Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1073: Go to the ghost domain

  Chapter 1073 Going to the Ghost Domain

  While Armanet was collecting all kinds of information, Yanagi also happened to bring some of his subordinates into this world through the passage between the ghost domain and the ghost domain.

  After all, he always has to come and take a look at the things on the ghost domain.

  The way to enter the ghost domain is very simple. Between the two ghost domains, there is actually something like a signpost.

  This sign is inserted at the crossroads, and it says in which direction to go from another ghost domain. It takes about a few days to walk.

  In fact, this is the legendary route out of nothing, and the troops and heroes under Liu Zhi are advancing in this direction.

  As long as they follow this signpost, they will enter a fog. After a few days in the fog, they can enter another ghost domain from one ghost domain.

  This situation is equivalent to a point-to-point teleportation array, but it is a bit slower than the legendary array, because the normal teleportation array often arrives instantly, unlike this, which takes several days or even dozens of days.

  But the teleportation array also has the problem of the teleportation array. The energy consumption of the teleportation array is too large, and it is still transmitted across the world. All the energy on the Id plane can not withstand a few transmissions.

  But this kind of sign is different. With this kind of sign, it only takes a little time on the road without consuming any energy.

  In addition, this signpost does not need to consider the issue of transportation volume. As long as you can get on the road, you can use this signpost from one ghost domain in Ryuzhi to enter another ghost domain.

  So not long after the sign appeared, the goblin merchants were already back and forth on this road.

  When Liu Zhi brought his men over, he also saw a lot of goblin merchants along the way.

  Ryuzhi also had to admire these goblins, they could find all the means of transportation, boats with boats, cars without boats, and they can go on the road without carrying things on their own.

  Looking at the excitement of these goblins, Liu Zhi knew that they had made a lot of money this time.

  Ryuzhi himself didn't have any thoughts. At this time, he didn't need to drive on his own. He was sitting in his own sun carriage, and it would be better for Alex to copy his mind on the way.

  His thoughts are more on the books in his hands, which are all kinds of undead magic that he has researched.

  Before, Liu Zhi had a special subordinate to study undead magic, and he would also pick some to learn.

  This time before he went to Fire Blade City to build a ship, he arranged for his subordinates to study the undead magic of the lord of the ghost domain.

  Although it was the first time, it took them to research something in eleven months.

  The magic book in Liuzhi's hand is about the research of the undead magic of the lord of the ghost domain by the researchers these days.

  Exclusive magic may not have been studied, but there are still some targeted things.

  Liu Zhi is idle anyway, learning some of the above things there, in his opinion, as long as he spends time to learn, some of his attributes will always be improved.

  When Liu Zhi was idle, one or two figures appeared next to him from time to time.

  These are two new clones brought by Liu Zhi, one is called Osman, and the other is called Laxia.

  When Yanagi was building the ship, the two of them had already started to learn what they needed.

  Osman is better, Ryuzhi has something that belongs to the druid in his hands. Although it is not the druid of the giant tree, the direction of harvest is actually somewhat similar.

  Raxia was different. He took the route of light-forging a paladin. Ryuzhi had never learned this, and he did not have skills dedicated to paladins, so Rasha had to find opportunities for growth on his own.

  At that time, Ryuzhi was building a ship, so he didn't bother him.

  In Fireblade City, there is actually no place for Paladin to grow up. If there is any Totem Shaman there, the Paladin has never heard of it.

  In the end, Rasha followed a fleet and went to another continent, where he learned some Paladin-related skills.

  However, because Rasha is only a clone, and he has no plans to join that mainland faction, all the Paladin skills he learned are the most basic things.

  Raxia didn't care too much about this, but because he was learning the most basic things, he planned to start from the basics and step by step out of his own way.

  This is what Liu Zhi believes, and the power of the eyes of Rasha is very clear.

  At the same time, he also saw that the path of the paladin that Lasha learned should be one of the most primitive ways of the paladin.

  Many Paladins’ routes are now step by step from this most primitive route. Lasha actually fits the Paladin’s style.

  Now, as long as Laxia is idle, he will find a place behind Liu Zhi to study the route of the Paladin. It can be seen that he intends to continue this career.

  As for Rasha’s thoughts, Liu Zhi was quite speechless. You said that he should study it himself, why must he sit behind Liu Zhi and study.

  Can't you see the influence of sunlight on the undead?

   Several times Liu Zhi wanted to take La Xia directly back into his body, so he could not let it out.

  But think about it and forget it at the end. Every clone always has some dreams, in case it succeeds.

  In case Rasha became a high-level Paladin, then the skills he mastered, Liu Zhi could not be used in the same way.

  In this process, time passed bit by bit.

  Three days later, Liu Zhi and his party finally left the misty passage.

  After walking out of the passage, Liu Zhi saw his eyes light up. They seemed to have come to a platform on the top of the mountain, where the same signpost was also inserted.

  The road sign says ‘there are still three days away from the ghost domain of Duke Long’.

  You can see that the entrances to and from the ghost realm are here.

  Since Liu Zhi came out relatively early, he just saw the process of rising the sun. At the same time, they stood at a relatively high position. Liu Zhi saw his ghost city from a distance.

  Under the sun, the city was shrouded in a layer of white mist, and it looked a little beautiful.

  The entire city has a diameter of nearly 30 kilometers, and in the middle of the city is a huge black pit with a diameter of about 10,000 meters.

  Other buildings in the city were built around the deep pit. These buildings circle and circle, layer after layer, and look well-organized and full of the style of the previous plague camp.

  Although it is still relatively early, there are already some undead working in the city. From time to time, you can see some heroes returning from the wild with troops and entering the city from the east of the city.

  (End of this chapter)

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