Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1112: Lizardman enters the sea

  Chapter 1112 Lizardman enters the sea

  The heroes of    entered the deep sea. It is not clear where Liu Zhi will be. He has a strategic map in front of him. The movements of all the heroes are updated every five minutes. Liu Zhi can see where the heroes have gone at a glance.

  The obvious heroes who have entered the deep sea area, where will Liu Zhi be invisible.

  It's just that he didn't stop them. Anyway, the current situation is a period of balance between the murlocs and them. At this time, it is a good thing for Liu Zhi and the others to fight a dozen murlocs.

As for whether the heroes will die in the sea, Ryuzhi is not worried at all. He now produces three heroes a month, but the speed is very fast, which is really not good. He turned around and went to Burning Blade City to buy some design drawings of the tavern. The speed of heroes can be improved a bit.

  Liu Zhi ignored the affairs of those heroes, and the heroes began to let themselves go.

  There are a total of seven heroes in the first batch to enter the deep sea, all of them are Lizardmen heroes.

  But it is precisely because of their origins that their status is quite embarrassing.

  The number of units that the lizardmen can form is too small, and five of them are only the ghost lizardmen, not the undead lizardmen, and the remaining two are pure lizardmen, and they have not even died.

  There are not many troops they can bring.

  For this battle, these lizardmen gave each other humility and arranged the most critical lizardmen unit to the two lizardmen heroes. The rest took some undead units and 3,000 lizardmen undead and set off together.

  On the way to the deep sea, these heroes have already divided the lizardmen.

  Because these lizardmen have no profession yet, all they hold in their hands are the most common weapons, and there are no skills or the like, so the heroes classify them according to the weapons they get.

  Most of the weapons of the lizardmen are swords, shields or spears. At first, they also wanted to use bows and arrows.

  But because of the action underwater, the bow and arrow are of no use at all.

  Blowing arrows can do some things, but these lizardmen don’t know how to use blow arrows, and they can’t mount all weapons on themselves like murlocs, so they can’t do anything with long-range weapons.

  For this, these lizardmen heroes thought of some ways. They chose underwater harpoons and other weapons for the lizardmen undead to use, and then prepared some weapons similar to slings for them.

  Only by doing this can we add some long-range attack methods to the lizardmen.

  Of course, these undead lizard people are not without the existence of the law system.

  On the contrary, among the three thousand undead lizardmen, a hundred of the dead lizardmen of the legal system escaped.

  It's just that they weren't transformed by any formal murloc souls from the beginning, so these lizardmen undead have no way to transform into a class of wizards.

  Lizardmen heroes can only bring out these undead lizardmen of the law system and put them together. When they are in battle, let them take more action to see if they can stimulate their profession.

  The remaining heroes can't do it.

  Because the preparation is relatively simple, these undead lizardmen will already have a certain appearance when they enter the sea.

  Different from the spider army, the lizardman undead are relatively more obedient.

  After they were arranged, they were quite obedient. Let them line up and go, let them go forward, and let them line up.

  After entering the seabed, the movement speed of these undead lizardmen obviously slowed down.

  They are not murlocs, they will definitely be resisted by sea water when they move underwater.

  At the same time, they are not considered lizardmen. They have not learned how to swim.

  At this time, they were walking slowly on the bottom of the sea, and they had to ensure their formation, which slowed their forward speed more and more.

  But this is a good thing for the undead lizard people. Their slow walk underwater did not attract the attention of the murlocs. Instead, they let them sneak into a lair of the murloc tribe.

  Looking at the murloc lair in front of you.

  Several lizardman heroes began to arrange.

  Under their arrangement, the undead lizard people slowly and steadily surrounded the murloc tribe.

  At the beginning, this murloc tribe sent people to participate in the siege of Ryuzhi.

  So there are not too many murlocs guarding in their lair.

In   , there was only one level 3 murloc who commanded about a hundred level 1 murlocs to guard, and the remaining murlocs were all civilians.

  The entrance of this murloc's lair was underwater. When the heroes of Liu Zhi rushed in with the undead lizard-men, they were directly stuck at the entrance of the lair.

  At this time, the heroes can be regarded as understanding, why the murloc tribe dared to take most of the troops out.

  They only need a level 3 murloc with hundreds of level 1 murlocs to hold them.

  When these seven heroes saw this situation, they immediately changed their tactics. As the heroes of Liu Zhi, they also had the attitude of Liu Zhi against his troops.

  The undead are all cannon fodder.

  After encountering a counterattack, these undead immediately began to rush inside with all their strength.

  Some undead lizard people with swords and shields raised the shields above their heads, and rushed into them against the attack of the murlocs.

  Following them is the undead lizard man with a long sword and a spear.

  After entering the murloc’s lair, they simply squeezed into a ball and pushed inside.

  The sword-and-shield lizard-men undead who first clashed with the murlocs had no idea of ​​taking action at all. They held their shields and withstood the attacks of the murlocs. Even in the face of death, they did not respond.

  The lizardman undead with the spear behind is the main force of the attack.

   Their spears pierced from the gap in the shield. Although the piercing force is not very strong, they can stab a murloc every time.

  They attacked in this way and caused chaos on the Murloc side.

  The strength of these murlocs is too weak.

  If it were the murloc troops before them, maybe they could kill all the thousands of lizardmen here.

  But there are only more than a hundred level 1 murlocs, and their strength is almost the same as that of the undead lizards.

  They just occupy a land.

  So in less than twenty minutes, all the murloc troops were killed by these lizardmen undead.

  The undead lizard people rushed inside and began to scatter, killing the ordinary murlocs who had not taken up their jobs.

  As for the lizardman heroes, they didn't rush out, they took the remaining lizardmen undead, just blocked the entrance of the lair, watching the battle inside.

  Because they only temporarily found the murloc lair in front of them, they were not sure if there was another exit from the murloc lair.

  (End of this chapter)

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