Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1125: Murloc Attack

   Chapter 1125 The octopus is coming

After the troops were taken away by Conan, there were only a few legions left by Ryuuji on the island. Deep sea stitching and sea ice floe patrolled outside the island. Iron cavalry skeletons, lizard bone legions and death lizards were stationed in the main city and islands. The other two positions on the top.

  And the Blizzard Legion is stationed directly in the Palace of the Frost.

  A total of six legions protect the entire island. It can be said to be a more gorgeous configuration. In fact, Liu Zhi is already thinking about moving the lizard bone legion to another ghost domain.

  Of course, at this time, these legions were still guarding their respective territories, and did not arbitrarily mess around.

  So when the murlocs appeared in the nearby waters, the commanders of the six legions immediately got the news.

  The problem that Liu Zhi initially considered broke out in advance.

  Under the suppression of no players and strong people who can control the situation, the six heroes have their own ideas.

  The most obedient thing is naturally the snow bones of the Blizzard Legion. At the same time, she is also the guardian of the entire island. She hopes that all other heroes will guard their territory, and all the murlocs that appear near the island will be handled by her.

  But the other legion commanders were a little dissatisfied. They couldn't participate in the big battle. This is normal, but there is no reason why they would not let them participate in ordinary battles.

  So the Iron Cavalry and Skeleton Legion, including all cavalry troops, asked to fight.

   Regarding this point, Odin put forward different opinions. When Ryuzhi is temporarily absent, as the administrator of the ghost domain, Odin’s authority will be relatively high.

  He directly used the power of the ghost domain to appear in front of several heroes, and talked to them one by one.

"I have notified Lord Sandro to come back. All you have to do now is to protect the island so that the murlocs will not take the island. In addition, I have activated the spider army. They will come out to cooperate with you, so keep each other safe. Need to guard the position."

  For these words, although those heroes were upset, they still did it. Of course, their respective actions were somewhat cross-line.

   looks like a skeleton garrisoned in the main city, directly jumping out of the city wall and patrolling near the main city.

  Odin talked to them several times, but they said that they were cavalry troops and needed a certain amount of mobility and could not be trapped in one place.

At this time, the two legions of deep sea stitching and sea ice floes even entered the sea with their troops. In their words, they are suitable for underwater fighting. At this time, do not enter the sea and wait for the murlocs to get on the shore. , They just want to make a move without a chance.

  Three of the six legions have their own ideas, how can the rest be stable?

  In addition to the Blizzard Legion Odin can still be suppressed, the other two legions are also ready to move, wanting to find a reason to take the initiative to contact the murloc troops.

  How could this kind of thing Odin let them go on like this, so Odin had to mobilize these legions and forcibly arrange them in the designated position.

  But Odin itself is not a commander, he is not as sure of the situation as Ryuzhi and Amanite.

  In this case, he can only choose the most conservative attitude.

   Also for this reason, Odin also arranged the spider troops in various positions in advance, and the spider troops attacked on their own.

  The murlocs who invaded this time were all the power of the four clans. They knew that if they couldn't take the island, they would have no chance to take action.

So this time there are a lot of murlocs. The four major clans have a combined strength of nearly 300,000. Among them, the Whalefall clan has the largest number, reaching 150,000, followed by the ghost face clan 80,000. Fifty thousand halberd clan, plus twenty thousand murlocs of Broken Blade clan.

In addition, there are other murloc tribes with a strength of 500,000. This time, all ordinary murlocs have been driven out due to the great battle. All the murlocs here are professional and hierarchical, although It's only level 1, but it's been strengthened in some ways.

The number of them could have been more, but because of the big battle, all the stronger ones were sent to the mainland of the Murloc Empire. Actually, all the 300,000 plus 500,000 murlocs here are leftovers. Troops coming down.

  Among the nearly one million army, there are not many murlocs above level 5, about two hundred, and there is only one murloc at level 6, and they are still the commander of the entire murloc force.

  There are quite a few murlocs at level 3 and 4. How can there be more than 10,000 in total.

  This has an impact. The control of the Murloc Army is actually the same as the situation on Liu Zhi's side, which is scattered in the middle.

  The leaders of the murloc can only give a general goal to the murloc unit, and the following matters are handled by the murloc themselves.

  The level 6 murloc is from the Orca clan. He can suppress the war in his heart and hide the murloc in the deep sea for so long before pulling it out. It is already quite remarkable.

  After confirming that Ryuzhi left the island, the news came back.

  The Orca murloc directly recruited two hundred murlocs above level 5 and gave a pre-war speech.

  This is actually the characteristic of Orca murlocs, they need high morale to lead murlocs to charge.

  If it is the murlocs of the Whale Fall or the Ghost Face clan, they don’t need these at all, they just arrange the task directly.

The Orca murloc said loudly: "The commander of the Broken Blade clan sent back news before his death that the demon has left the island. He usually leaves the island for a day and will not return within a day. This is ours. Opportunity, we need to grab the entire island and defend this island.

The attack was done by our Orca murlocs, and the guards were left to Whale Fall. The teams of the Ghost Face and the Broken Blade were in the middle of the main attacking team. We don’t have much time, only one day, and the only chance is that Once, everyone must work hard.

  Don’t waste the sacrifices of the Broken Blade clan commander, and don’t shame the clan back home.

  As long as we take this island, we are the heroes of the clan. "

  Speaking of this, the orca murloc also waved the weapon in his hand, he said loudly.

"In the next battle, our goal is their core city. I will lead the team over the main city, and they will leave it to you over the highest mountain. We have enough manpower. As long as everyone is willing to fight with me, I Make sure that I must be the one in the front."

His words were only finished. All the Orca murlocs raised their weapons. It can be seen that they were all affected by this Orca murloc, but the others did not have such good morale. The attitude is obviously different from that of the Orca murloc.

  (End of this chapter)

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