Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1109: Transform

  Chapter 1109 Transformation

  Ryuzhi's soul extraction has reached a relatively high level. Compared with several myth-level skills, the only difference is some experience.

   With such a shot, enemies at level 7 have no way to react.

  The blade-breaking murloc might still be able to kill Liu Zhi with his own mighty power, but Liu Zhi has other ways to deal with the murloc.

  After all, the myth level fish knowledge is not given for nothing. In fact, Liu Zhi has been waiting for the moment when the murloc shot.

  The reason for this is that the moment the fishmen shot, there was actually a flaw.

  This is especially true for assassins like the Broken Blade Murloc. When they take action, they will use their full strength, so they will concentrate all their energy and physical strength on one point.

  At this time, their body is at its weakest.

  Ryuzhi took this opportunity to reach out and grab it, and on the spot he pulled out the soul of the murloc commander.

  At the same time, Liu Zhi's figure flashed, activating the starry sky beacon's ability, and moved from the most dangerous place to a relatively safe position.

  At the moment when Lingchui was taken away, the skin of the Bladebreaker Murloc Commander turned gray. At the same time, he couldn't control his strength, so he rushed out of the city wall and fell into the city.

  As the Bladebreaker Murloc commander died, the two daggers in his hand also fell to the ground.

It can be seen that the two daggers absolutely have the attributes of space. After losing their master, the two daggers turned into a half-virtual and half-real state. It can be seen that the two daggers are not in this space in front of them. Among.

  But at this time, Liu Zhiyu did not pay attention to this matter.

  At this time, the place where he appeared was in the middle of the city.

  His star beacon is located here.

  Although he escaped the attack from the dagger just now, the dagger was of spatial attributes, and it caused Liu Zhicong some damage.

  Now Liu Zhi has all the scars on his body. If he hadn't transformed into an elemental body, he would now be covered in blood.

   Even so, Liu Zhi felt that his vitality was declining rapidly, and he was so scared that he had to use various blood-replenishing methods to replenish his life.

  So Ryuzhi didn't have time to go to the battle above the city wall for a while.

At this time, on the city wall, Vidnina had already smashed into the fish crowd. In fact, she remembered the retreating Yuji in her heart, but because of her shots, the murlocs targeted her, so she had to fight with her. The murlocs were fighting, and there was no way to go back to Liu Zhi.

  The same goes for Alex.

  He was entangled by some murlocs, and there was no way to return to Liu Zhi.

  As for the spider shield guards that Liu Zhi arranged on the city wall, they would not run back to protect Liu Zhi without anyone's command.

  Ryuzhi now has entered an unprotected state.

  But Liu Zhi didn't feel uncomfortable. After he treated all the wounds on his body, he just took a step forward, and the elemental state on his body returned to a normal state.

  The feeling is just like the action in the movie. At first, it returned to the human form of the whole body like an electric current. It only took a step forward, and all the colors returned to Yuji's body.

  After completing this change, Liu Zhi reached out and grabbed the wall that was still in battle.

  The Soul Devouring Eye Staff he threw out took the initiative to fly towards Liu Zhi.

  Due to the departure of the Devourer Eye Staff, the corpse explosion domain originally stored in the Devourer Eye Staff naturally also followed.

  The murloc who had not died in the corpse explosion finally did not need to be affected by the corpse explosion.

  Only then did they play the fundamental strength of the Broken Blade Murloc, and began to fight with the troops that Liu Zhi had left on the wall.

  Since Ryuzhi didn't have many people left there, hundreds of Broken Blade murlocs took this opportunity to sneak into the city along the city wall.

  At this time, these blade-breaking murlocs had only one idea in their hearts, to kill Liu Zhi.

  But I don’t know why. The moment they set foot on the inside of the city, the minds of all the murlocs changed.

  There is only one thought in their hearts, and that is to kill.

  Who to kill.

   kills all the lives that can be seen around.

  But is there life in this city?

  It seems that there is no, or there is no other life besides Liu Zhi. In this city, everything that can move is undead.

  The murloc sees the undead as if they see a stone on the side of the road, and has no idea at all.

On the contrary, the same kind around them attracted their attention. At first they suppressed the thoughts in their hearts, but after the first murloc took the shot, the whole situation became uncontrollable, and all the murlocs were under the city wall. Fight together.

  Unlike their previous fight for the wall, they are really desperate this time.

  After killing an opponent, the murlocs will quickly find other opponents, no matter how much injury they have, whether they can fight it or not.

  These hundreds of murlocs only supported here for less than a minute, and they all died in the city of Ryuzhi.

  And at this time, Liu Zhi just took back his Soul Eater Staff.

  At this time, Liu Zhi has already fully sensed the changes in the city.

  The foundation he laid out under this city finally came into play.

  Liu Zhi laughed happily, and he flew into the sky with the Staff of Soul Eater.

  At the same time, he converged the divinity in his body and the power of the druid, using only the power of the lord of the ghost domain.

  In this way, Liu Zhi could feel the strong yin and cold air coming from the other side of the city, that is, in the direction of the Palace of Extreme Cold.

  Liu Zhi absorbed these yin and cold qi into his body, and used his soul-eating eye staff as a guide, leading to the city below.

  Under Ryuzhi's actions, he saw quite a few murloc souls appearing on the battlefield.

  That is the murloc who died in the previous battle.

  This time, for various reasons, almost all of the 200,000 troops brought by the fishermen were sent to the battlefield.

  These souls were affected by Liuzhi's Soul Eater's Eye Staff, and began to drift towards the city of Yanagiji.

  In the process of floating there, these souls were affected by the yin and cold air, and these souls slowly became solidified, and finally turned into some murlocs made of ice and snow.

  Looking at the sudden appearance of the murloc, Liu Zhi snorted heavily.

  Although these are all undead transformed from the ghost domain, Liu Zhi's attitude towards murlocs is not very good. He really doesn't like murlocs.

  (End of this chapter)

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