Rasha of the Eye of Rasha.

  【Clone No.4: Rasha】

  [Occupation: Lightforged Paladin]

  [Level: Level 6 (The Necromancer can only be upgraded after the level of the Necromancer is increased)]

  【Magic: 15000/15000】

  [Attributes: Strength 37.8, Agility 33.1, Constitution 36.3, Spirit 49.9]

  [Meditation Thought: Eye of Rasha Meditation Level 12]

  [Professional Skills: None]

  Lightforged Paladin?

   is really a rare profession, Liu Zhi thought that even if this guy is a mage, he would recognize him, but what is the meaning of Paladin.

  Yagiji from head to toe, is there anything related to the Paladin?

  It's still light casting. Has his Liu Zhi ever come into contact with things like holy light?

  There was some dissatisfaction in his heart, and Liu Zhi just let it go. Anyway, this is also his own clone, and he also influenced his thoughts on Laxia’s Eye.

  Like the Breath of Nature Pluto thought that had been upgraded to level 12 before, after Rasha's Eye Pluto thought was upgraded to the myth level, it also affected the sun divinity of Quetzalcoatl and improved the effect of the sun divinity in all aspects.

  Liu Zhi could not deny this.

  So Ryuzhi didn't think about that much anymore. Anyway, the two meditation thoughts have been upgraded, that's enough.

  With this thought, Liu Zhi sent a signal to leave the world.

  In the next instant, Ryuzhi appeared in Mr. Shengguang’s room.

  As for the two avatars of Liu Zhi, they have been integrated into Liu Zhi's body at this time. When Liu Zhi needs them, they can be released.

  After leaving the world, Mr. Shengguang’s clone glanced at Liu Zhi, “It seems that this is the case. Forget it, you can go back.”

  Liu Zhi was a little puzzled, not knowing why the clone of Mr. Shengguang said that.

  On the way back, Liu Zhi explained this doubt to City Lord Fireblade.

  Fireblade City Lord hesitated and said, “I seem to have heard a little bit. Since Mr. Shengguang had to manage twenty-four worlds at the same time, he merged with a treasure, which affected his attributes.”

  Yiu Zhi knew the problem should be here as soon as he heard it, but what does this have to do with his own situation?

"In all his worlds, no matter how he grows, he will encounter some things from time to time, so he will be separated into a clone." Fireblade City Master explained, "The situation of this clone is just like what you have encountered, it is unknown or in vain. Separate the clone.

  These clones are very similar to normal clones, but for a big guy who wants to take the last step, too many clones are not a good thing, because it will distract him.

  So he needs someone to prove that the reason for this non-stop avatar is on him or on the treasure. "

When Liu Zhi heard it, he understood that Mr. Shengguang would be willing to give up a world for Liu Zhi to upgrade. It was entirely because he wanted to have an experimental product, otherwise this kind of world would fall into the hands of ordinary players, and it would be like a baby. Just hide it, where will it be released for people to come and go.

  Liu Zhi, who wanted to understand this, also wanted to understand the results of Mr. Shengguang’s experiment. It seemed that the clone was his cause.

  Liu Zhi is not very worried about having two more clones of himself.

  In his initial plan, he had the idea of ​​splitting up several clones to grow together. Otherwise, at his speed, sometimes he would forget something when he was busy.

  At that time, the importance of the clone came, just like Sandru's role to the Id plane is like the role of the sea needle.

  Like this game, if there is no twin avatar, Yanagi will follow his ghost domain to an unknown place.

   Now that there are two more clones, Ryuzhi can definitely do a lot more.

  Ryuzhi can even directly assign a clone to play the game, and the remaining clones will dispatch when something is wrong.

  Thinking that Mr. Shengguang could separate a clone from time to time, Liu Zhi couldn't help but sigh.

   "Big guy is good."

"You still don't think about it. This is not a good thing. Sometimes the clone is good, but sometimes it is not so good. Sometimes the clone will affect your growth, and sometimes the clone will die a lot, and it will hurt your perception. "

  Riu Zhi was right when he heard it, the same resource, if one person uses it, and ten people use it, the final effect is naturally different.

  Finally, if you want to reach the highest level, you still have to concentrate the resources of ten people on one person.

  There are many clones just to ensure that you will not miss something, but it is unrealistic to push all clones to the same level.

   Thinking of this, Liu Zhi nodded.

  Fireblade City Lord did not say much, because they came to plan to stay for two days, in fact, Liu Zhi also stayed for one day to complete the promotion of two meditation thoughts.

  So they didn't rush on the way back. They still went around in this city, and Liu Zhi also knew that this city belongs to the north of the human continent, which is considered a branch island of the human continent.

  Some players who have practiced human techniques or transformed from humans will come here.

  Here, most of them take the route of priests and paladins. A small number of druids and other professions do not have necromancers.

  Because the Necromancer and the wizard are mostly concentrated on two exclusive continents, it is quite rare for Liu Zhi to miss the Necromancer continent from the beginning.

  If Liu Zhi first entered the continent of the Necromancer, he might not be like this anymore.

  On that continent, the direction of Necromancer's development will obviously be much more than that of Burning Blade City.

  Of course, maybe Ryuzhi is not a big deal there, he may be counted in, and maybe he will fall in the end.

   Anyway, this is Liu Zhi's fate.

  After making a round in this city, Liu Zhi returned to Burning Blade City, and at this time, the expert who taught Liu Zhi fish knowledge finally arrived.

  (End of this chapter)

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