Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1075: Goblin's business

  Chapter 1075 Goblin’s Business

  Listening to Osman’s words, Liu Zhi also got nervous, stood up straight, holding the Soul Devouring Eye Staff in his left hand, and pressing Thor’s Destroying Teeth on his waist with his right hand.

  Some changes have taken place in these two weapons at this time. Liu Zhi, who has mastered the knowledge of myth-level gold production and myth-level gems, made some minor adjustments to the decoration of these two weapons.

  Maybe the attributes of these two weapons have not changed much, but the styles have become the situation used by Heyanagi.

  Yuzhi felt a little bit, and then realized that there was a group of feelings not far away.

  It's just that those people have weak souls, and they seem to have only some obsessions in their hearts.

   Before Liu Zhi could react, a group of goblins rushed out from the neighborhood.


   "Grab something!"



  Those goblins knew from a glance that they were not the ghost goblins under Liu Zhi. They were draped in linen cloth and holding ordinary stone weapons in their hands, so they rushed out.

   Liu Zhi feels a little weird in his heart, these guys are not that strong, most of them are around level 1, and some may not have level 1.

   Before Liu Zhi could react, the goblin behind Liu Zhi’s team seemed to have seen a natural enemy, threw the personal belongings he was carrying on the ground, and yelled and fled.

  The goblin who rushed out ignored Ryuzhi's team, and chased after the fleeing goblin, snatched the personal items thrown on the ground and left.

  It only took less than two minutes for the whole process from rushing out to leaving. Liu Zhi didn't notice at first, but later noticed this weird situation, so he didn't intervene in this matter.

  In this way, Liu Zhi saw an interesting scene.

  Those goblins ran away when they grabbed things, and even threw away the weapons they brought in order to bring more things.

  After the goblins ran out, the goblins who had lost their cargo rushed back. They were crying there while picking up the stone weapons that were dropped by the goblins on the ground.

   "Oh my God, what should I do with my goods, this time I will lose money."

   "Those goblins are so bad, no wonder they are called garbage goblins."

   "What should I do, otherwise I will drag these stone weapons back to prove that we were robbed."

  Just as these goblins were about to carve up the stone weapons, Ryuuji jumped out of the sun carriage, he picked up a stone weapon casually, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

  Ordinary people may not be able to see from the stone weapons, but Liu Zhi is different. He has mythical gem knowledge, and he can see at a glance that these are rough gem stones.

  It can be seen from the feeling of starting, the gems opened inside will be the size of a fist, and there will even be some magical energy in it.

  If you put such a gem in the game, it is equivalent to a unit of gem mine. If you are lucky, it will not be a problem to open a legendary gem.

  Since Ryuji mastered the construction of the legendary solar boat, the demand for this gemstone has been rising, and the price has also risen.

  Yagiji smiled, then glanced at the goblins who thought they had lost their personal belongings, pulled out Thor’s Destruction Fang, and cut it against the stone weapon in his hand.

  After a while, the gems were exposed, and then he glanced at the goblins, "All of them?"

  The goblins guarded the weapons they had stolen. One of the goblins said: "80% yes, but this is the way we found it, sir, you can't grab our business."

Liu Zhi didn't have time to grab these businesses. He could see that these goblins were playing with an empty gloved white wolf. The things they carried were definitely ordinary things, rags, rotten food, and the like. It's worthless, that is, heavier.

  When they came over, throwing them on the ground like this, those garbage goblins absolutely must throw away the weapons on their hands and then bring these things back.

  After the garbage goblins are gone, they can take away the weapons of the garbage goblins without their efforts, even if the gem is in hand.

  Their cost is just some rags and rotten food, plus a few days to walk over.

Regarding this situation, Liu Zhi couldn't help but shook his head, "Why didn't you notify the ghost domain? Maybe those goblins have a mineral vein and notified the ghost domain, and this vein can be mined soon. "

  The goblins stopped talking when they heard it.

Liu Zhi saw the situation inside. These goblins thought that there would be no tax, and whoever got the things in their hands would belong to them. If the ghost realm knew about it, they would be tireless like the undead. The development method is nothing like these goblins.

  But to be really weird the goblin, Liu Zhi felt that he couldn't say it, after all, he hadn't occupied this vein.

  Said that goblins don’t report their favors. This is nothing. No matter where you look at it, goblins are considered to be regular business.

After thinking for a while, Liu Zhi pointed to the goblins and said, "Make up the tax. Besides, you can do this kind of business again before I take down this vein, but this kind of opportunity is only once. You should have heard of me. Regarding the murloc, I will not let other people have unnecessary ambitions."

  Speaking of this, Liu Zhi's aura was released, "If there is another time, you will be like those murlocs, starting directly from the undead."

  Even goblins can do business after death, but why do they want to die if they can live, and no one gives them money after they die.

  If someone gives them large sums of money, they are of course willing to die. Now that they have no money, they will destroy their business. They definitely don’t want to die.

  Instead, some goblins made up their minds, "My lord, if I apply for this mineral vein development, how much do you think I have to pay?"

   "I'll give you some undead labor. All your mines are sold to me at two-thirds of the normal price, what do you think?"

   "Two-thirds are too few, and they are sold to adults at four-fifths. After all, I have to arrange some people to direct the undead."

   "Yes, but if I find out that you sell the ore to other people, I will be embarrassed. All the goblins here are killed and all the property confiscated."

  As soon as Ryuzhi said what he said, all the goblins jumped up, "He wants to sell the ore to other people. Just confiscate his property. Why do you want to confiscate ours."

  Looking at the way the goblins looked, Liu Zhi knew that he had said nothing. The goblins were really not afraid of death, but they were afraid that their money would be taken away.

  (End of this chapter)

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