Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1093: Palace of Extreme Cold

  Chapter 1093 Extreme Cold Palace

   Standing on the top of the highest peak of the island, Liu Zhi looked at the woodland below and a volcano not far away that seemed shorter than this mountain, his eyes became a little dignified.

  According to Liu Zhi's judgment on the veins, the volcano is actually the highest peak of the entire island.

  But the problem is that the volcano has been erupted before, and a space is formed by the volcanic magma veins, so there is half of it cut off out of thin air, and now it is only two-thirds of the height of the mountain where Yanagi is standing.

This actually makes Liu Zhi somewhat dissatisfied, because the location of this mountain is not too good. The Palace of Extreme Cold is built here, although the ghost domain can also cover the entire island, but the energy transmitted from the earth veins is obvious. distinguish.

  Although the ghost domain can be upgraded to the highest level here, the effect is not as good as the volcano.

   But if you want to put it on the side of the volcano, there are two quite headaches.

  One nature is that the height of the volcano is insufficient. If the Palace of Arctic Frost is placed there, this mountain will not be covered by the power of the ghost domain.

  The other is Liuzhi’s ghost domain called the Palace of Frost. It takes the ice route. When placed on a volcano, the attributes will be restrained. If it is serious, it will even affect the development of the entire ghost domain.

  So Ryuzhi could only place the Palace of Extreme Cold in the originally planned location and arrange it there.

   took out the design drawing of the Palace of Extreme Cold, Liu Zhi asked the undead to put the gold and silver as required.

  After that, Liu Zhi moved his finger, and lightning bolts fell from the sky, landing on gold and silver.

  The flash of lightning caused the gold and silver to melt, mixed into a strange-colored liquid, and slowly flowed to the design of the Arctic Palace that was placed on the ground by Yanagi.

  As the first drop of liquid came into contact with the design drawing of the Arctic Palace, the bronze statue with silver inlaid on it turned out a strange light.

   Then Ryuzhi quickly backed away, returning to three miles away.

  As Yanagi retreats, the cold wind spreads out from the center of the design of the Arctic Palace, and the ground that the cold wind blows is frozen.

  At the location closest to the center of the cold wind, everything was sealed in ice.

  If Liu Zhi reacted a little earlier, he might have been frozen by ice at this time.

  Although he doesn't care about such a situation, it is somewhat troublesome.

  After quitting Sanli, Liu Zhi could still feel the chill coming from his face. At the same time, he also saw a huge square palace with a radius of three li appearing in front of him.

There is only one room in the entire palace. The entire palace is in the style of an early Eastern palace. Outside are corridors and pillars, followed by walls and palace halls. Apart from that, there are no other distinctions. It can be seen that it is extremely cold. The palace is much simpler than the Hades before Ryuzhi.

And this palace is entirely made up of ice. The wall is nearly thirty meters high. On the top of the palace, there is the sloping ridge roof of the east. Pieces of ice are spread on the top of the palace, in the sunshine. Next, these ice flakes seemed to flash with a cold light like the blade of a blade.

The gate of the Arctic Palace is made up of some huge blue ice cubes. All of these ice cubes are translucent. It can be seen from the front. In the Arctic Palace is a piece of about ten meters high. Chair.

  Besides, there are no more decorations in the Palace of Extreme Cold.

  Wait until everything in the Palace of Extreme Cold stabilized, Liu Zhi flew to the front gate of the Palace of Extreme Cold.

  Although Ryuzhi took an unusual path, he really hadn’t been exposed to the attribute of cold.

  So he still feels a little worried.

  But Liu Zhi found that he was really thinking too much. When he stood in front of the gate of the Palace of Extreme Cold, the door opened automatically.

  A lot of cold air came, and even if he stood at the door, Liu Zhi felt that the temperature had dropped a lot.

   Then Liu Zhi felt something was wrong. He raised his head and glanced at the sky, and found that there was snow on this small island.

  This should be the impact of the Palace of Extreme Cold on the island.

  Liu Zhi thought for a while, and stepped forward so that he walked into the extreme cold.

Then Liuzhi noticed that the ground of the Palace of Extreme Cold was not flat, but was engraved with the map of the entire island. Just as Liuzhi had guessed before, the independent space was not counted in the island's terrain. Among.

  And this map of the land is not the same as the one seen by Yanagi before. The land of this island seems to cover part of the underwater land.

This surprised Liu Zhi, but he was even more surprised that the location of the Extreme Cold Palace was also indicated on the map. At the same time, there were four blue arrows, centering on the Extreme Cold Palace. Spread out.

  This is the transformation process of the Palace of Arctic Cold to the island in front of him. Only when the map of the island turns blue, the island in front of him can be regarded as the ghost domain of Yuji.

  For such progress, Liu Zhi didn't have much dissatisfaction. He had already seen that with the existence of the Palace of Extreme Cold, there was no need for him to open the passage of the underworld and release the yin in the underworld.

  Now he doesn’t need to do this, he just needs to wait for it to snow and let the cold air out.

  At this moment, Ryuzhi felt that his previous choice was correct. If he put this palace of extreme cold in the crater, it might not be able to support it now.

  If that were the case, Liu Zhi could not imagine what would happen if he dragged on here. He needed to transform this ghost domain level in the shortest time.

  Yagiji glanced at the situation in the Extreme Cold Palace, but finally did not sit on the huge chair.

It's not that he doesn't want to sit, but now he doesn't have time to pay attention. He feels that if he sits up, he will definitely be dragged here for a while, only to wait for the Palace of Extreme Cold to upgrade to level 3 and everything stabilizes You can leave.

  This kind of thing is not necessary for Ryuzhi. Ryuzhi is not a person who is waiting to die. He has taken the island and must face the murloc.

  If he sits up, the speed of ghost domainization here can be accelerated, but what if the murlocs come over.

  Yagiji doesn't want to let the murlocs go to the island, what he needs is to put the murlocs in the sea.

  Only by doing this, he can farm on this island with peace of mind.

  Otherwise, if the murloc comes once, he will stop here for a while, then he needs to develop.

  You must know that now Ryuzhi is not using the power of a plane to fight the murloc empire. The current situation is that Ryuzhi uses the resources of such an island to fight the murloc.

  (End of this chapter)

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