Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1086: Return to the Plane of Id

  Chapter 1086 Return to the Plane of Ide

  Just when Ryuzhi was planning to go back, Amanat also came down.

At this time, Amanite’s sun carriage has undergone some changes. The original silver sun carriage has now been dyed with a layer of gold, and all the nine war horses have become white. There is no shadow of any special creature, only their mane is different from before.

  It can be seen that their mane represents their attributes, the electric mane is black with electric current, and the light mane is golden and radiates a little bit of light...

  You can see their characteristics from the mane of each horse, and at the same time, you can see that they have different attributes, but they have been completely integrated with the sun carriage.

  Amarnet stood on the carriage, controlled the reins of the horse in one hand, and held a spear in the other, and a large bow higher than her was placed on the side of the carriage.

   "I have completed the promotion to the Sun Carriage. I have already stepped out on the 10th-level road."

  "Do I need to do anything now?"

   "I need to enter a game and look for opportunities to advance."

  Ryuzhi thought for a moment: "You don't have permission to enter the game."

   "So it's up to you, and I will follow along and enter the game."

   "Yes, but it may take a while. I need to deal with the new ghost domain. The existence of exactly three ghost domains can make me one more level."

  Ryuzhi said so, and Amanite agreed.

  At this time, Ryuzhi said again: "Before this, you can fight with me. This time the battle may be on the sea, and then I may need a lot of manpower."

  Amanet didn’t feel dissatisfied with Ryuuji's request. In her opinion, fighting is not fighting.

After making the decision, Liu Zhi did not intend to stay in this ghost domain anymore. In the previous dozens of days, Liu Zhi had already arranged the future development of the ghost domain, and he did not need to do the following things. What is decided.

  Thinking about it, Liu Zhi stopped going to the ghost domain at all, took Amanite and other subordinates directly, and entered the mountain peak at the entrance of the ghost domain.

  After arriving here, Liu Zhi noticed that a large number of goblins were rushing here, with various tools in their hands, as if they were going to dig something.

  As for the goblins' thoughts, Liu Zhi could not grasp it, but from the face of the goblins, it can be seen that they plan to make a fortune.

Knowing what the goblins are thinking, Liu Zhi will not stop him. If he does it all by himself, even if he is desperate, Liu Zhi will not be able to develop his own power, but the existence of the goblins allows Liu Zhi to develop his territory. Becomes a lot faster.

  Especially the exchanges between several cities, as well as the various materials needed for the development of the plane, most of them come from these goblins.

  So even if there were some thoughts in the meticulous knowing, Ryuzhi did not stop it.

After   , he watched the goblins almost occupy a few elevators. Ryuji didn't grab the elevators of the goblins, and used the sun carriage to take the people to the top of the mountain.

  Looking at Liu Zhi's movements, the goblins also brightened their eyes, and they wanted to follow Liu Zhi's method without going up and down the mountain.

But Liu Zhi directly stopped them and said to the goblins: "Use the elevator to get up and down here, normal charges, normal taxes, if you don't use the elevator, then I'm sorry, all are treated as enemies, triple the charge and tax, If you dare to resist ten times."

  Hearing this, all the goblins became honest again.

  At this time, a goblin said: "What if it is an airship?"

When Liu Zhi heard it, he was also surprised. The goblin airship is relatively well-known, but this kind of airship can only be played by goblins. Liu Zhi has mastered shipbuilding for so long, and there is no way to get a goblin airship .

  And the goblins don’t know why, no matter whether it is a commercial goblin or an engineering goblin, they will not spread some things of the goblin airship.

  Now that this goblin can get the goblin airship, Liu Zhi is naturally surprised.

   "Can you get a goblin airship?"

   "This can be obtained, but it costs money."

  "If you can really get the goblin airship, then I can build a boat line here, and fly directly from here to the main city of the ghost domain. Although the route is relatively short, I believe someone will be willing to take it."

  Hearing this, the goblin’s eyes lit up. For a commercial goblin, it’s not too much to make money, and you can earn as much as you have.

  The goblin said immediately: "Yes, I can get the goblin airship. Let's make a small model first, then a medium model, and finally a large or huge one."

  For the development plan of the goblin, Liu Zhi didn't care at all. All he wanted was that the goblin airship could appear in front of him. He needed to know how the goblin airship flew up.

  This is what the goblins always hide. In other respects, the goblin airship is actually no different from a normal airship.

  After arranging the goblins, Liu Zhi entered the mist.

  The route to go back is the same as the route when he came. Yanagi needs about three days to walk here.

   After entering the fog, Ryuzhi gave Alex to the control of the forward route, and he sat on the sun carriage and read a book.

  Amanette drove his own sun carriage to follow, and you can see that after strengthening, Amanite’s sun carriage was much better than that of Ryuzhi.

  Even in the fog, this sun carriage is also the most beautiful boy.

  The fog in front of them is actually not too difficult to walk, but they can only see about ten meters around, and at the same time they can see the stone bricks on the ground, knowing that they are not on the wrong path.

  After the sun carriage, the situation was different. Liu Zhi found that the sun carriage could actually make the fog retreat for a certain distance, allowing them to see about fifty meters in line of sight.

  This is already quite an amazing thing in the mist.

  And Amanite’s sun carriage is more than this strength, and the nine-horse horse-drawn sun carriage is also moving very fast.

  Ryuzhi and his party are all undead, so there is almost no need to stop on the road.

  But Amanite’s sun carriage can directly rush forward, and it can always move forward at a charging speed.

  If it weren't for Amanite who would stop and wait for Ryuji from time to time, maybe she would have returned to the plane of Ide now.

  Having been going back and forth in the mist like this, Liu Zhi slowly also noticed the speed of the Amanite Sun Carriage, which was almost equivalent to about seven to eight times that of a normal carriage.

  In the eyes of Liu Zhi, this is quite fast.

  But Armanet said: "This is only the basic speed. After I get promoted, the speed can increase again."

  (End of this chapter)

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