Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1071: Fishing ship

  Chapter 1071 Fishing Ship

  In response to the request of Fireblade City Lord, Liu Zhi nodded affirmatively. When he was fishing, he also learned some outside news from those fishermen.

  Since they had five mythical ships, they have attacked several murloc islands in succession. The thunder and lightning that fell from the sky destroyed several murloc islands, which can be said to be a big blow to the murloc’s arrogance.

  Even because of their attacks, the murlocs had to mobilize manpower from several other continents. It can be said that they destroyed a big plan of the murloc empire in one fell swoop.

People on several continents now want to have new mythical ships. After all, the previous Ark’s motto was a flying ship. Flying in the sky can hit many enemies. It’s also very convenient to leave, but there is no way to help occupy it. The sea route, it can be said that the Murloc Empire still occupies the entire sea area.

  Now that the big guys behind the seven continents see hope, they are also planning to take this opportunity to take the sea route down.

  In order to ensure that each continent has one or two fleets that can go to sea at the same time, Liu Zhi must make 14 mythical ships.

As for the legendary ships, there is no need for Ryuzhi to build them, because it would be too time-consuming to build ships. They have already placed an order, and new ships will soon enter the formation. What they need is the mythical ships to act as main ships and flagship.

  For this request, Liu Zhi did not object, he had already gotten a lot from them, and he wanted to return something.

  So Ryuuji picked up the newly sent ship design.

  If the previous ship designs were specifically designed for mythical ships, then the ship designs in front of them are the same as normal ships, ranging from normal to mythical levels.

  And the name of this boat is quite simple, it is called fishing boat directly.

  It can be seen that if this kind of ship is made to the myth level, it will naturally require fish knowledge.

  It’s just that Liu Zhi looked at the description of the ship and didn’t think that it could be used as a main battleship.

[Fishing boat: The most basic model of all ships. Together with transport ships and small battleships, it is called a ternary ship. The size and quality of the ships are the same. They start from 10 meters in length to tens of thousands of meters in length. Shipbuilding skills are required. Only the above can be manufactured. If the shipbuilding skill reaches the extraordinary level, the fish-to-giant sea fish ballista can be installed on the ship. If the shipbuilding skill reaches the legendary level, torpedoes can be installed on the ship. Ships, fishing ships. 】

  For the last myth-class ship called a fishing ship, Liu Zhi is really speechless.

  Other people’s mythical ships can’t wait to add one or two mythological stories to themselves and blow their names to the sky.

  As a result, this is called a fishing ship. Although it uses the word ship, although it is a myth, it can’t compare with others’ confidence.

  But they need to use this kind of ship to act as the flagship and main battleship of the fleet.

After reading the situation of the fishing boat, Liu Zhi raised his head and glanced at the lord of Fire Blade City.

  "Are you sure you want to build this kind of ship? If you are sure, I will start building it."

  Fireblade City Lord also has some headaches, but the design drawing given above is like this, then only this kind of ship can be built.

  Moreover, this kind of boat is considered a fishing boat, or a boat for murlocs. It should be more useful to come to murlocs.

  After learning how to make a fishing boat, Liu Zhi understood how he wanted to make this thing in his heart.

  This kind of ship is actually very easy to do, and the main body is similar to a normal ship.

  After all, where the reputation of the ternary ship is placed, any power ship can be used.

  Yagiji built this many kinds of boats, naturally any style can be built.

  After asking the lord of Burning Blade City, Liu Zhi tried to build the first fishing boat.

  The fishing boat is seven kilometers long and looks like a huge island. The boat has sixteen masts, and when it stretches its sails with all its strength, it can lay down a total of forty-nine giant sails.

  Of course, if you only rely on sails, the boat will not drive fast. Ryuzhi also installed the main power source and the like under the boat.

  When necessary, the ship can reach a fairly high speed.

The most important thing is that this is a fishing boat. The two sides of the boat are filled with various fishing tools, such as net-casting machines, chain ballistas, etc., which can be seen, whether it is a large Both fish and small fish schools can be dealt with in a targeted manner.

  But these are not the reasons why this ship has become a mythical ship.

  The reason why the fishing boat became a mythical class is because there is a machine at the core of the boat.

  It is a kind of machine that can make a knocking sound. This machine is very similar to a fish lure, but it is a mythical existence that can be heard by the murlocs and makes them automatically gather like a school of fish.

  Of course, this is not a fish lure device, but a very similar machine. There are also some means to make murlocs dementia only know to attack.

  It is precisely because of this that this kind of fishing boat can become a mythical level, otherwise it will only be useful to rely on a fish knowledge to reach mythical level.

  After the first fishing boat was built, the Lord of Fire Blade City did not arrange for the captain to come.

  After all, this ship is not like the Ark Proverbs, which requires players with lightning attributes.

  Yagiji can build the ship himself, and then any player can control this kind of ship.

  And as long as the player can control the ship, they do not need to do a lot of other things.

  After the ship was built, it was soon dragged out by the lord of Fireblade City.

  And the next thing is much simpler, a total of 13 orders, Liu Zhi will be fine after finishing.

  As for the appearance of each remaining boat, there is no need for Ryuzhi to consider it, and there will be specially arranged personnel to handle it.

  Yagiji can inquire about the styles of other continents from those craftsmen.

Liu Zhi has already decided. After his ghost domain is settled, he must go to the continent that belongs to the necromancer and the wizard to see. As for the druids, they don't have a fixed continent, instead they have one exclusively for the elves. In the mainland, you can also take a look over there.

  Because there are many druids over there, although most of them are plants, it is enough for Yanagiji.

  In this way, time passed between communication and shipbuilding. It took eleven months for Liu Zhi to come out of his own plane of Ide until all the ships were built.

  After all the ships were built, Fireblade City Lord gave Liu Zhi a lot of things. All those things were given by the City Lords and bosses of various continents, which can be said to be a commendation to Liu Zhi.

  So Ryuzhi took another day to transport all these things back to the plane of Ide.

  (End of this chapter)

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