Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1114: Legionary ideas

   Chapter 1114 Legion-level ideas

  The lizardman heroes didn’t know that they weren’t the only group of people who were making the idea of ​​building a legion. In fact, there were already heroes on the island who started to do so.

  And they also hit their minds on the undead who had become ice crystal lizardmen.

  After consulting Liu Zhi, there was a ghost wizard hero with about 10,000 lizard-men undead, and nine ghost heroes like him left with him.

  All these are the thoughts of this ghost mage.

  For his plan, he even borrowed a space from Liu Zhi.

   After bringing the undead lizardmen to this space, he and the nine ghost heroes sealed the entire space.

  Afterwards, use some methods to melt the ice that composes the lizardman's body.

  Because the lizard people undead were transformed from the murloc souls by borrowing the means of the ghost domain.

  If you go against the means of the ghost domain, you can naturally turn them into the souls of murlocs.

  Among these ten ghosts, three have the greatest characteristics of ghosts, which can turn dead enemies into ghosts.

The appearances of these three ghost heroes are also different. One of them is the ghost state of the banshee in black clothes and black dress, and a relatively rare compound ghost, which looks like three ghosts combined together. The last one The bit is an ordinary light blue ghost.

  After the three of them entered, they began to unite and take out the souls that had become the undead of the lizard people again from the body of the ice crystal.

  They moved very quickly. Ten thousand undead lizardmen quickly turned into liquid after being drawn out of their souls.

  And those souls that were drawn out turned into blue souls, standing in this space.

  After these souls appeared, all the ghosts took action, and they began to transform the appearance of these souls.

  The reason why Ryuuji turned these souls into lizard-men undead is because he did not like murloc souls.

  Now these ghost heroes are naturally not so stupid to turn them back into murloc ghosts, so the direction of their transformation is naturally to transform this ghost into a human form.

  After being processed by these ghost heroes, these murloc souls who became the undead of the lizard people at first turned into human forms, but their bodies carried the traces of lizard people and murlocs.

  On both sides of their shoulders, which is the position of the shoulder guards, there is an extra murloc head and a lizard head.

  All the ghosts here are in this state, and even some of the ghost’s arms have begun to beastized.

  For this situation, the ghost heroes do not have any dissatisfaction. In their opinion, it is a good thing for them to transform into a ghost, and there is no need to think about it so much.

  And these ghosts also give face to the ghost heroes.

After the conversion of    is completed, there will be corresponding levels immediately, all of which have reached level 1.

  Compared with the lizardman heroes who ran into the sea, these ten ghost heroes can be said to have taken advantage of them.

  They don’t need to chase and kill the murlocs with their hands like those lizard-men heroes. As long as they complete the transformation of ghosts, they can get 10,000 ghosts.

  Afterwards, as long as they bring these ghosts out to fight, I believe it will not take long before they can transform these into formation troops, and finally form a relatively stable ghost army.

  In fact, Liu Zhi in the main city has already seen this situation.

  On the map in front of him, several signs belonging to the legion were looming.

  This is the state of the formation of the Legion, and the formation of the Legion is not only the Lizardmen and the Ghosts, but a total of seven.

  It can be seen that in addition to the lizardman hero and the ghost hero, everyone else has their own different ideas.

  In addition to the two legions of lizardmen and ghosts, there is a legion that is quite interesting.

  They simply transformed into a legion by the cold air of the extremely cold palace used to form the ghost domain.

  It just so happens that all of these lizardmen undead were transformed by cold, and adding some yin to them, in fact, there is nothing wrong with them.

  And under Liu Zhi, besides the ghost realm in front of him, there are actually other troops with cold air.

  For example, the Snow Girl Ice Palace is like this. In fact, Liu Zhi still has a Snow Girl hero.

  It's just the output speed of the Snow Girl Ice Palace, plus the number of heroes, she has never become the main battle hero.

  This time the Snow Woman hero can be said to have made a profit. Some heroes thought of borrowing the chill of the ghost domain to transform the undead troops and form a legion.

  They immediately hit the hero of the snow woman.

  After all, Xue Nu's own abilities can be strengthened in this situation.

  Also, the Snow Girl hero is not like them. There is nothing to do. Sandro has arranged the Snow Girl hero to manage the Snow Girl Ice Palace. Only three undead can be transformed into a Snow Girl.

  They can also do this kind of thing now.

  So a few heroes with cold or close to this attribute also brought the undead lizardmen over and asked about the transformation.

  Of course, there is only one Snow Heroine. They can't convert all the troops into Snow Girl. In order to ensure their own interests, they will only promote the Snow Heroine as the commander of the army. They will not give up the transformation of other troops.

  For the position of the commander of the army, the Snow Girl hero also has a headache.

  Fortunately, she has managed the Snow Girl Ice Palace for many years. Of course, there are also ways to transform other ice creatures. At this time, the Snow Girl hero also knows what she is going to do.

  She took out these methods quite simply, regardless of whether these methods were right or wrong before, whether they succeeded or not, anyway, she took them all out now.

Those heroes with chill attributes also took the lizardmen undead to study. As for what they could transform into in the end, Liu Zhi didn’t know. Judging from the situation on the sand table, they should be able to form a team. Legion, it's just that this legion has a relatively high degree of integration with the ghost domain in front of you.

  In the future, this legion may only be able to act and fight in this ghost domain in front of you.

  The other four legions are relatively better. They are thinking of various transformation methods, but they are only preparing to transform the lizard man undead into normal undead for use.

   And their transformation method is similar to that of the ghosts, they all break up the bodies of the undead lizardmen.

  As for the final reorganization, it depends on each hero's own thoughts.

  After all, the transformation process here is not so simple.

  (End of this chapter)

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