Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1130: Reinforcements arrived

  Chapter 1130 Reinforcement Arrives

  After transforming the environment of the ghost domain, Liu Zhi stood up from the throne.

  He sighed heavily. If it weren't for the sudden attack of the murloc, he really didn't want to use this method to advance the ghost domain.

  Even turning this ghost domain into a ghostly island is better than turning it into an ice-bound island.

  But now..., Ryuzhi didn't want to say anything.

  Walking out of the Palace of Extreme Cold, Liu Zhi mobilized the starry sky sign and returned to the main city.

  At this time, the main city also began to be affected by the cold, and a thick layer of hoarfrost appeared on the walls.

  Odin is commanding the spider and undead troops in the city to clean up the murlocs.

  Because of the cold, the movement speed and attack speed of these murlocs have obviously slowed down a lot. The spider troops who stayed here to defend the city will naturally have no problem facing them without the command of anyone.

   Easily, Liu Zhi’s main city turned from defense to offensive. Some spider troops even rushed out of the main city and started chasing the murlocs.

  Ryuzhi didn't care about these at all, he took Odin to the tower of souls.

  Looking at the tall tower and the Staff of Soul Eater still inserted on the top of the tower, Liu Zhi pointed here.

   "I remember your ghost domain servant ability is an enemy you need to kill yourself, right? Would you like to try it here?"

  Odin smiled bitterly, he understood why Liu Zhi brought him here.

   However, only enemies killed by him can be transformed into ghost domain servants, and the number is still fixed. In this regard, no matter how dissatisfied he is, there is no way.

   Then Odin said: "Sir, don't worry, I will sink to deal with the ghost domain, and I will not let you down."

  Ryuzhi nodded. His goal of bringing Odin here has been achieved. As for what Odin will do later, it is not for Ryuzhi to consider.

  Taking a step forward, Liu Zhi flew to the top of the Convocation Tower.

  He stretched his hand over the Soul Eater Staff, "The 800,000 murlocs, if I don’t make good use of such a large gift package, it would really waste the kindness of these murlocs."

  Yagiji finished speaking, and as soon as he exerted force on his hand, he pressed down the staff of the Eye of Soul Eater a little bit.

  Then the white light was emitted from the white soul tower, which was like ice and snow. The white light was centered on the soul tower, and it shot straight into the sky, submerged in the dark clouds.

After   , a kind of snowflakes like white light dots began to fall from the dark clouds.

  In these snowflakes, there is Liu Zhi's control over the soul.

  All murlocs exposed to this white light will have their souls affected to a certain extent.

  If they are exposed to too much white light, they will even become the effect of soul extraction, and all souls will be drawn to the soul tower.

  Of course, generally speaking, murlocs can’t wait for this moment.

  After they are affected by the white light, both their movement and combat speed will slow down. At this time, the nearby spider infantry can kill them.

  This kind of influence is for all murlocs, no matter what level these murlocs are or what race they are, this kind of influence is universal.

  Under this influence, even those level 5 murlocs have no room to resist.

Not to mention the level 1 and 2 murlocs. These ordinary little murlocs almost turned into ice blocks under the influence of the cold wind and white light, and their souls, guided by a little bit of white light, turned towards the master of Liu Zhi Go to the other side of the city.

  Such anomalous murlocs were naturally discovered there.

  But they can’t help it now. The commander on the surface, the Orca murloc, is making the final assault on the Arctic Palace.

  Just as he said at the beginning, the Orca murloc will die on the charge even if they die.

  But it is precisely for this reason that the murlocs who have lost their command have no way to make the right response under such a big change.

  The murlocs of some small tribes have already given birth to the idea of ​​running away, but Liu Zhi did not want to let a murloc away.

  After activating the full effect of the soul tower, Liu Zhi began to mobilize the spider infantry and all the undead in the city to attack, and even the labor-type undead were all released by Liu Zhi.

After   , Liu Zhi sat on the sand table in the main city and watched the movement of the battle flag on the sand table.

  He is now waiting for the return of the army of three fools who have been tricked out.

  If they can return before the end of the battle, they still have hope of rescue, otherwise they have no hope and can only be used as cannon fodder.

  At this moment, Liu Zhi suddenly noticed that new battle flags had appeared in the ghost domain passage. Those battle flags were those of the heroes of Liu Zhi.

  It can be seen that the heroes of Liu Zhi have also begun to rush to this ghost domain battlefield.

  It’s just that Liu Zhi never expected that the first person to rush here turned out to be the horror knight commander Ralf.

  He is a relatively noble hero under Yuji, and he has only 65 death knights under him.

  Of course, this hero's troops are considered full, and his combat power can be considered relatively strong. Before the formation of Liu Zhi Bone Dragon, he can be regarded as the strongest under Liu Zhi.

  Usually, he would not participate in such a battle. He did not expect that he would take the initiative to rush to the forefront this time.

  This made Liu Zhi also a little unexpected. He thought that the first one would be the Adariyat and the Minghua Danxi beasts above it.

  It now seems that sometimes the speed of the death knight will surpass the flying troops.

   smiled, Ryuji noticed that the horror knight commander Ralph was walking in a straight line with the team, rushing towards the palace of extreme cold.

  Yagiji was taken aback for a moment, he didn't quite understand what the horror knight commander Ralph wanted to do.

  At this moment, Liu Zhi's other troops also rushed out of the ghost domain passage.

  With their participation, the last chance for the Murloc to resist is gone.

  Yagiji watched the flags of his heroes appear in various places on the island little by little, and watched the signs of the enemy on the sand table disappear little by little.

  He knew that the crisis brought about by the murloc attack had been resolved. At this time, Liu Zhi began to think about the problems that had arisen in this chaos.

There is no one to manage the Legion-level heroes in a unified manner, and no one to command the spider forces. It is clear that such a large island has enough forces, but it was easily broken by the Murloc. If it weren't for him to come back, one day would be enough. Murlocs regained the island.

  This situation is like a slap in the face of Liu Zhi, destroying Liu Zhi's confidence, and making him have to pay attention to the murloc's mind again.

  (End of this chapter)

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